static client building problem

Added by Hialmar over 7 years ago


I'm trying to build a static client on Ubuntu 9.10.

I have used the following CMake command:

However when I try running the client it still tries to load the driver:

2011/02/18 14:32:21 WRN 2670532400 <Unknown> init.cpp 533 checkDriverVersion : Can't check 
video driver version
2011/02/18 14:32:21 DBG 2670532400 <Unknown> dynloadlib.cpp 203 loadLibrary : Loading dynam
ic library ''
2011/02/18 14:32:21 WRN 2670532400 <Unknown> dynloadlib.cpp 37 nlLoadLibrary : Load library
 '' failed: No such file or directory
2011/02/18 14:32:21 WRN 2670532400 <Unknown> dynloadlib.cpp 215 loadLibrary : Loading libra
ry failed: cannot open shared object file: No su
ch file or directory
2011/02/18 14:32:21 INF 2670532400 <Unknown> common.cpp 541 Exception : Exception will be l
aunched: nel_drv_opengl not found

I have tracked the problem to the dru.cpp file. For some reason NL_STATIC is not defined and therefore it tries to dynamically load the library.

I will try manually defining NL_STATIC in config.h (I have no idea how to do it with CMake) after doing CMake and will keep you posted.
If someone has a better idea I'd better do something else.

Replies (10)

RE: static client building problem - Added by kervala over 7 years ago

It should be WITH_STATIC_DRIVERS which defines NL_STATIC (you can verify that in code/nel/CMakeLists.txt line 3).

RE: static client building problem - Added by Hialmar over 7 years ago


I will try to do a
make clean ; make
to see if I forgot something.

RE: static client building problem - Added by Hialmar over 7 years ago

Now I have some problems with nelsound:


ends with:

Linking CXX executable ../../../bin/ryzom_client
../../../lib/libnel_drv_openal.a(sound_driver_al.cpp.o): In function `NLSOUND::CSoundDriverAL::createReverbEffect()':
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/sound_driver_al.cpp:454: undefined reference to `alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/sound_driver_al.cpp:462: undefined reference to `alGenEffects'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/sound_driver_al.cpp:489: undefined reference to `alEffecti'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/sound_driver_al.cpp:499: undefined reference to `alAuxiliaryEffectSloti'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/sound_driver_al.cpp:466: undefined reference to `alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/sound_driver_al.cpp:493: undefined reference to `alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/sound_driver_al.cpp:494: undefined reference to `alDeleteEffects'
../../../lib/libnel_drv_openal.a(source_al.cpp.o): In function `NLSOUND::CSourceAL::setupEffectFilter()':
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:691: undefined reference to `alFilterf'
../../../lib/libnel_drv_openal.a(source_al.cpp.o): In function `NLSOUND::CSourceAL::setEffectFilter(NLSOUND::ISource::TFilter, float, float, float)':
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:777: undefined reference to `alFilteri'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:774: undefined reference to `alFilteri'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:780: undefined reference to `alFilteri'
../../../lib/libnel_drv_openal.a(source_al.cpp.o): In function `NLSOUND::CSourceAL::setupDirectFilter()':
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:572: undefined reference to `alFilterf'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:596: undefined reference to `alFilterf'
../../../lib/libnel_drv_openal.a(source_al.cpp.o): In function `NLSOUND::CSourceAL::setDirectFilter(NLSOUND::ISource::TFilter, float, float, float)':
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:652: undefined reference to `alFilteri'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:649: undefined reference to `alFilteri'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:655: undefined reference to `alFilteri'
../../../lib/libnel_drv_openal.a(source_al.cpp.o): In function `CSourceAL':
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:80: undefined reference to `alGenFilters'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:81: undefined reference to `alFilteri'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:82: undefined reference to `alFilterf'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:80: undefined reference to `alGenFilters'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:81: undefined reference to `alFilteri'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:82: undefined reference to `alFilterf'
../../../lib/libnel_drv_openal.a(source_al.cpp.o): In function `NLSOUND::CSourceAL::release()':
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:110: undefined reference to `alDeleteFilters'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/source_al.cpp:109: undefined reference to `alDeleteFilters'
../../../lib/libnel_drv_openal.a(effect_al.cpp.o): In function `NLSOUND::CEffectAL::release()':
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/effect_al.cpp:44: undefined reference to `alDeleteEffects'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/effect_al.cpp:43: undefined reference to `alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots'
../../../lib/libnel_drv_openal.a(effect_al.cpp.o): In function `NLSOUND::CStandardReverbEffectAL::setEnvironment(NLSOUND::IReverbEffect::CEnvironment const&, float)':
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/effect_al.cpp:71: undefined reference to `alEffectf'
../../../lib/libnel_drv_openal.a(effect_al.cpp.o): In function `CStandardReverbEffectAL':
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/effect_al.cpp:53: undefined reference to `alEffectf'
/home/torguet/home-vortex/ryzom/code/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/effect_al.cpp:53: undefined reference to `alEffectf'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make2: * [bin/ryzom_client] Erreur 1
[ryzom/client/src/CMakeFiles/ryzom_client.dir/all] Erreur 2
make: *
* [all] Erreur 2

RE: static client building problem - Added by Hialmar over 7 years ago

I'll try to recompile everything with NL_SOUND=OFF

RE: static client building problem - Added by molator over 7 years ago

You will need OpenAL if you're building the client but not for the server.
So WITH_SOUND off is fine for the server.

RE: static client building problem - Added by kervala over 7 years ago

I checked and noticed it doesn't include libopenal.a so you have to compile the static library yourself.

RE: static client building problem - Added by Hialmar over 7 years ago

Ah ok thanks a lot.
I'll try that.

RE: static client building problem - Added by Hialmar over 7 years ago

Thanks a lot.

It now works :)

Edit: if someone has the same problem you need to download openal from here:
It's the last file which is currently called openal-soft-1.12.854

In order to compile a static library you need to do:

It's undocumented but it works.

After compiling it I copied it to the build directory of ryzom and cmake found it.

RE: static client building problem - Added by kervala over 7 years ago

You're welcome :)

The last sources for OpenAL soft can be found on this site (as mentionned on Creative site) :

Btw I still think it's a Ubuntu bug to not provide a static library with a -dev package.

RE: static client building problem - Added by Potlatch over 6 years ago

[already reported]
