
Version 1 (Botanic, 01/22/2012 10:04 pm)

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h1. CreatingNewContinent
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Adding a new continent:
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You need:
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- a name, I used "crater"
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You will make:
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- a .land file (continent map)
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- .primitives (zones & ai)
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How to add:
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- Create pipeline configuration files under R:\code\ryzom\tools\build_gamedata\workspace\continents\crater
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- Add [1] to R:\code\ryzom\tools\build_gamedata\workspace\
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- Run " -ipj continents/crater"
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- Create L:\leveldesign\World\crater\crater.continent
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- Add the continent to L:\leveldesign\World\
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- Run leveldesign_dev.bat pipeline script
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- Use World Editor, make a new land, save as crater.worldedit and under W:\database\landscape\ligo\rocky
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- In the land file, the x and y lines need to be changed to a block where your landscape will be, I don't know where to do this in the we ui, so I did it manually in the file, and reopen.
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- Place the necesarry ligo blocks in zone mode
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- Create a region primitive L:\primitives\crater\region_crater.primitive
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- Draw the continent border
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- Draw the region borders
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- Add the primitive to L:\primitives\file_index.cfg and primitives.cfg
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- Add [2] to entities_game_service.cfg
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- Add [3] to used_continents.cfg
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- Add the continent to R:\code\ryzom\common\src\game_share\continent.h&cpp (needs to be exactly same order and count as!)
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- Compile & send stuff to your server and compile there too
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- Run the export, build, and install scripts for continents/crater, and run data shard script too, and dev client
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- Sync the built shard data (collisions etc) to your shard (you can use 8_upload)
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- Set up an ai service for the crater continent (have not tried that)
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- Run everything
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    ProjectsToProcess += [ "continents/crater" ]
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        "crater", "22",