
Version 1 (vl, 10/16/2009 12:24 pm)

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h1. App
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Create Ryzom application that will be available out the game (with the browser) and in game.
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h2. PHP Interface
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h3. @ryzom_app_authenticate()@
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Check if the user is a valid one. If it's ok, the function setup globally these variables:
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* *$ig*: true if the user is in the game. false if the user is out of the game (browser)
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* *$user*: an array that contains information of the user (lang, cid, shard, shardid, name)
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h3. @ryzom_app_render($title, $content)@
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Render the $content depending of if the user is in game or out game.
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h3. @ryzom_relative_time($timestamp)@
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Return a human and translated readable time, for example "3 days ago".
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h3. @ryzom_get_param($var)@
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Always use this function to get param because in game, the param can be pass by _GET or by _POST