snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
I changed Cmakelist.txt according to ,
and put client data from in \code\snowballs2\client\data.
Iused cmake to build snowballs project(Check WITH_SNOWBALLS) and met a problem:
Could not find module FindNeL.cmake or a configuration file for package NeL.
Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find FindNeL.cmake or set NeL_DIR to the
directory containing a CMake configuration file for NeL. The file will
have one of the following names:
I read tips from ,but I am not sure what I missed.
I am a little confused.
Can some one list concise and clear instructions.Thank you in advance.
snowballs__configure.txt - snowballs configure problems
(4.8 kB)
snowballs_check.png - snowballs cmake check (98.2 kB)
Replies (32)
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
QT Cmake configure problem:
I did as sfb said from Now I have Qt STLport library in C:\Qt\4.7.0 .
When I checked WITH_QT ,I got:
CMake Error at D:/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:91 (MESSAGE):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
D:/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:252 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
D:/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindQt4.cmake:1162 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
CMakeLists.txt:128 (FIND_PACKAGE)
Do any one have any ideas about this problem.Thanks.
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by molator about 7 years ago
Edit the system variable PATH and add:
c:\Qt\4.7.0\bin (or whatever)
Create a systeme variable QTLIB with the following value:
c:\Qt\4.7.0\lib (or whatever)
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
I changed Cmakelist.txt according to ,
and put client data from in \code\snowballs2\client\data.
Iused cmake to build snowballs project(Check WITH_SNOWBALLS) and met a problem:
CMake Error at snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:34 (FIND_PACKAGE):
Could not find module FindNeL.cmake or a configuration file for package NeL.
Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find FindNeL.cmake or set NeL_DIR to the
directory containing a CMake configuration file for NeL. The file will
have one of the following names:
I follow tips from,not knowing what I missed.Any suggestions ?thanks.
(4.8 kB)
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by molator about 7 years ago
You must check WITH_NEL and at least one video/sound driver.
Snowballs is using NeL.
For more details about cmake options:
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by sfb about 7 years ago
Revert your changes to the Hg repository (back out whatever changes you have made within the code/nelns and code/snowballs2 trees) and then pull down the latest changesets to default - I have fixed the inline build of Snowballs.
Also - Snowballs does not use the data from the Ryzom Core client platform. It has its own client data stored directly in the Hg repository at code/snowballs2/client/data.
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
Thanks,I am working on it.
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
sfb ,
I don't see any data in code/snowballs2/client . I don't have this folder code/snowballs2/client/data though I update code\snowballs2\client ,if that is what you mean .
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by sfb about 7 years ago
So you're correct. I don't know why I thought that data was in Hg for Snowballs. The WindowsBinaries link to Snowballs data from Kaetemi is correct.
Thank you!
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
Cmake configuration and generation are OK now after I reverted code/nelns and code/snowballs2 trees . Checks are as follow .But I don't get anything from compilation,so I am wondering whether reverting code has something to do with that.But I just changed Cmakelist.txt according to and nothing else is changed.
ryzom\code\build\snowballs2\CMakeFiles is empty,though cmake configuration and generation are OK.
It 's odd that I saw a popup from double click RyzomCore.sln like follow:
snowballs_check_2.png - configuration check (100.4 kB)
compilation_problem1.png - a popup (234.5 kB)
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
So I should not revert the changes ?It is all right ,I can changed it back .
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by molator about 7 years ago
You've got to check WITH_NELNS and WITH_QT for the snowballs multiplayer.
The files will be in code/build/bin or whatever you chose.
I believe that the diff has been applied to the repository.
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
I check everything that concerns NELNS 、 QT 、NEL and snowballs,for I am not sure relationships between those services and check options . I got some compilation problems.
Here are compilation problems:
check2.png (97.1 kB)
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by molator about 7 years ago
Don't check the tools, sample, test, WITH_NEL only.
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
That is all I compiled . But the project seems to do nothing while compiling.Checks are as follow.
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
It is that all right? Or somethings are still missing?
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
I should have start.bat or somethings like that in folder code\build\snowballs2 ? But nothing.I am wondering I missed something.
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by molator about 7 years ago
Join us on IRC:
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
I don't really understand what this mean .
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by sfb about 7 years ago
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
never use this tool before ,I am trying getting used to it.
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
The issue remains.Project seems to do nothing while compiling.Nothing in ryzom\code\build\snowballs2 .And Cmake is ok to configure and generate.Compilation don't have error,but do nothing.
check.png (52.3 kB)
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by erdongchen about 7 years ago
I did as follow(if I did correctly):
but got many errors when compiling.I didn't change diff.
(9.6 kB)
check.png - check (52.3 kB)
RE: snowballs project building problem
Added by molator about 7 years ago
Clean the build folder and restart.
The files are build in build/bin/ not snowballs.