Ryzom sera présent à Solutions Linux à Paris et vous?

Added by vl over 7 years ago

Ryzom aura un stand à Solutions Linux à Paris



PS: It's a french message because it's for a french conversion in Paris :)

Replies (1)

RE: Ryzom sera présent à Solutions Linux à Paris et vous? - Added by ragnar-gd over 7 years ago

vl wrote:

Ryzom aura un stand à Solutions Linux à Paris



PS: It's a french message because it's for a french conversion in Paris :)

I'd be interested, but this is Tue/Wed/Thu, in the middle of the week, which would require a day off, even for french "ryzomists".
I took part in some "linux-days" in germany, which were the same kind of event.
Let me say it this way, to sum up my experience: It would be an option to meet, but not much more... :)

ragnar g.d.
