
Version 1 (vl, 04/24/2009 03:19 pm)

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h1. ItemIcon
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h2. Base URL
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h2. URL Parameters
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h3. @sheetid@
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It's the id of an item that you can find in the [[Character]] xml file. For example, @iczahp_3.sitem@ is a valid @sheetid@ (example:"").
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h3. @c@ (optional)
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The color of the item. It's a value between 0 and 7 (example:"").
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h3. @q@ (optional)
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The quality of the item (example:"").
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h3. @s@ (optional)
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Default is 1.
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The size of the stack (example:"").
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h3. @sap@ (optional)
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Default is 0.
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The number of sap of the item.
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* 0: No sap icon (example:"").
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* 1: sap icon with no number (example:"").
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* 2: sap icon with number 1 (example:"").
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* 3: sap icon with number 2 (example:"").
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h3. @destroyed@ (optional)
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Default is @0@.
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* @0@: nothing special (example:"").
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* @1@: display the item as if it was destroyed (with a red cross) (example:"").
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h2. Cache Duration
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It's cached for ever. Since the icon is unique and never change. For a specific icon, it'll always return the same image.
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h2. PHP Interface
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h3. @ryzom_item_icon_image($sheetid, $c=-1, $q=-1, $s=-1, $sap=-1, $destroyed=false)@
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Returns a string that contains the html code to display a item icon.
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h3. @ryzom_item_icon_url($sheetid, $c=-1, $q=-1, $s=-1, $sap=-1, $destroyed=false)@
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Returns a string that contains the url to display a item icon.
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h3. @ryzom_item_icon_image_from_simplexml($item, $add_text='')@
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* @$item@ is a "simplexml": object that contains the item.
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* @add_text@ is an additional text you want to add in tooltip.
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Returns a string that contains the html code to display a item icon depending of the content of @$item@.
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h3. @ryzom_item_icon($sheetid, $c, $q, $s, $sap, $destroyed)@
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Returns the image *data* of the item icon. You should never use it except if you want to use the image to combine with another image for example.
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h2. Real Examples
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If you have a website that use this Ryzom API, tell it in the forum and we'll add it.