
Version 33 (molator, 05/25/2011 12:34 am) → Version 34/40 (molator, 05/25/2011 12:36 am)

h1. Ryzom Core Server on Ubuntu Virtual Machine


h2. What you need

h3. Ubuntu basic knowledge

You might need Ubuntu basic knowledge to adapt the Virtual Machine to your needs.

h3. VirtualBox

> http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

h3. The Virtual Machine

It's an english Ubuntu Server LTS 10.04 x86 based Virtual Machine.
> http://ks35074.kimsufi.com:8080/server_virtualbox-

The file is compressed, you will need about 3.34Gb.

h2. Settings

h3. VirtualBox

Click on New to create your Virtual Machine.
The next time, you will click on Start instead.


Name your Virtual Machine, select "Linux" and "Ubuntu".


You will need about 1.5Gb of memory (RAM + swap).

By default, the Virtual Machine is using a 1Gb swap file, so you will need to declare at least 512Mb of RAM in VirtualBox.
If you want to remove or change the swap file, follow that wiki:
> http://dev.ryzom.com/wiki/ryzom/MemoryToBuildLinuxServer


Select the file you previously downloaded, ryzom_core_server.vdi.


Validate your Virtual Machine and click on "Settings" to change the network settings.
For "Adapter 1", select Attached to "Bridged Adapter".

Select your ethernet adapter.

Click on "Advanced" to display the advanced settings.
Set the "Mac Address" to:
> 080027018C16


If you don't specify the Mac Address, the Virtual Machine will detect a new network adapter and ignore the network settings.

h3. Logon

You can log on the Virtual Machine using:
> user: ryzom

> password: ryzom


If you need root access, use "sudo".

h3. Networking

By default, the Virtual Machine is using the following static ip:


and DNS

You can connect on the Virtual Machine using "ssh" and "sftp".

If you want to change the ip and gateway, edit:
> /etc/network/interfaces

If you want to change the DNS, edit:
> /etc/resolv.conf

But don't forget to update FSHost in:
> /home/ryzom/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/frontend_service.cfg

You can use "vi" or "nano" to edit the settings.

If your network adapter is not recognized, recognized at all,
delete the following file:
> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

and restart the Virtual Machine.

h3. MySQL

You can access to the MySQL server using:
> user: root

> password: ryzom

You can use PHPMyAdmin too:

with the default ip.

h2. Running the shard

To run the shard, connect to the Virtual Machine using the "ryzom" account, and use the following command:
> shard start


Ignore the various warnings.

To stop the shard:
> shard stop

To forcefully stop the Virtual Machine, click on the "Machine" menu and "Close".


Then "Power off the machine".


You can monitor your shard using the webtool:

with the default ip.


h2. Connecting a client

If you don't have a client, use that one (windows):
> https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B3LX3q7MsUEGOTJkZjM2YzMtZjRjNy00NDEyLTk4ODQtYmVkN2YwNTJmNGFl

Edit client.cfg to match your server ip:
> StartupHost = "";

with the default ip.

That's all folks!!!