Function to retrieve readable item name ?

Added by Nepherkaan about 9 years ago

It would be great not to have to handle all the names (and translation) of the item into our tools.
Is this something already existing (that i miss) ?
If not, is it possible to have a item_description?id=icfja_2.sitem&lang=fr&e=f or something similar that would return a string ?

id : *.sitem
lang : en/de/fr
e : energy A to F.

Edit : or, maybe simpler, having an indexfile containing all the translation that we could cache on our side, asking this information once a week for example to avoid useless server loads.
It could be a (huge) xml file :
<item id="icfja_2.sitem">

Replies (1)

RE: Function to retrieve readable item name ? - Added by Nepherkaan about 9 years ago

Found a related subject and a solution here :
It would be nice if it was inside the API!
