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Ryzom - Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

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marct February 9th, 2006 08:42 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by altomesa
Node Source Content. The source content should always be accurate in relation to the actual number of mats in the node. For example, why do we pop Choice mats with a source content of 12 when there are actually 100 mats in the node? IMO it only serves to frustrate foragers without just cause for doing so. The current cap of 30 seems fine since the most we can pull is 27 anyways. But, unless there are actually less than 30 mats in the node, the content should always be 30.

On a similar note, I don't have a problem with what you state, but why cannot the source content bar be realative to the maxmimum of 30. For example, If I pop a source with content of 10, the blue content bar would only be 1/3 of the way across the window. A source of 15 would be halfway, etc.

Seems this would be VERY easy to fix.


katriell February 9th, 2006 08:47 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by oldmess
Ability to create temporary chat channels for use during multi-team outings. Make it generic enough that it can work for outpost battles as well as multi team hunting or trekking.

Related to chat channels, it would be very nice for guilds to be able to have two channels: Guild-IC and Guild-OOC. That way it would be easy for RP guilds to seperate in-character and out-of-character chat.

norvic February 9th, 2006 08:51 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Number and Editablity of landmarks
Sheilds should be a proper tree with level req
Wandering herdsman to tidy up abandoned mounts

katriell February 9th, 2006 08:59 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by norvic
Wandering herdsman to tidy up abandoned mounts

That would be cool...maybe the herdsmen find lost mounts and put them in a pen somewhere where owners of lost mounts can go and retreive theirs?

richky February 9th, 2006 09:28 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by katriell
That would be cool...maybe the herdsmen find lost mounts and put them in a pen somewhere where owners of lost mounts can go and retreive theirs?

... for a fee :).
And not just mounts. These herdmen need to rescue all those abandonned packers that are drowning in waterholes and take them back to a nice safe pen too :D.

rushin February 9th, 2006 09:35 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
deep breath...

tells not stealing focus
inventories sorting correctly
SHIFT+F5 not having target box

team window pops up when u form a team
team map bug fixed (not sure if that counts as a small thing to fix)
ability to assign new leader to team, or maybe a team HO :)

check box to craft and auto sell to npc when crafting (grinding)
quantity filter (search for stacks of 20/50/100+ as well as price

allowing access for anyone leader/ho thinks isnt going to run off with all the supreme zun
crafting from guild (and apartment)
bring back duels in guild hall - we used to have great boxing matches before guild meetings!
guild MOTD
guild window shows who is on/offline

correct gender for emotes/team invites etc
auto buy option for tp tickets after transport

outpost chat channels
multi guild channels (short of offical alliance mechanism)
multi team channels (just for chat not xp etc)
ability to tab multiple tells into one window
something for the islands - its tricky because calls for res wont work but i find most newbies dont do that anyway. so either all island global chat or linking island to mainland starter region would be a start.

andypur1 February 9th, 2006 09:42 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by marct
On a similar note, I don't have a problem with what you state, but why cannot the source content bar be realative to the maxmimum of 30. For example, If I pop a source with content of 10, the blue content bar would only be 1/3 of the way across the window. A source of 15 would be halfway, etc.

Seems this would be VERY easy to fix.


Yeah, I'd really like that and I'm normally only pulling 17 per source atm. Maybe just displaying the number on top of the blue bar would work just as well, rather than having to 'mouse over'

I'd also like more landmarks (although I don't mind if this is a rite, as I've already done one of those).

Ability to colour the landmarks. (I would like one colour for mats, one for bandits, one for bosses etc.)

Make it possible to switch off the extended source time rite (Trykers and lake materials, given by Ba'nakry Baxy)

Allow me to sell several identical items to the NPC vendors at one. (For example 5 rings with one click, rather than 5 separate clicks plus selecting each ring)

Allow an auto-buy option when I use a teleport ticket. It is a long walk from Sawdust mines to Thesos in focus gear ;)

Sorting of contact list, so at least I can move guildmates to one spot, etc.

Outpost chat for during battles.

Correct gender for invites / exchange etc.

katriell February 9th, 2006 09:43 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

guild MOTD
guild window shows who is on/offline
YES! /tar rushin /agree /agree

I've probably posted enough in this thread. :p But a guild MOTD sounds soo useful. Preferably settable by leader and high officers. And online/offline indication in guild window would of course be good.

narvi February 9th, 2006 09:49 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Most bugging thing for me is that Ryzom although nice game does not support soloing too much. My playing times are usually very limited (job, studies, kids, etc...) so I doesn't always have 1 or 2 hours to spend searching suitable team. And sometimes I just feel like not wanting team with anyone (bad day ;) Self heals, staminas and saps are a bit like jokes to me. Downtime is waaaaaay too long. And if u use one self things the others are locked by the downtime too. Lower the downtime more so the soloing is more enjoyable (now it's a bit annoying) and make the downtime for each self heal, sap and stamina things separate.

It was mentioned before that logging in and out should be noted at guild channel. Is there possibility to check who's online at the guild except by asking? What about afk messages? Can u set up afk messages?

I have a thing called photo memory. I remember things better from the visual look of things (I really suck with names etc...) Could there be made ability that each time someone is saying something (f.e. in the guild channel) a small icon of his/her face could be seen beside the name? Would make much comfortable to follow conversations if you wouldn't have to consentrate so much noting who actually said this.

I just can't see the reason why current xp isn't shown clearly numerically. It's shown with a line anyway. Also I would like to see clearly xp needed for next level and so on...

I haven't happened to see if there's an option to choose closest aggressive target with some shortcut key.

Camera has too little zoom ability. I don't have fancy 5.1 surround sounds which could alert me out of closing Gingo danger from behind (did I mention, I hate gingos). Usually I note that something bad is happening when the Gingo has my left arm at its mouth. Or if u ask me, I would rather wipe out all the Gingos from history and plans of Ryzom...

How many times I'm in middle of a fight with an good exp enemy. Before the last killing blow my screen suddenly fills with lights from several spells. Yes the guards messed things once again. This wouldn't be that much problem if I really got the xp out of it. I was the one who made the miserable monster suffer almost to the end and then comes "helping guards" taking my xp away. "I'm just doing my job." Yeah right, just wher u shouldn't be doing it. So grant the xp to one who has got most hps out of monster. Same thing should consider about looting.

Talking about looting, is there any system for team members to be granted looting rights in some particular order?

Here's the thing that I can name now. I may add something more in a future.

iphdrunk February 9th, 2006 09:53 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
* being able to set /afk and still know who has tried to contact you while afk

* being able to block tells as if in /afk without being afk

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