
Version 60 (sfb, 12/18/2012 02:52 pm) → Version 61/63 (vl, 05/23/2013 05:31 pm)


*Ryzom Core* is the open-source project related to "*Ryzom Game*":http://www.ryzom.com. Written in C++, Ryzom Core contains the whole code (client, server, tools) used to make the commercial "MMORPG Ryzom":http://www.ryzom.com. Ryzom Core is a toolkit for the development of *massively multiplayer online universes*. It provides the base technologies and a set of development methodologies for the development of both client and server code.


h1. This site is deprecated. Now, go to: http://www.ryzomcore.org


h1. Important Update

The entire 'dev.ryzom.com' website will be phased out in the coming months. The site has been put into read-only mode for non-developers and the content is in the process of being moved. Our new home will be: www.ryzomcore.org - which you may recognize as what used to be the developers blog. We have moved the source code to BitBucket already and merged the SF.net repository over, it will be left in place for history for some time. In addition to hosting source our issues will be hosted in BitBucket for the time being. We have an OnDemand license for JIRA but have decided not to use it for the time being. For forums and discussions we will be using Google Communities. Here's a recap of the new sites we will be using:

* "Home Page":http://www.ryzomcore.org
* "Documentation":https://ryzomcore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RC/Ryzom+Core+Home
* "Issues":https://bitbucket.org/ryzom/ryzomcore/issues?status=new&status=open
* "Source Code":https://bitbucket.org/ryzom/ryzomcore
* "Discussion":https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/103798956862568269036

Moving all of the wiki content will be a slow process and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Ryzom Core is *open source* and released under the terms of the "GNU Affero General Public License 3.0":http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html (GNU/AGPLv3) for the *source code* and the "Creative Commons Attributions-ShareAlike 3.0":http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ (CC-BY-SA) for the *art assets*. Which means you can create your own game using Ryzom Core, for more information on doing so check out [[Creating_Your_Own_Game_Using_Ryzom_Core|Creating Your Own Game Using Ryzom Core]].

h2. Overview

* Adaptive 3D engine
* Supports large open terrains and detailed interiors
* Fully skinnable user interface
* Highly optimized and proven cloud-based networking architecture
* Efficient client/server communication based on UDP
* Cross-platform
* Multilanguage support with Unicode
* Adaptive sound engine
* Full suite of tools to create a complete commercial MMORPG

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[[RyzomFeatures|Read more about Ryzom Core features...]]

h2. Ryzom Core FAQs

For questions about why Ryzom decided to open-source its code, concerns about the impact of open source and questions about the direction of the project please see the [[OpenSourceFAQ|Ryzom Open Source FAQ]].

If you're a developer interested in Ryzom please check out our [[DevelopersFAQ|Ryzom Developer FAQ]]

h2. Open Shard

If you want to test Ryzom Core, we have set up a shard where you can connect and see a basic version of Ryzom Core. [[OpenShard|More information...]]

h2. Getting Started

* [[Contact the community]]
* Check out our manual on [[Getting Source|getting the Ryzom source]] for instructions on how to download the source code. After getting the source code you will want to check out [[BuildForLinux|GNU/Linux]] or [[BuildForWindowsCmake|Windows]] instructions on how to build the source code.

h3. Ryzom Open Media Assets

Please check out the "Ryzom Asset Repository":http://media.ryzom.com/.

h2. Documentation

You can read the *[[Guide|Ryzom Core guide]]* (work in progress).

Other resources:

* [[OpenSourceFAQ|Ryzom Open Source FAQ]]
* [[DevelopersFAQ|Ryzom Developer FAQ]]
* "Roadmap":http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/roadmap
* [[HowTos]]
* [[Licensing|Ryzom Licenses]]
* [[CodingStandards]]
* "Browse Ryzom Source Code on Bitbucket":https://bitbucket.org/ryzom/ryzomcore

h2. Ways to Contribute

* [[HELP US]]
* [[Contact the community]]