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Ryzom - Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

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marct July 17th, 2006 06:30 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
If I set my compass to Target keep it on Target mode even if I have no target selected.

When my target leaves range, it gets switched back to North which is aggravating.

qatzer July 18th, 2006 10:18 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
I haven't been playing very long, but the one single thing I'm finding really awkward is the chat.
I agree with the rest with regards the /tell pop-ups, they're a nightmare, I'd like to see tells incorporated into the normal chat window but displayed in a different colour to enable them to be distinguished.

I'd also like the ability to click on a name in the chat window to instigate a tell to that person (eg clicking the player's name pastes "/tell <name>" into the entry field. I know that's copying WoW, and I certainly don't want this game going down the WoW route, but I have to admit that chat was especially intuitive and easy to use in that game.

I got invited into a guild last night, and I had a nightmare trying to cope with the pop-up chat windows, while I was grappling with the windows and trying to respond to people the group had run off without me realising and I couldn't see which way they'd gone. Some arrows on the radar to show which direction the other group members were would have come in handy.

I'd also like to be able to display a 2nd separate hands bar so I could display more buttons at the same time.

Would make life a bit easier if the button size was enlarged in the hands bar too, they're very small.

Finally, there seems to be a sudden jump in mob level around the Matis starter area, there's a large area of very low level mobs that give me 50xp or less, then all of a sudden I bump into a load of gingos that flatten me in seconds making levelling at 46 fight somewhat awkward (I'm getting more dp than xp at present - I get jumped by 1, then while I'm killing that one 3 others appear from nowhere), I'm all for a bit of risk, but that seems just a bit excessive !

All in all though, great game :-)

Ooh one other thing - I joined a group trek accross the world, and it wasn't til we reached our destination, I logged out, and logged back in later, that I realised I was completely stranded with no easy way back - maybe you could add something on noob island that teaches people how to buy tp tickets ? I didn't realise I should have bought one before I left, and I didn't know how to either. It took me forever to get back "home" and gained me 85,000 dp in the process.

mikadou July 18th, 2006 10:41 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by qatzer
I'd also like the ability to click on a name in the chat window to instigate a tell to that person (eg clicking the player's name pastes "/tell <name>" into the entry field. I know that's copying WoW, and I certainly don't want this game going down the WoW route, but I have to admit that chat was especially intuitive and easy to use in that game.

The one thing that nobody can fault is WoW's stellar interface. It wouldn't hurt any game to 'go down the WoW route' interface-design wise. An easy, intuitive, informative interface is something so many games lack.

jamela July 18th, 2006 10:51 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Sorry to hear you got stranded in Pyr, qatzer, the team leading the trek really ought to have made sure you had a return ticket before setting off. I'm guilty of forgetting that myself too, though :o Yrkanis is notorious for the wall of hungry gingos and raguses, breaking through can be seen as a rite of passage to the wider world, a test of your strength or sneaking abilities. Nevertheless, I try to encourage my Tears to keep the roads safe at every opportunity, Majestic Gardens is rather a lot safer around the other towns.

Your compass can be set to point to other team members, one at a time. Right-click on the compass and if you're in a team you'll find a Team submenu where you can select one of the group. Also, your teammates should appear as little red homins on your map.

jamela July 18th, 2006 09:39 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
*sounding like a stuck record ...*
A separate pocket for teleport pacts would be nice :)

qatzer July 19th, 2006 03:38 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Thanks for the advice Jamela :)

Can we have a tighter clamp-down on long-winded pointless arguments in universal chat about swearing and filters ?
I've only been playing just over a week and it's getting very irritating already so I daren't try and imagine what it's like for people that have played a lot longer.

