Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04

Added by whild over 7 years ago

Any help in this matter is appreciated -

After following the linux installation and configuration instructions, I get the following:

Log with no filter:

Log Starting [2011/05/19 14:38:41]
2011/05/19 14:38:41 <Unknown> INF b770d6d0 command.cpp 145 : CCommandRegistry : adding commands handler for class 'CModuleManager'
2011/05/19 14:38:41 <Unknown> INF b770d6d0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'AdminExecutorService' factory
2011/05/19 14:38:41 <Unknown> INF b770d6d0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'AdminExecutorServiceClient' factory
2011/05/19 14:38:41 <Unknown> INF b770d6d0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'AdminService' factory
2011/05/19 14:38:41 <Unknown> INF b770d6d0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'LocalGateway' factory
2011/05/19 14:38:41 <Unknown> INF b770d6d0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'StandardGateway' factory
2011/05/19 14:38:41 AS INF b770d6d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/tiara/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
2011/05/19 14:38:41 AS INF b770d6d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'LogDirectory' changed to '/home/tiara/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
2011/05/19 14:38:41 AS INF b770d6d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/tiara/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
2011/05/19 14:38:41 AS DBG b770d6d0 config_file.cpp 392 : CF: Adding config file '/home/tiara/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/admin_service.cfg' in the config file
2011/05/19 14:38:41 AS INF b770d6d0 i18n.cpp 592 : Preprocess: In file /home/tiara/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/admin_service.cfg(8) : Including 'admin_service_default.cfg'
2011/05/19 14:38:41 AS INF b770d6d0 i18n.cpp 592 : Preprocess: In file admin_service_default.cfg(1) : Including 'common.cfg'
2011/05/19 14:38:41 AS INF b770d6d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'SaveFilesDirectory' changed to ''
2011/05/19 14:38:41 AS INF b770d6d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'WriteFilesDirectory' changed to '/home/tiara/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/data_shard/'
2011/05/19 14:38:41 AS INF b770d6d0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'LogDirectory' changed to '/home/tiara/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
2011/05/19 14:38:41 AS WRN b770d6d0 time_nl.cpp 193 : TTicks CTime::getPerformanceTime () is not implemented for your processor, returning 0
2011/05/19 14:38:42 AS AST b770d6d0 hierarchical_timer.h 132 : "_NumTicks != 0"
/home/tiara/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/scripts/linux/service_launcher.sh: line 102: 6095 Aborted (core dumped) $CTRL_CMDLINE
Press ENTER to relaunch

In the admin web interface, I see:

Can't connect to the callback server 'localhost:46700' (111: Connection refused)

Replies (23)

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by molator over 7 years ago

Set WITH_STATIC to ON and rebuild.

From the wiki:

NOTE: If you are building the server on 64-bit Linux you should use -DWITH_STATIC=ON for now.

It's related to a known issue:

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by whild over 7 years ago

Just to clarify:


is what was in my config line..

you are proposing:


I'll try that, and let you know how it goes..


RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by whild over 7 years ago

Following the instructions, and adding the cmake options:

make clean


make -j3

sudo make install

shard start

I get exactly the same thing.

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by koenigvonde over 7 years ago


I got the same problem after compiling! I tried with static on / off and with several howtos!
After "shard start" i got every time the same failure!

System Ubuntu Server 64Bit

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by molator over 7 years ago


Don't forget to clean the build before rebuilding.

Everything is related to (or not):

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by Naush over 7 years ago

Ok, I have a little idea how to produce this bug, but first let's check g++ options.
Can you give the results of the following commands :
  • uname -m
  • uname -a
  • make VERBOSE=1 # Just one g++/gcc line


RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by Naush over 7 years ago


rm ryzom/code/build/nel/src/misc/CMakeFiles/nelmisc.dir/time_nl.cpp.o
make VERBOSE=1

and should have some thing like that in your console
cd /opt/repository/ryzom/code/build/nel/src/misc && /usr/bin/c++   -Dnelmisc_EXPORTS [...snip...] /opt/repository/ryzom/code/nel/src/misc/time_nl.cpp


RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by koenigvonde over 7 years ago

Ok, got it ;)

cd /home/ryzom/code/build/nel/src/misc && /usr/bin/c++ -Dnelmisc_EXPORTS -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DFINAL_VERSION=1 -DUSE_JPEG -g -pipe -ftemplate-depth-48 -D_REENTRANT -Wall -ansi -W -Wpointer-arith -Wsign-compare -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-multichar -Wno-unused -fno-strict-aliasing -DNL_RELEASE -DNDEBUG -O6 -fPIC -I/home/ryzom/code/build -I/home/ryzom/code/nel/include -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/home/ryzom/code/nel/src/misc/config_file -include /home/ryzom/code/nel/src/misc/stdmisc.h -Winvalid-pch -o CMakeFiles/nelmisc.dir/time_nl.cpp.o -c /home/ryzom/code/nel/src/misc/time_nl.cpp

and now compile again ?

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by koenigvonde over 7 years ago


built with this howto :/

Press ENTER to launch program
cp: target `welcome_service_default.cfg' is not a directory
Launching ...

INF f13473a0 command.cpp 145 registerNamedCommandHandler <Unknown> : CCommandRegistry : adding commands handler for class 'CModuleManager'
INF f13473a0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'AdminExecutorService' factory
INF f13473a0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'AdminExecutorServiceClient' factory
INF f13473a0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'AdminService' factory
INF f13473a0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'LocalGateway' factory
INF f13473a0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'StandardGateway' factory
INF f13473a0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AS : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
INF f13473a0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AS : SERVICE: 'LogDirectory' changed to '/home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
INF f13473a0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AS : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
DBG f13473a0 config_file.cpp 392 reparse AS : CF: Adding config file '/home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/admin_service.cfg' in the config file
INF f13473a0 i18n.cpp 592 _readTextFile AS : Preprocess: In file /home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/admin_service.cfg(8) : Including 'admin_service_default.cfg'
INF f13473a0 i18n.cpp 592 _readTextFile AS : Preprocess: In file admin_service_default.cfg(1) : Including 'common.cfg'
INF f13473a0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AS : SERVICE: 'SaveFilesDirectory' changed to ''
INF f13473a0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AS : SERVICE: 'WriteFilesDirectory' changed to '/home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/data_shard/'
INF f13473a0 service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged AS : SERVICE: 'LogDirectory' changed to '/home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
WRN f13473a0 time_nl.cpp 193 getPerformanceTime AS : TTicks CTime::getPerformanceTime () is not implemented for your processor, returning 0
AST f13473a0 hierarchical_timer.h 132 getNumTicks AS : "_NumTicks != 0" 

Log with no filter:

Log Starting [2011/05/20 16:06:55]
2011/05/20 16:06:55 <Unknown> INF f13473a0 command.cpp 145 : CCommandRegistry : adding commands handler for class 'CModuleManager'
2011/05/20 16:06:55 <Unknown> INF f13473a0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'AdminExecutorService' factory
2011/05/20 16:06:55 <Unknown> INF f13473a0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'AdminExecutorServiceClient' factory
2011/05/20 16:06:55 <Unknown> INF f13473a0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'AdminService' factory
2011/05/20 16:06:55 <Unknown> INF f13473a0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'LocalGateway' factory
2011/05/20 16:06:55 <Unknown> INF f13473a0 module_manager.cpp 228 : Adding module 'StandardGateway' factory
2011/05/20 16:06:55 AS INF f13473a0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
2011/05/20 16:06:55 AS INF f13473a0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'LogDirectory' changed to '/home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
2011/05/20 16:06:55 AS INF f13473a0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
2011/05/20 16:06:55 AS DBG f13473a0 config_file.cpp 392 : CF: Adding config file '/home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/admin_service.cfg' in the config file
2011/05/20 16:06:55 AS INF f13473a0 i18n.cpp 592 : Preprocess: In file /home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/admin_service.cfg(8) : Including 'admin_service_default.cfg'
2011/05/20 16:06:55 AS INF f13473a0 i18n.cpp 592 : Preprocess: In file admin_service_default.cfg(1) : Including 'common.cfg'
2011/05/20 16:06:55 AS INF f13473a0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'SaveFilesDirectory' changed to ''
2011/05/20 16:06:55 AS INF f13473a0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'WriteFilesDirectory' changed to '/home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/data_shard/'
2011/05/20 16:06:55 AS INF f13473a0 service.cpp 252 : SERVICE: 'LogDirectory' changed to '/home/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
2011/05/20 16:06:55 AS WRN f13473a0 time_nl.cpp 193 : TTicks CTime::getPerformanceTime () is not implemented for your processor, returning 0
2011/05/20 16:06:56 AS AST f13473a0 hierarchical_timer.h 132 : "_NumTicks != 0" 
/home/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/scripts/linux/service_launcher.sh: line 102:  9312 Aborted                 (core dumped) $CTRL_CMDLINE
Press ENTER to relaunch

