
Version 4 (sfb, 03/17/2010 01:29 pm) → Version 5/63 (sfb, 03/17/2010 01:30 pm)

h1. Welcome to Ryzom

Welcome to the home of the Ryzom open source project!

h2. About Ryzom

The open source Ryzom project is an ambitious endeavor. Please take a look at our "Ryzom Project Plan":http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/roadmap to see our high level goals.

h2. Ryzom Open Source FAQs

For questions about why Ryzom decided open source its code, concerns about the impact of open source and questions about the direction of the project please see the [[OpenSourceFAQ|Ryzom Open Source FAQ]].

If you're a developer interested in Ryzom please check out our [[DeveloperFAQ|Ryzom Developer FAQ]]

h2. Getting Started

Check out our manual on [[Mercurial|getting the Ryzom source]] for instructions on how to download the source code. After getting the source code you will want to check out [[BuildForLinux|Linux]] or [[BuildForWindows|Windows]] instructions on how to build the source code.

h3. Ryzom Open Media Assets

Please check out the "Ryzom Asset Browser":http://data.ryzom.com/ Browser":http://www.ryzom.com/ass/