
Version 9 (molator, 08/15/2011 04:46 pm)

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h1. Standalone Ryzom Core Server on Windows
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That Standalone Server is experimental.
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h2. What you need
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The Standalone Ryzom Core Server
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Uncompress and place the folder "ryzom_core_server" in c:\
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If you want to move the Server elsewhere see "Additional Settings".
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The Standalone Server includes:
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* a Web Server (Server2Go)
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* a MySQL Server (Server2Go)
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* a Shard
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h2. Running the shard
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To run the Shard, use the following batch:
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> shard_start.bat
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The batch will start the Web Server, the MySQL Server, the Shard and open the Monitoring Tool with the default browser.
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To stop the Shard, use the following batch:
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> shard_stop.bat
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The batch will stop the Web Server, the MySQL Server, the Shard and close the Monitoring Tool.
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h2. Connecting a client
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If you don't have a client, use that one:
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h2. Additional Settings
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h3. Moving the Server
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By default, the Standalone Server will only work if you place it in c:\
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If you want to move it, edit the following files to match your path :
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> c:\ryzom_core_server\server\Apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf
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> c:\ryzom_core_server\ryzom\tools\server\admin\config.php
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h3. Changing the ports
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By default, the Web Server is using the port 80 and the MySQL server the port 3306.
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If you want to change it, edit:
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> c:\ryzom_core_server\pms_config.ini
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and update the ports:
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> Port=80
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> MySQLPort=3306
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If you changed the Web Server port, you will have to update the Virtual Host Config for the Monitoring Tool:
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> c:\ryzom_core_server\server\Apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf
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That's all folks!!!