[HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by patodeborracha almost 8 years ago
sorry to open a new topic, but I think it is easier for others to read and look interested.
I'm not getting created .packed_sheets in client
my sheet_packer.cfg :
DataPath = { "../../common/data_leveldesign", "../../common/data_common", "../../client/data" };
LigoPrimitiveClass = "world_editor_classes.xml";
I'm running sheet_packer folder code/terraoca/client/data
the sheet_packer generates some files and error .. (Attached log)
Another doubt:
how do I make .packed_sheets of server/data_shard?
log.log (72.8 kB)
Replies (22)
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by molator almost 8 years ago
- For the client
You may have to update first sheet_id.bin with make_sheet_id:
make_sheet_id -ocode/ryzom/common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/Game_elem/sheet_id.bin code/ryzom/common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/Game_element code/ryzom/common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/Game_elem
Change the paths with your owns.
sheets_packer is using some static relative path.
So you must run it from the default folder:
The sheets will be generated into:
To test it with the client, copy sheet_id.bin and the .packed_sheets in the client folder:
- For the server
The server updates the .packed_sheets while starting.
You can delete all the existing .packed_sheets in:
to force the server to recompute it.
On linux, you may also have to delete all the existing .packed_sheets in:
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by patodeborracha almost 8 years ago
ty, friend! :)
I'll try and come back soon to post results ..
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by patodeborracha almost 8 years ago
error :(
attach my sheet_packer.log, sheet_id.txt.
from what I saw missing some. packed_sheet who do not know what it is .. or as I would to create them
In Server not create all *.packed_sheets
Error Run the Server
2010/08/25 13:15:28 WRN 1538 PatoC2Q8GRAM/AIS-133 file.cpp 265 NLMISC::CIFile::open : Failed to open file 'D:/TerraOca/code/terraoca/server/data_shard/ais_fight_config.packed_sheets', error 2 : No such file or directory
in various services :(
sheets_packer.log - Sheet_Packer.log (88.2 kB)
sheets.txt - sheet_id.txt
(12 kB)
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by molator almost 8 years ago
You will always have such errors in the case the .packed_sheets don't exist.
It comes from that:
2010/08/25 13:03:36 WRN 146c sheets_packer.exe cement_config.cpp 546 NLCEMENT::CCementConfig::errorMessage : Can't open the file for reading.
2010/08/25 13:03:36 WRN 146c sheets_packer.exe sheets_packer_init.cpp 99 init : Can't load primitive class file
2010/08/25 13:03:36 WRN 146c sheets_packer.exe sheet_id.cpp 93 NLMISC::CSheetId::CSheetId : SHEETID: The sheet 'talengine.world' is not in sheet_id.bin, setting it to Unknown
Didn't you create talengine.world.
Looks like the syntax of the file is wrong.
And sheets_packer seems to halt on it.
So check or remove your file.
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by patodeborracha almost 8 years ago
i rename the ryzom.world for talengine.world
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by molator almost 8 years ago
As said in the error, your file is unknown in sheet_id.bin
Did you update sheet_id.bin ?
talengine.world doesn't appear in sheets.txt
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by patodeborracha almost 8 years ago
yes, i use notepad++ and rename all ryzom, Ryzom and RYZOM for talengine, TalEngine, TALENGINE, or terraoca, TerraOca, TERRAOCA
and rename all .*ryzom.* files
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by molator almost 8 years ago
What for ?
You may have changed things, you should't have.
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by patodeborracha almost 8 years ago
but I'm not developing the game Ryzom, i develop my game :)
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by molator almost 8 years ago
Yeap but maybe to fast.
Don't change to much things before knowing that it's working.
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by patodeborracha almost 8 years ago
which could not function if i change all the words Ryzom of the code?
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by patodeborracha almost 8 years ago
this is not the only thing I did .. on Ryzom Core Original with this same error .. I delete sheet_id.bin create again, run the sheet_packer and error .. not find some files!
I am putting the files attached ..
sheets_packer.log - Sheets_Packer.loag (130.5 kB)
log.log - Sheets_Packer.loag (139 kB)
log.log - Make_Sheet_ID.log (55 kB)
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by molator almost 8 years ago
There's dependencies between the files.
You don't need to change the file names to create your own world.
Changing the description texts should be enough.
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by patodeborracha almost 8 years ago
friend, do not know if he understood, but the last post is of Ryzom Core ORIGINAL. No Change ... and this with the SAME error!
and on the dependencies ..
if it is really everything is opensource, so everything is in text mode, all the dependencies, classes, functions, everything! so if I use Notepad++ and change something in mass, would not anything with the old name ...
