I need your help <UnknownHost>

Added by benoit934 about 8 years ago

Hello i restarted the server for add MS at p48888 and i have this error

INF b73018d0 command.cpp 145 registerNamedCommandHandler <Unknown> : CCommandRegistry : adding commands handler for class 'CModuleManager'
INF b73018d0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'AdminExecutorService' factory
INF b73018d0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'AdminExecutorServiceClient' factory
INF b73018d0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'AdminService' factory
INF b73018d0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'LocalGateway' factory
INF b73018d0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'StandardGateway' factory
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AES : SERVICE: 'RunningDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/'
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AES : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/'
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AES : SERVICE: 'LogDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/'
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AES : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/'
DBG b73018d0 config_file.cpp 388 reparse AES : CF: Adding config file '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/admin_executor_service.cfg' in the config file
INF b73018d0 i18n.cpp 559 _readTextFile AES : Preprocess: In file /home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/admin_executor_service.cfg(3) : Including 'admin_executor_service_default.cfg'
INF b73018d0 i18n.cpp 559 _readTextFile AES : Preprocess: In file admin_executor_service_default.cfg(1) : Including 'common.cfg'
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AES : SERVICE: 'SaveFilesDirectory' changed to ''
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AES : SERVICE: 'WriteFilesDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/data_shard/'
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AES : SERVICE: 'RunningDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/'
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AES : SERVICE: 'LogDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/'
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 793 main AES : SERVICE: Unknown value for the WindowStyle (should be GTK, WIN or NONE), use no window displayer
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 845 main AES : SERVICE: Starting Service 'AES' using NeL (Jul 26 2010 22:13:05) compiled Jul 26 2010 22:42:38
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 846 main AES : SERVICE: On OS: Linux version 2.6.26-2-686 (Debian 2.6.26-24) (dannf@debian.org) (gcc version 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.2-25)) #1 SMP Mon Jun 21 05:58:44 UTC 2010
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 924 main <UnknownHost>/AES : SERVICE: Host: <UnknownHost>
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 941 main <UnknownHost>/AES : SERVICE: Setting alias name to: 'aes_open'
INF b73018d0 command.cpp 145 registerNamedCommandHandler <UnknownHost>/AES : CCommandRegistry : adding commands handler for class 'CUnifiedNetwork'
ERR b73018d0 <UnknownHost>/AES : NeL Exception in "AES": Socket error: Hostname resolution failed for serveur (0)

Log with no filter:

Log Starting [2010/07/27 11:12:31]
2010/07/27 11:12:31 <Unknown> INF b73018d0 command.cpp 145 : CCommandRegistry : adding commands handler for class 'CModuleManager'
2010/07/27 11:12:31 <Unknown> INF b73018d0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'AdminExecutorService' factory
2010/07/27 11:12:31 <Unknown> INF b73018d0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'AdminExecutorServiceClient' factory
2010/07/27 11:12:31 <Unknown> INF b73018d0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'AdminService' factory
2010/07/27 11:12:31 <Unknown> INF b73018d0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'LocalGateway' factory
2010/07/27 11:12:31 <Unknown> INF b73018d0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'StandardGateway' factory
2010/07/27 11:12:31 AES INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'RunningDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/'
2010/07/27 11:12:31 AES INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/'
2010/07/27 11:12:31 AES INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'LogDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/'
2010/07/27 11:12:31 AES INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/'
2010/07/27 11:12:31 AES DBG b73018d0 config_file.cpp 388 : CF: Adding config file '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/admin_executor_service.cfg' in the config file
2010/07/27 11:12:31 AES INF b73018d0 i18n.cpp 559 : Preprocess: In file /home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/admin_executor_service.cfg(3) : Including 'admin_executor_service_default.cfg'
2010/07/27 11:12:31 AES INF b73018d0 i18n.cpp 559 : Preprocess: In file admin_executor_service_default.cfg(1) : Including 'common.cfg'
2010/07/27 11:12:31 AES INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'SaveFilesDirectory' changed to ''
2010/07/27 11:12:31 AES INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'WriteFilesDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/data_shard/'
2010/07/27 11:12:31 AES INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'RunningDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/'
2010/07/27 11:12:31 AES INF b73018d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'LogDirectory' changed to '/home/nevrax/eden.cg1.fr/code/ryzom/server/'
2010/07/27 11:12:32 AES INF b73018d0 service.cpp 793 : SERVICE: Unknown value for the WindowStyle (should be GTK, WIN or NONE), use no window displayer
2010/07/27 11:12:32 AES INF b73018d0 service.cpp 845 : SERVICE: Starting Service 'AES' using NeL (Jul 26 2010 22:13:05) compiled Jul 26 2010 22:42:38
2010/07/27 11:12:32 AES INF b73018d0 service.cpp 846 : SERVICE: On OS: Linux version 2.6.26-2-686 (Debian 2.6.26-24) (dannf@debian.org) (gcc version 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.2-25)) #1 SMP Mon Jun 21 05:58:44 UTC 2010
2010/07/27 11:12:32 <UnknownHost>/AES INF b73018d0 service.cpp 924 : SERVICE: Host: <UnknownHost>
2010/07/27 11:12:32 <UnknownHost>/AES INF b73018d0 service.cpp 941 : SERVICE: Setting alias name to: 'aes_open'
2010/07/27 11:12:32 <UnknownHost>/AES INF b73018d0 command.cpp 145 : CCommandRegistry : adding commands handler for class 'CUnifiedNetwork'
2010/07/27 11:12:32 <UnknownHost>/AES ERR b73018d0 : NeL Exception in "AES": Socket error: Hostname resolution failed for serveur (0)
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 1516 main <UnknownHost>/AES : SERVICE: Service starts releasing
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 1561 main <UnknownHost>/AES : SERVICE: Service released successfully
INF b73018d0 command.cpp 178 unregisterNamedCommandHandler <UnknownHost>/AES : CCommandRegistry : removing commands handler for class 'CModuleManager'
INF b73018d0 <UnknownHost>/AES : HTIMER: =========================================================================
HTIMER: Bench cumuled results
HTIMER:        |      total |      local |       visits |  loc%/ glb% | sessn max |       min |       max |      mean
HTIMER: root   |      0.001 |      0.001 |            1 | 100.0/100.0 |     0.001 |     0.001 |     0.001 |     0.001
HTIMER: =========================================================================
HTIMER: Bench by execution path
HTIMER:       |      total |      local |       visits |  loc%/ glb% | sessn max |       min |       max |      mean
HTIMER: root  |      0.001 |      0.001 |            1 | 100.0/100.0 |     0.001 |     0.001 |     0.001 |     0.001
INF b73018d0 service.cpp 1592 main <UnknownHost>/AES : SERVICE: Service ends

Replies (2)

RE: I need your help <UnknownHost> - Added by vl about 8 years ago

Socket error: Hostname resolution failed for serveur (0)

You try to connect on a server called "serveur" but there's no ip related to this server name.

Try to ping "serveur" in a cmd and it should failed too.

RE: I need your help <UnknownHost> - Added by benoit934 about 8 years ago

"Hostname resolution failed for serveur"
Ok ! thank you i'm no see my hostname is serveur where i can find this variable please ?

PS: Serveur = Server it's difficult to see difference
