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  • Registered on: 09/19/2011
  • Last connection: 07/30/2012


Reported issues: 0


06:27 pm Ryzom Help: RE: NLGUI
I've found the solution.
In libwww.cpp and group_html.cpp you must include the group_html.h before the
libwww incl...
01:58 pm Ryzom Help: NLGUI
A few minutes ago, I want to try the new gui library, but I cannot compile it.
I am using visual studio ...


04:39 pm Ryzom Help: RE: Visual Studio 2012
It seems to be the solution of my problem, thx.
btw, it looks like you didn't link the right externals in the [[Wi...
04:12 pm Ryzom Help: RE: Visual Studio 2012
I think that was a misunderstanding, I do not use the STLport
04:05 pm Ryzom Help: RE: Visual Studio 2012
Ok, that's fine.
I try it in a few minutes.
I've changed my toolset-version for a test, but it seems not to be an...
11:07 am Ryzom Help: RE: Visual Studio 2012
ok, I understand your opinion about VS11, but
CMake has a builtin generator for VS11, I've used it to build the so...


08:14 pm Ryzom Help: Visual Studio 2012
Could anyone provide me the External Libraries compiled with MSVCRT 2012?
MfG Ronce


10:08 pm Ryzom Help: build pipeline
Good evening,
I do not know if I'm really here at all, but I'll just ask.
I want to write an MMO based on NeL, un...

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