
Version 4 (molator, 02/16/2011 04:41 pm)

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h1. Virtual Machine Ubuntu Core Server
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h2. What you need
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h3. Ubuntu basic knowledge
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You might need Ubuntu basic knowledge to adapt the Virtual Machine to your needs.
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h3. VirtualBox
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> http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
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h3. The Virtual Machine
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It's an english Ubuntu Server LTS 10.04 based Virtual Machine.
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> http://ks35074.kimsufi.com:8080/ryzom_core_server.7z
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h2. Settings
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h3. Memory
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You will need about 1.5Gb of memory (RAM + swap).
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By default, the Virtual Machine is using a 1Gb swap file, so you will need to declare at least 512Mb of RAM in VirtualBox.
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If you want to remove or change the swap file, follow that wiki:
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> http://dev.ryzom.com/wiki/ryzom/MemoryToBuildLinuxServer
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h3. Logon
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You can log on the Virtual Machine using:
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> user: ryzom
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> password: ryzom
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If you need root access, use "sudo".
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h3. Networking
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By default, the Virtual Machine is using the following static ip:
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and DNS
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You can connect on the Virtual Machine using "ssh" and "sftp".
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If you want to change the ip and gateway, edit:
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> /etc/network/interface
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If you want to change the DNS, edit:
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> /etc/resolv.conf
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But don't forget to update FSHost in:
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> /home/ryzom/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/frontend_service.cfg
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h3. MySQL
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You can access to the MySQL server using:
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> user: root
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> password: ryzom
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You can use PHPMyAdmin too:
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with the default ip.
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h2. Running the shard
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To run the shard, connect to Virtual Machine using the "ryzom" account, and use the following command:
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> shard start
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To stop the shard:
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> shard stop
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Ignore the various warnings.
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You can monitor your shard using the webtool:
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with the default ip.
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h2. Connecting a client
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If don't have a client, use that one:
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> https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B3LX3q7MsUEGN2UwMGY3MjAtYzlmZS00Yjg4LTljYTgtNDA3MmFiNWQ1Nzg5
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Edit client.cfg to match your server ip:
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> StartupHost          = "";
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with the default ip.
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That's all folks!!!