Starting server on windows - small problem with cfg-files, bigger problem with services ... (solved)

Added by ragnar-gd over 7 years ago


when running (the corrected) shard_start, all services jump of, saying (roughly) "neither PATH\<service>.cfg nor PATH\<service>_default.cfg found".

Searching through the sourcecode, i find the default-files in .\code\ryzom\server

What did i do wrong? How to rectify this (best)? For the moment, i copied theses default-files to the dir in which shard_start.bat resides.

Are these cfg-files any good anyway? Most services drop out with exceptions thereafter (i still have to analyze what it is in detail) ... :-(
(everything on Win XP Pro 32 Bit, 2Gig RAM)

Replies (2)

RE: Starting server on windows - small problem with cfg-files, bigger problem with services ... - Added by molator over 7 years ago

It only means that the config files aren't next to the binaries or that you didn't run the batch from code/ryzom/server.

RE: Starting server on windows - small problem with cfg-files, bigger problem with services ... (solved) - Added by ragnar-gd over 7 years ago

I'm so dumb, dumb, dumb ...

SERVER RUNS! YAY! Thank you! :-)

(Now for connecting with my client... :-)
