RebuildingTheNewbieLandWith TheBuildPipeline

Version 3 (ChrisNewman, 09/09/2010 09:33 am)

1 3 ChrisNewman
h1. Rebuilding The NewbieLand With The Build_Pipeline (WIP)status = Test successful, Writing docs.
2 3 ChrisNewman
3 3 ChrisNewman
h2. About
4 3 ChrisNewman
5 3 ChrisNewman
In this tutorial we are going to rebuild the "NewbieLand", but not just rebuild it.
6 3 ChrisNewman
We are going to "paint" the bricks and textures our own way.
7 3 ChrisNewman
This should be a great "CRASH COURSE" in level building in ryzom core if you are new to the project. 
8 3 ChrisNewman
9 3 ChrisNewman
h2. Pre Constraints
10 3 ChrisNewman
11 3 ChrisNewman
This tutorial assumes the following.....
12 3 ChrisNewman
13 3 ChrisNewman
1. You are using mercurial change set 686.
14 3 ChrisNewman
2. You have cloned the mercurial repository to C:\ryzom. (
15 3 ChrisNewman
3. You have downloaded the asset repository to C:\database. (
16 3 ChrisNewman
4. You have downloaded the client to C:\ryzom_client. (
17 3 ChrisNewman
5. You have compiled all sources and can run and connect to your own server. (
18 3 ChrisNewman
6. You have compiled,installed and loaded the NeL plugins for 3DSMAX. (
19 3 ChrisNewman
7. You have installed python 2.6.6. (
20 3 ChrisNewman
8. You have converted the ryzom_assets database. (
21 3 ChrisNewman
9. You have downloaded the ryzom_assets_newbieland and merged it into C:\database. (