but even so, the error that we are dealing above, there is nothing to do with it, considering that the Ryzom Core Original this presentation the same mistakes
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by patodeborracha almost 8 years ago
I Deleting All Sheets
del D:\Ryzom\code\ryzom\client\data\*.packed_sheets
del D:\Ryzom\code\ryzom\client\data\*.packed_sheets
del D:\Ryzom\code\ryzom\common\data_leveldesign\leveldesign\Game_elem\sheet_id.bin
del D:\Ryzom\code\ryzom\common\data_leveldesign\leveldesign\Game_elem\sheet_id.txt
del D:\Ryzom\code\ryzom\server\data_shard\*.packed_sheets
I Delete the line ExtensionsAllowed = { "sample_config" }; in Make_Sheet_ID.cfg
I Run the Make_Sheet_ID.bat in D:\Ryzom\code\nel\tools\misc\make_sheet_id folder, this contain it:
make_sheet_id_r -oD:/Ryzom/code/ryzom/common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/Game_elem/sheet_id.bin D:/Ryzom/code/ryzom/common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/game_element D:/Ryzom/code/ryzom/common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/Game_elem
and make_sheet_id create the sheet_id.bin and sheet_id.txt in D:\Ryzom\code\ryzom\common\data_leveldesign\leveldesign\Game_elem folder (in rar files)
The Sheest_Packer.cfg contain:
DataPath = { "../../common/data_leveldesign", "../../common/data_common", "../../client/data" };
LigoPrimitiveClass = "world_editor_classes.xml";
I Run the Sheets_Packer.exe it say Error... (I Include in rar files the Error and 2 logs.)
The Sheets_Packer make in sheets_packer folder an file named visual_slot.tab
In D:\Ryzom\code\ryzom\client\data folder the sheets_packer make 12 files *.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:14 10.726 creature.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:14 91 emot.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:14 3.693 item.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:14 163 mission_icon.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:14 9.996 race_stats.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:14 33.946 sbrick.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:14 93.418 sitem.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:14 6.348 skill_tree.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:14 1.862 sphrase.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:14 17.703 succes_chances_table.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:14 157 text_emotes.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:14 4.537 weather_setup.packed_sheets
I run the server to create the sheets of the server (data_shard folder) and it error too
in the data_shard folder it are create:
26/08/2010 01:24 6.087 ais.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:24 544 ais_action.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:24 171 ais_fight_config.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:24 955 ais_race_stats.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 158 egs_action_xp_factor.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 1.206 egs_aiactions.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 12.807 egs_creatures.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 83 egs_emot.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 154 egs_encyclo_album.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 186 egs_encyclo_thema.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 162.445 egs_items.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 2.292 egs_race_stats.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 37.271 egs_sbricks.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 6.340 egs_skill_tree.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 1.565 egs_sphrases.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 12.623 egs_starting_role.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 9.955 egs_success_chance_tables.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 149 egs_text_emotes.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 4.401 egs_weather_setup.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:25 7.650 egs_xptables.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:24 4.931 gpms.packed_sheets
26/08/2010 01:24 5.827 ios_sheets.packed_sheets
The Rar Files with the Error and Log´s: http://www.multiupload.com/TUDPDPHYFP .or. http://rapidshare.com/files/415187906/ryzomerror.rar
before being created new sheet_id.bin and *.packed_sheets the new Ryzom Core was working perfectly! After trying to create new sheets started to give error and nothing else goes
Help-Me Please :(
Grateful for the Attention!
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by kervala almost 8 years ago
Why can't you try to fix your errors yourself instead of complaining ?
You surely noticed it can't find "ryzom.world", don't you see why ? It's really easy...
Try to tweak folders in make_sheet_id_r.exe command line to be sure including all already defined sheets in sheet_id.bin
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by patodeborracha almost 8 years ago
I'm not complaining, I'm asking for help xD
Pasta de D:\Ryzom\code\ryzom\common\data_leveldesign\leveldesign\World
26/08/2010 04:58 <DIR> .
26/08/2010 04:58 <DIR> ..
22/08/2010 02:14 <DIR> Centrale
22/08/2010 02:14 <DIR> factions
22/08/2010 02:14 8.440 fame_tribes_threshold.txt
22/08/2010 02:14 <DIR> Lesfalaises(matis)
26/08/2010 04:58 0 lista.txt
22/08/2010 02:14 <DIR> newbieland
22/08/2010 02:14 1.286 ryzom.light_cycle
22/08/2010 02:14 775 ryzom.weather_function_params
22/08/2010 02:14 67.791 ryzom.world
22/08/2010 02:14 29.674 static_fame.txt
6 arquivo(s) 107.966 bytes
6 pasta(s) 143.043.796.992 bytes dispon¡veis
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by kervala almost 8 years ago
patodeborracha wrote:
and on the dependencies ..
if it is really everything is opensource, so everything is in text mode, all the dependencies, classes, functions, everything! so if I use Notepad++ and change something in mass, would not anything with the old name ...
but even so, the error that we are dealing above, there is nothing to do with it, considering that the Ryzom Core Original this presentation the same mistakes
This is complaining :)
There is "text" in .max files too and other binary files.
Not everything is open source, all C++/Lua code is open source and 3dsmax models, but not all Ryzom data.
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by patodeborracha almost 8 years ago
and how do I make my own data folder?
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by molator almost 8 years ago
Sorry, if my answer was a little harsh.
I would suggest you to delete code/ryzom/common and retake it from the repository.
Keep a backup of the default folder.
