
Version 16 (nimetu, 12/18/2013 01:47 pm)

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h1. Character
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Access character information.
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h2. Base URL
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h2. URL Parameters
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h3. @apikey@
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Character [[API key]].
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h2. Cache Duration
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*<character>* xml element has attributes *created* and *cached_until* (utc timestamp)
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h2. PHP Interface
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h3. @ryzom_character_api($apikey)@
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@$apikey@ can be either string (single key) or array of strings.
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On success, function returns associative array of *SimpleXMLElement* with @$apikey@ as array index.
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On failure, function returns boolean *false*.
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h2. XML structure
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API is able to return information about multiple characters at once and so each *<character>* element is child of *<ryzomapi>* root element
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<character apikey="key1" created="1387369332" modules="C01:P01" cached_until="1387369632">
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<character apikey="key2" created="1387369332" modules="P01" cached_until="1387369632">
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h3. Invalid key error
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When provided key is invalid, then xml contains *<error>* element with *code* attribute.
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@<character apikey="key1" created="1387369873">
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<error code="404">invalid key</error>
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Possible error codes are listed on [[API error codes]].