It's great to see a game where gm's take a hard line on swearing because it just isn't necessary, there's no valid argument to justify it, but when long arguments break out about it, it's just as bad as the swearing itself

Can you not just refer people to the terms and conditions, and hand out channel bans for those that persist in trying to dispute it in-game, rather than entertaining their disputes for any length of time ? It is, after all, a terms and conditions issue, not a gameplay one. What is and isn't considered bad manners or offensive varies immensely from one person to the next depending on background and upbringing, regular disputes in universe chat (or any other channel for that matter) will never resolve anything, it'll just turn people away. From what I've seen so far, that sort of attitude within Ryzom will get a rapid /ignore from the majority of players anyway so it's pointless trying to pacify them and keep them here.

There are plenty of games around (like WoW) where those that are so inclined can argue and be as offensive as they like in the chat channels if that's what they feel they need to do to be noticed.


lumin430 July 20th, 2006 07:14 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by qatzer
I'd also like the ability to click on a name in the chat window to instigate a tell to that person (eg clicking the player's name pastes "/tell <name>" into the entry field. I know that's copying WoW, and I certainly don't want this game going down the WoW route, but I have to admit that chat was especially intuitive and easy to use in that game..

Don't worry ,it would actually be copying AO:D

At any rate, we definitely need some tweaks to the chat system such as a global chat and the idea qatzer brought up. Hope evryone who wants these changes remembers to send in their tickets:) Also, I do agree that there should be no swearing in the chat channels for how it makes the newcomers perceive us as well as the number of minors who may actually like it here instead of that "W" game. For the most part, I believe that we the players are fully capable of policing ourselves and each other on this issue ingame, but when someone is just going overboard a GM should step in and take whatever measures neccessary. It is in the Codes of Conduct and if people are willing to walk away from this game because we ask them to be respectful to the rest of the community and not swear, would it really be long before they'd find some other excuse to leave? Anyone here to truly enjoy the game would not be put off by such a trivial request.

qatzer July 21st, 2006 02:10 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Here's a nice quick and easy one (also on the "chat" theme) :-

At present you have to hit "enter" to put the focus on the text entry box. Could the same be done with the "/" key ? (ie hitting "/" puts the focus on the text entry field AND puts the "/" character into it)

I'm consistently forgetting to hit enter, and instead just start typing /g ... or whatever only to find I get windows popping up all over the place which is a nightmare in the middle of a fight or when trying to follow someone lol.

As most (well, the way I use it anyway) messages start with "/<channel code>", using that key as the "chat instigator" (for want of a better name for it) would remove an unnecessary keypress (ie the enter key). If either of the 2 options works then it wouldn't throw all the players that are used to hitting enter, they can carry on doing that if they prefer to.
It would only take a line or 2 of code to implement.

Thanks :-)

grimjim July 21st, 2006 12:41 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Currently, the messed up temp window when foraging.

901941 July 21st, 2006 05:01 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
There are two things I would like to see implemented in the chat windows.
A) During the OP’s war it would be nice to have a defense-chat window and an attack-chat window for participants to communicate. I think this will help greatly in organizing a stronger group and developing tactics. I also think this will help keep region chat cleaner from unwanted comments but not a guarantee since some enjoy using these tactics.
B) I have a constant issues with tells. For one, tells for the most part fill up my screen window. Constantly I get a tell-window pop-up in the middle of the screen when trekking, hunting, or digging. This can be annoying and sometimes even upsetting for the amount of tells I get. Don’t get me wrong I love to chat with my friends and also to help anyone who asks for help. But, I would like to see tell-windows work in the same set up of our chat windows. If it is at all possible, can’t we have tells stock up in one window and not sporadically. At the moment we have around, region, team, guild, universal and system info in one window. I suggest the same is possible with tells; Instead of having a tell pop in the middle of the screen and then another, and another, that all tells stay in one window. This will make it easy for us to switch from Jane to Bob very easily and helps us not clutter our screens. I’m sure something like this can be implemented, or just make tells appear in the same chat window that Around, region, universal is in ie: [Trixie whispers: Lets hunt!!] or [Message from Trixie: Lets hunt!!] This would be much helpful in my opinion.

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