After that, you will change things as you did, but one by one, in order to follow the consequencies.
In your case, it may be difficult to point out where is the error.
Some stuff don't work too, because there are some static paths in the code.
Those paths will be removed in the futur.
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by sfb almost 8 years ago
patodeborracha wrote:
i rename the ryzom.world for talengine.world
I would like to take a moment to interject into this conversation a very bad mistake you are making right now. The domain talengine.com and talengine.com.br (seen above in your changes to the .world sheet) is registered to Claudio Valles Barcellos Junior, aka patodeborracha@live.com. Or in short, you. It only took a couple minutes and a brief IANAL review of Brazillian copyright law (specifically the change passed in 1999 that declares software as copyrightable and copyrights of foreign origin as respected) to see that you're experimenting with something that could get you in a heap of legal trouble.
Lets look at your licenses page. It appears as though you intend on figuring out how to use Ryzom Core, renaming it to TalEngine and then selling it as closed source software under a different license. This is not possible unless you have made some provision with Winch Gate to receive a release or a third party license agreement. Now I don't work for Winch Gate so I wouldn't know but I'll have to assume you haven't.
Now we're licensed under AGPLv3 which means that any of the Ryzom Core source code you "sell" must be freely available upon request. This very notion contradicts your intended sales plan of selling licenses or packages containing only portions of the engine. Additionally any changes you make to Ryzom Core, lets say to differentiate yourself and make your package more attractive for selling, must be released as open source software as well. In other words we can, and would, backport any improvements you make.
I think you really need to reconsider what you're up to here. Organizations like the SFLC take violations of these licenses very seriously.
RE: [HELP] Sheet_Packer
Added by patodeborracha almost 8 years ago
[16:55] <sfb> Hi RubberDuck_
[16:55] <RubberDuck_> hi sfb =)
[16:56] <RubberDuck_> sfb: you miss me?
[16:57] <sfb> Yes
[16:57] <RubberDuck_> xD
[16:57] <sfb> I posted a comment on the forum about talengine.com
[16:58] <sfb> dnk-88: I have a couple things...
[16:58] <sfb> dnk-88: As soon as ace is back I'd like to get you access to Hg
[16:58] <sfb> dnk-88: And then move it into the main repo
[16:59] <sfb> dnk-88: Then I think I may branch and move all of your stuff to a module
[16:59] <sfb> dnk-88: And make it so I can plugin functionality.
[16:59] <sfb> dnk-88: Internal architecture stuff.
[17:00] <RubberDuck_> sfb: you make serious accusations there
[17:01] <sfb> RubberDuck_: I do.
[17:01] <dnk-88> ok
[17:01] <RubberDuck_> is wrong
[17:01] <RubberDuck_> is very wrong, sfb
[17:02] <sfb> RubberDuck_: You provide no link to the AGPLv3 license, you don't adhere to Attribution on the site anywhere and you have no link or information about the source or copyright holders.
[17:02] <sfb> RubberDuck_: If I'm completely wrong please correct me and I will digress.
[17:03] <sfb> And more than likely apologize.
[17:03] <RubberDuck_> sfb: First, their software is opensource (glp) (free). Giving you all this! The TalEngine is a suite ... I'm not selling RyzomCore, i selling my work = Suite
[17:03] <RubberDuck_> RyzomCore is free
[17:03] <RubberDuck_> NeL is Free
[17:03] <RubberDuck_> i not sell it
[17:03] <RubberDuck_> i sell my suite
[17:03] <RubberDuck_> for interface interact with ryzom
[17:04] <RubberDuck_> "Visual Interface" for RyzomCore Noob Developers = I ;)
[17:04] <RubberDuck_> understand?
[17:05] Kattalunikes [~Marco@p5B0CA005.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ryzom
[17:05] <sfb> I understand but tread carefully - your "suite" cannot link in any way to any of our code unless you plan on also licensing it AGPLv3.
[17:05] <sfb> I'm certain no one has any problem with that, especially if your efforts result in backported improvements to NeL and Ryzom Core.
[17:06] Kattalunikes [~Marco@p5B0CA005.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Client Quit]
[17:06] <RubberDuck_> what codes?
[17:06] <RubberDuck_> the suite can tinker with. xml and other text files?
[17:07] <sfb> If you modify any Ryzom Core source code or you write any new tools which use this code you are obligated to license that code under AGPLv3 and distribute it freely.
[17:07] <sfb> Yes.
[17:07] <sfb> That's acceptable.
[17:07] <sfb> Damnit, how do I just browse the Ogitor Hg without cloning it?
[17:07] <RubberDuck_> and I can sell the suite?
[17:08] <sfb> As long as you're in compliance with the licenses of Ryzom Core and any of its dependent libraries.
[17:08] == Kattalunikes [~Marco@p5B0CA005.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ryzom
[17:09] <RubberDuck_> sfb: then, have been serious allegations that you did
[17:09] <RubberDuck_> and made it in public
[17:10] <sfb> RubberDuck_: I still they begged explanation.
[17:10] <sfb> I still feel...