CMake Questions.

Added by TomH about 8 years ago

I tried CMake to build the source and i'm getting this messages:

root@server1 [~]# cd $RYHOME/nel/build
root@server1 [/home/source/ryzom/code/nel/build]# cmake -DWITH_TESTS:BOOL=OFF ..
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
-- The C compiler identification is GNU
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Looking for include files CMAKE_HAVE_PTHREAD_H
-- Looking for include files CMAKE_HAVE_PTHREAD_H - found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- checking for module 'libxml-2.0'
--   found libxml-2.0, version 2.6.23
-- Found LibXml2: /usr/lib/
-- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib/
-- Found PNG: /usr/lib/
-- Found Jpeg: /usr/lib/
-- Found FreeType: /usr/lib/
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib/
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib/ - found
-- Looking for gethostbyname
-- Looking for gethostbyname - found
-- Looking for connect
-- Looking for connect - found
-- Looking for remove
-- Looking for remove - found
-- Looking for shmat
-- Looking for shmat - found
-- Found X11: /usr/lib/
-- Warning: Unable to find XF86VidMode!
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
   used as include directory in directory /home/source/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal
    linked by target "nel_drv_openal" in directory /home/source/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

What can I be missing?

Replies (12)

RE: CMake Questions. - Added by kervala about 8 years ago

Unable to find XF86VidMode

You should follow this tutorial :)

RE: CMake Questions. - Added by TomH about 8 years ago

I already did and installed all the dependencies listen in there.

All says Already Install and Up to Date when I run yum install ___.

Can you please tell me specifically what I'm missing here?

What step?

Thanks :)

RE: CMake Questions. - Added by rti about 8 years ago

Furthermore it says "NOTFOUND [...] OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR".
Looks like openal is not installed on your system.

RE: CMake Questions. - Added by TomH about 8 years ago

This is what I see when I install Openal:

root@server1 [/home/source/ryzom/code/nel/build]# yum install openal            
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * addons:
 * base:
 * extras:
 * rpmforge:
 * updates:
Excluding Packages in global exclude list
Setting up Install Process
Package openal-0.0.8-2.el5.rf.i386 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

RE: CMake Questions. - Added by kervala about 8 years ago

You have to install development packages, those which provides *.h files.

Edit: ok you're not using Debian or Ubuntu

RE: CMake Questions. - Added by TomH about 8 years ago

No I'm using CentOS.

I had to google all the dependencies to run them on CentOS.

Still can't run it.

RE: CMake Questions. - Added by TomH about 8 years ago

Already did

yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -y

I will try and see if I can compile now.

Still getting the same error

root@server1 [~]# cd $RYHOME/nel/build
root@server1 [/home/source/ryzom/code/nel/build]# cmake -DWITH_TESTS:BOOL=OFF ..
-- Warning: Unable to find XF86VidMode!
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
   used as include directory in directory /home/source/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal
    linked by target "nel_drv_openal" in directory /home/source/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

RE: CMake Questions. - Added by kervala about 8 years ago

Please could you update for CentOS ? Thanks :)

It seems like you're the first to use "yum" :)

RE: CMake Questions. - Added by TomH about 8 years ago

I'm not the first one to use yum.

But sure I will :P

RE: CMake Questions. - Added by kervala about 8 years ago

You should type this :

yum install openal-soft-devel

RE: CMake Questions. - Added by TomH about 8 years ago

Doesn't exist :P

root@server1 [~]# yum install openal-soft-devel
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * addons:
 * base:
 * extras:
 * rpmforge:
 * updates:
Excluding Packages in global exclude list
Setting up Install Process
No package openal-soft-devel available.
Nothing to do

Trying to find the correct one.

root@server1 [~]# rpm -q openal openal-devel openal-soft openal-soft-devel
package openal-devel is not installed
package openal-soft is not installed
package openal-soft-devel is not installed

RE: CMake Questions. - Added by TomH about 8 years ago

The solution was to type

yum install openal-devel

I will be editing the wiki in just a moment.

Error comes up at 78%

Building and installing the Nel library

[ 78%] Building CXX object src/3d/CMakeFiles/nel3d.dir/vegetable_def.cpp.o
[ 78%] Building CXX object src/3d/CMakeFiles/nel3d.dir/light_trav.cpp.o
Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 78%] Built target nel3d
make: *** [all] Error 2

Not sure where to find the log for this.
