Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue?

Added by shackra about 6 years ago

I just used a teleport to Pyr, and the game started to make that weird sound and the graphics shows up on that akward way. So, I decided the record this video


But, the game has works perfect since ever in the same laptop!:

Replies (15)

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by kaetemi about 6 years ago

The sound is the city music not being buffered properly. Does the loading music work? Which OpenAL implementation are you using?
Water is shader related. Which graphics card, and which drivers?

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by kaetemi about 6 years ago

Do you have a log of this specific session?

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by shackra about 6 years ago

kaetemi wrote:

The sound is the city music not being buffered properly. Does the loading music work? Which OpenAL implementation are you using?
Water is shader related. Which graphics card, and which drivers?

and did you watch the video??
my logs are attached...

jorge@Abril:~$ LC_ALL=C pacman -Qi openal xf86-video-intel && LC_ALL=C lspci | grep VGA
Name           : openal
Version        : 1.14-1
URL            : http://www.openal.org/
Licenses       : LGPL
Groups         : None
Provides       : None
Depends On     : glibc
Optional Deps  : None
Required By    : 0ad  blender-libre  freealut  lib32-openal  megaglest  minetest-git  naev  ryzom-nel  sfml  spring
Conflicts With : None
Replaces       : None
Installed Size : 528.00 KiB
Packager       : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <jan.steffens@gmail.com>
Architecture   : x86_64
Build Date     : Sun Apr 1 08:18:00 2012
Install Date   : Tue Apr 3 11:28:38 2012
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : No
Description    : A cross-platform 3D audio library

Name           : xf86-video-intel
Version        : 2.20.2-2
URL            : http://xorg.freedesktop.org/
Licenses       : custom
Groups         : xorg-drivers  xorg
Provides       : xf86-video-intel-uxa  xf86-video-intel-sna
Depends On     : intel-dri  libxvmc  libpciaccess  libdrm  xcb-util>=0.3.9  libxfixes  systemd-tools
Optional Deps  : None
Required By    : None
Conflicts With : xf86-video-intel-sna  xf86-video-intel-uxa  xorg-server<1.12.0  xf86-video-i810  xf86-video-intel-legacy
Replaces       : xf86-video-intel-uxa  xf86-video-intel-sna
Installed Size : 1553.00 KiB
Packager       : Andreas Radke <andyrtr@archlinux.org>
Architecture   : x86_64
Build Date     : Fri Jul 27 13:11:30 2012
Install Date   : Sat Jul 28 15:59:36 2012
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : Yes
Description    : X.org Intel i810/i830/i915/945G/G965+ video drivers

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 12)

log.log (395.7 kB)

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by kervala about 6 years ago

Please, instead of using presets to configure graphics settings, could you enable/disable manually bloom only (in special effects) and check if shadows works better or not ?

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by shackra about 6 years ago

kervala wrote:

Please, instead of using presets to configure graphics settings, could you enable/disable manually bloom only (in special effects) and check if shadows works better or not ?

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by kaetemi about 6 years ago

There's something wrong with the resolution of your z-buffer. Or in any case, your z-buffer is no good.

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by kaetemi about 6 years ago

That, or a synchronization issue with the pixel programs in your graphics card caused by a faulty graphics driver implementation.

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by shackra about 6 years ago

kaetemi wrote:

There's something wrong with the resolution of your z-buffer. Or in any case, your z-buffer is no good.

And how do you explain this?

Is a screenshot of Ryzom on the same laptop with the same disto!!
the Z-Buffer and synchronization issue is a X.org related?

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by kervala about 6 years ago

How did you fix that please ? (If, like I understood, your last screenshot seems ok)

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by shackra about 6 years ago

kervala wrote:

How did you fix that please ? (If, like I understood, your last screenshot seems ok)

That's a old screenshot from 2011-11-27!!
on the same laptop, with the same distro (Parabola GNU/Linux-libre)

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by shackra about 6 years ago

and deleting (well, just moving) my xorg.conf just doesn't works either!
fail :(

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by shackra almost 6 years ago

other games (Xonotic v0.6, 0 A.D. v10, etc.) works fine and smooth on my laptop with the same distro but Ryzom doesn't. I'll be filling a bug report...

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by kervala almost 6 years ago

Please could you try to compile a client with a very old revision from 2011 and check if the problem persists ?

Btw what client did you use in 2011 ?

Did you compile it yourself or did you use the official one ?

RE: Ryzom on Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: graphic and sound bug issue? - Added by shackra almost 6 years ago

kervala wrote:

Please could you try to compile a client with a very old revision from 2011 and check if the problem persists ?

Btw what client did you use in 2011 ?

Did you compile it yourself or did you use the official one ?

I always played Ryzom building the client by myself (like a real macho!!). I'll do that, just to try and see what happens. Nonetheless, I found that I'm not the only one in such situation, this bugs appears in other games as well, check the screenshots of this bug https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39730
I did my report too https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55746#c0
