
Version 2 (nimetu, 12/19/2013 08:09 am)

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h1. App
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Authenticate user coming from AppZone.
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h2. PHP Interface
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h3. @ryzom_app_authenticate($user)@
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This functions parses and verifies AppZone @$user@ and @$checksum@ url parameters.
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PHP session should be started before calling this function.
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User info is kept in @$_SESSION['app.user']@ variable.
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h3. Constants that should be defined:
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* *RYAPI_AUTH_KEY* secret key from AppZone
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  if empty, then user info is not verified.
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* *RYAPI_APP_URL*  app url from AppZone
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  if empty, then automatic best guess url is tried
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  if false, then app url is not verified
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* *RYAPI_APP_MAXAGE* max age in seconds for AppZone url to be valid
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  if 0, then timestamp is not verified