Image resizing in the wiki

Added by aquiles about 8 years ago


while editing a wiki page i wanted to add a image. As redmine guide states it should be possible to size the images with:


Unfortunately, this is disabled since verison 0.8 or so (see

In the same issue one solution is mentioned:

after update to Redmine 0.8.0 picture resize doesn't mork anymore
Just comment (or remove) in wiki_formatting\textile\formatter.rb line:

self.filter_styles = true

Be aware that this "hack" can make Redmine vulnerable to XSS-attacks. See for the whole story.

Another solution proposed in the same issue is a plugin by someone of the users (
See the readme of the plugin here (

I know theres a lot of more important stuff to do at the moment but it would be really nice to have a image resizing or even thumbnailing feature in the wiki. Perhaps you can consider one of the solutions?
