IRC Log for backing up all the wisdom floating by
Added by rti about 8 years ago
I recently came across a site called
It logs IRC channels and lets you search conversations.
Since lots of questions are asked frequently in IRC, maybe it's an option to log #ryzom too?
The page says:Please have your channel administrators give me permission by emailing
What do you think?
Replies (4)
RE: IRC Log for backing up all the wisdom floating by
Added by aquiles about 8 years ago
I like that idea! Saves me from keeping my pc on all night :)
RE: IRC Log for backing up all the wisdom floating by
Added by vl about 8 years ago
I asked them if they want to add #ryzom
RE: IRC Log for backing up all the wisdom floating by
Added by vl about 8 years ago
now we need questions and answers