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by Naush over 7 years ago

Strange problem your OS is not UNIX, well I probably don't understand what's going wrong there, try this as a quick workaround :

Remove your CMakeCache.txt file (in /home/ryzom/code/build/CMakeCache.txt)

CXX='/usr/bin/c++ -DHAVE_X86_64' cmake ..

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by molator over 7 years ago

I will install an Ubuntu Server 11.04 x64.
The issue seems pretty different.

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by whild over 7 years ago

One thing I could not find anywhere: Does the shard rely on being x86_64? If so - this could be the problem for me. I'll reinstall a 64bit box and see where it takes me.
Updates to follow.

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by vx0 over 7 years ago

I'm getting the same error on two CentOS based system. I ran the same procedure on both 64 bit and 32 bit installs. I of course tried the 64bit work-arounds and followed the normal instructions on the 32bit install. Both of these were virtualized on Xen (Amazon EC2).

Is your Ubuntu system virtualized perhaps? I'm going to try 32bit on Debian under VMWare next.

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by koenigvonde over 7 years ago

Yes, it is a Virtual Server :(

Maybe i need a Rootserver ^^

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by Naush over 7 years ago

Well, I have just opened an issue #1297, i have not made any complete build so far.

for triggering the line :

TTicks CTime::getPerformanceTime () is not implemented for your processor, returning 0

you have two ways, be macosx based, or have -DHAVE_X86 or -DHAVE_X86_64 undefined, there is also another way to trigger this line, and yes it can be related to domU

you must ensure to have -DHAVE_X86(_64)? in your flags.cmake first ;)

./ryzom/server/src/mirror_service/CMakeFiles/ryzom_mirror_service.dir/flags.make:CXX_DEFINES = -DHAVE_X86 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DFINAL_VERSION=1

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by koenigvonde over 7 years ago

ok, let's have a try

but i think tomorrow ^^

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by whild over 7 years ago

Ok - So; installed Ubuntu 11.04 x86_64 server, followed the steps outlined in http://dev.ryzom.com/wiki/ryzom/EverythingServerUbuntu, and modified the steps by doing what was suggested in this thread:


The server is up and running. Thank you very much!

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by koenigvonde over 7 years ago

Hi@all ;)

may less RAM result in a Chaincrash? (1GB Ram and because of a Virtual Server, no swap)

Build with the given options has done well. but after starting the shard i got chaincrash of different services everytime i start the shard :(

thx for your help ^^

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by molator over 7 years ago

It takes about 1.5Gb RAM (linux + shard).

I'm running a Virtual Machine Ubuntu Core Server using 512Mb RAM and 1Gb Swap.

The easiest way is to define a swapfile when needed:

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by molator over 7 years ago

Kervala fixed the issue (the one described top of the post).

Update your source using:
hg pull & hg update

and rebuild.

RE: Unable to start the shard on Ubuntu 11.04 - Added by koenigvonde about 7 years ago


The share is up and running on Ubuntu 64 bit ^^
