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Ryzom - Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

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odrew July 13th, 2006 01:13 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Hey all:

Let me start by saying that it is very nice to be able to express my impressions of the game openly to help improve the game. Sure, I am new to this game but I have experienced some real problems with the interface. Surprizingly poor interface when compared to existing games like DAOC or CoH. Copy them - it is a sincere form of flatery.

- Inventory items should stack if they are identical.
Especially when you are crafting 20-30 identical items.
I understand having different stacks for different qualities or stats.
Not stacking identical items is just plain annoying. If you can stack the resources then you can stack the finished goods to.

- The multiple chat windows is a bad idea.
Keeping all chat within one window reduces clutter and would prevent the focus problems that plauge this game. Everyone has had their interface messed up by losing focus on a chat. Add more chat commands to make it faster and more functional. /p to talk to party, /g to talk to guild ect...

- The zoom needs to expand further out. I am amazed how hard it is to keep a group together and see what is happening around you. Many times a party member is being attacked, is going to die and the rest of the party is clueless.

- Selecting mobs or other party members is brutal!!! There should be a couple of commands for allowing you to select mobs, party members or highlight a mob that your fellow party member has selected. If there is a macro for this then there should be a VERY public Marco how to document.

- How about some feedback on these suggestions to let the players know what Nevrax thinks about the feedback it is receiving? I have heard that the customer service in the game is amazing and I know the community is great. Lets hope the dev team can keep pace and keep everyone happy.

NOTE: The interface problems plauge everyone and should be dealt with before adding content.

Cheers all!

blaah July 13th, 2006 08:34 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by odrew
- The multiple chat windows is a bad idea.
Keeping all chat within one window reduces clutter and would prevent the focus problems that plauge this game. Everyone has had their interface messed up by losing focus on a chat. Add more chat commands to make it faster and more functional. /p to talk to party, /g to talk to guild ect...

it's there, user chat can display every chat (faction[i think] and tells in their own window tho)


- Selecting mobs or other party members is brutal!!! There should be a couple of commands for allowing you to select mobs, party members or highlight a mob that your fellow party member has selected. If there is a macro for this then there should be a VERY public Marco how to document.
check key config and/or macro system. it's there (again).
space for enemies, key shortcuts for team members (dont know if default keys are bugged, one time they only worked from macros), commands to select current targets target (works for homins and mobs)
you dont need red text over screen to tell you whats possible, just dig around in key config settings.


NOTE: The interface problems plauge everyone and should be dealt with before adding content.
interface is fine, it does get time to get used to, but it's fine.
best is to forget everything you know about other mmo's and take ryzom as a new game (as it its).

sehracii July 13th, 2006 08:40 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by odrew
- Selecting mobs or other party members is brutal!!! There should be a couple of commands for allowing you to select mobs, party members or highlight a mob that your fellow party member has selected. If there is a macro for this then there should be a VERY public Marco how to document.

Use the team window to select teammtes, just click their name. You can make macros (for both targeting as well as automatically performing action on them if you want) as well like Blaah said, though I never found the need.


Originally Posted by odrew
- The zoom needs to expand further out. I am amazed how hard it is to keep a group together and see what is happening around you. Many times a party member is being attacked, is going to die and the rest of the party is clueless.

We've asked for an increase in default max zoom and it would be nice, but they claim it would hurt performance. There is, however, an unsanctioned method for changing it yourself. It won't be posted on the forums, bust ask around in-game. ;)

grimjim July 13th, 2006 10:59 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by odrew
- The multiple chat windows is a bad idea.
Keeping all chat within one window reduces clutter and would prevent the focus problems that plauge this game. Everyone has had their interface messed up by losing focus on a chat. Add more chat commands to make it faster and more functional. /p to talk to party, /g to talk to guild ect...

I disagree fundamentally with this and much prefer my tabs w/alert.
You can always just use User.

tigercha July 13th, 2006 01:00 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Where did the Times for the OP defence/attack come from, I dont actually understand why these insane times were chosen.
I find them completely biased towards non europeans, why is it the the actual guild in possetion of the OP not determine the actual times they can defend these OP's, as I think 1 in the afternoon and 1 in the morning a little hard to swallow, and cannot believe this point has not been brought up time and again.

rushin July 13th, 2006 01:14 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by tigercha
Where did the Times for the OP defence/attack come from, I dont actually understand why these insane times were chosen.
I find them completely biased towards non europeans, why is it the the actual guild in possetion of the OP not determine the actual times they can defend these OP's, as I think 1 in the afternoon and 1 in the morning a little hard to swallow, and cannot believe this point has not been brought up time and again.

they can. the attackers set the attack phase time, defenders the defense phase if required.

totally off topic but the reason you see all the battles having impossible times for europeans is the karavan faction have more based in america so its a reasonable time for them. and the kami faction couldnt fight their way out of a cardboard box atm so no attacks in nice euro times o.o

it would be nice for everyone if weekends were used for OP battles and times that we all could attend. sadly that kind of thinking is frowned upon by the 'achievers' - they think its better to inconvience their opponents to the point where no one can turn up

sprite July 13th, 2006 05:00 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by rushin
it would be nice for everyone if weekends were used for OP battles and times that we all could attend. sadly that kind of thinking is frowned upon by the 'achievers' - they think its better to inconvience their opponents to the point where no one can turn up

Or conversely, they just set the time which is good for their guild and (possibly) the majority of their allies. Personally I think declaring for (eg) 9amUK on a sunday is far worse than USA-evening on a weekday... 9am is too early for a brit to lie in and too late to be convenient for americans. :o

That said I think the system is fine - its made the way it is to allow the max freedom of choice without allowing one side to dictate a "bad" time for the fight :D

grimjim July 13th, 2006 06:32 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by sprite
Or conversely, they just set the time which is good for their guild and (possibly) the majority of their allies. Personally I think declaring for (eg) 9amUK on a sunday is far worse than USA-evening on a weekday... 9am is too early for a brit to lie in and too late to be convenient for americans. :o

That said I think the system is fine - its made the way it is to allow the max freedom of choice without allowing one side to dictate a "bad" time for the fight :D

With one side so much bigger than the other as well as being biased towards one particular timezone it does create problems.

The larger side can field a massive force at a time when the defenders can, at best, muster a very small force and, when the defence round comes along even the bigger force at hours that suit the opposite side can be handled and suppressed by the smaller force from the original attackers.

It exaggerates the existing problems.

rushin July 13th, 2006 07:51 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
oops. damn. sorry o.o

shouldn't have made the off topic comment. i really didnt mean to turn this thread into yet another faction/pvp one.

please, please if anyone really wants to continue talking about this point make a thread on the main forum, let's leave this one for what it's meant for.

mikadou July 13th, 2006 08:27 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
How about the ability to rez mounts or packers? They'd still rot if you didn't do it within a limit of time, but at least you wouldn't be losing half a million+ from a bad turn.

Maybe make it so they can only be rezzed a limited number of times, like 3-5. That way if you're repeatedly killing your animals by not being careful, you eventually WILL have to buy them over again.

I just dont like the idea of buying a mount, running around to explore, and one accident making me lost it right away. :(

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