Version 13 (ChrisNewman, 09/14/2010 07:22 pm) → Version 14/18 (ChrisNewman, 09/14/2010 07:32 pm)
h1. Anatomy Of A Tree
h3. 1. JU_S3_Bush_tree_X
This is the low level mesh that the tree will fade to as the distance of the camera expands.
The picture is just a simple front and side camera render and the naked eye will not be able to tell the difference @ runtime.
It is attached to the JU_S3_Bush_tree's "LOD" node in its "Node Property's" window.
h3. 2. PACS Cyl01
This is the collision mesh.
> Note> Clusterize is checked under its node property's.
h3. 3. JU_S3_Bush_tree
This is the main mesh.
The mesh is weight painted using the NeL_Tree_Painter plugin for MAX, Darker color is harder and lighter color gradient is more "Bendable".
You can adjust its wind property's under its "VertexProgram" tab in its Node.
You can test and view the wind in the Object Viewer plugin for max, Also you can export it as a .shape and view it using OVQT.
h3. 4. BushtreeDummy
I don't know what the hell this does, but add it anyway.
> Note> Clusterize is checked under its node property's.
h3. 5. BushtreeDummyX
This too.
h3. 1. JU_S3_Bush_tree_X
This is the low level mesh that the tree will fade to as the distance of the camera expands.
The picture is just a simple front and side camera render and the naked eye will not be able to tell the difference @ runtime.
It is attached to the JU_S3_Bush_tree's "LOD" node in its "Node Property's" window.
h3. 2. PACS Cyl01
This is the collision mesh.
> Note> Clusterize is checked under its node property's.
h3. 3. JU_S3_Bush_tree
This is the main mesh.
The mesh is weight painted using the NeL_Tree_Painter plugin for MAX, Darker color is harder and lighter color gradient is more "Bendable".
You can adjust its wind property's under its "VertexProgram" tab in its Node.
You can test and view the wind in the Object Viewer plugin for max, Also you can export it as a .shape and view it using OVQT.
h3. 4. BushtreeDummy
I don't know what the hell this does, but add it anyway.
> Note> Clusterize is checked under its node property's.
h3. 5. BushtreeDummyX
This too.