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Ryzom - Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

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onasi July 28th, 2006 12:19 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
I would like to see a customizable ui...if thats not possible then make all windows resizable to any size( i understand they are sizable to an extent).

Some sort of respec/ a relearning of skills....a one time thing at like lvl 50 or something, so you can fix any misplaced points from when you were trying to figure out what is good or not so good.

Well that is all that is bugging me right now :D


philu August 2nd, 2006 11:43 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by calel
Maybe something for Atys2 soon(tm)?


Originally Posted by martl
Judging from the way the boot-splash-screen looks, its more like "The Saga of Ryzom - (2) <something else than Atys>

There's an interview with David Cohen buried somewhere. In it he states that Atys doesn't appear in the game title for a reason. The original plan was for the Saga to expand beyond Atys. Atys is part 1, part 2 would be somewhere else I guess.

robert0 August 9th, 2006 09:13 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Um, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned already....

The ability to 'click/hold-drag' select things in inventory, and 'shift-click', in order to transfer between packers, mount and bag?

(Reaper's of the Dark)

iphdrunk August 9th, 2006 09:51 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by onasi
Some sort of respec/ a relearning of skills....a one time thing at like lvl 50 or something, so you can fix any misplaced points from when you were trying to figure out what is good or not so good.

I have my doubts about this. In theory a respec / relearning of skills does seem a helpful possibility, being able to fix mistakes and so on, but a few random thoughts:

* first, although a bad choice of skills can be an annoying inconvenience and can delay your progression, there are very few cases where one can "gimp" his character, for example, getting to level 50 in harvesting without getting quality extraction upgrades, where levelling can become extraordinarily slow, and even then, a couple of painful levels are needed to "fix things".

* at some point, there are lots of unused skill points (not at the beginning, but later on) without skills to learn.

* knowing that a "respec" is always possible, would it mean players being less careful when selecting the skills they want to learn?

* If the possibility of a skill respec is a "one time" only option, players may not be satisfied with the second choice, and the door is still open to mistakes even if your knowledge of the game has improved (oooops, dang, with all this fast clicking I truly forgot to get all focus upgrades!!!). If the respec is allowed "many times", it is still unclear wheter it could be exploited or not (e.g. learn to craft armors, get the patters, craft my armor, unlearn the patters, etc. whether this could be a gameplay feature or not, open to debate)

In summary, I don't think (only my humble opinion of course) it justifies the effort and the possible problems (wrong respecs, abuses, etc.) . A wrong choice only means a "gah I should have got the X, bleh I'll get it next level", and with Ryzom specializations and branches it seems possible to work a bit on a lower branch to get the needed extra sp in some cases. I would rther suggest new players to play around with skills with a new toon and to ask/read guides than rely on a "I can respec later".

Just my thoughts tho

geezas August 9th, 2006 10:32 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
*agrees with anissa*

Making a mistake is part of the learning of the mechanics. Doing respecs would only be usefull and needed if there was a major change in game mechanics. (like when foraging changed iirc early after release)

If one has made a mistake in choosing stanza's it's a little more work for a short while to make up for that. This may sound harsh but if one chooses without thinking about the impact it has on gaining xp or survivability in the wilderniss it's not nevrax's problem. It is the player who guides his/her character down a path and if a player by mistake chooses a less optimal path then they'd like why should the creator help you get back on track ?

vguerin August 9th, 2006 04:06 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by iphdrunk
In summary, I don't think (only my humble opinion of course) it justifies the effort and the possible problems (wrong respecs, abuses, etc.) . A wrong choice only means a "gah I should have got the X, bleh I'll get it next level", and with Ryzom specializations and branches it seems possible to work a bit on a lower branch to get the needed extra sp in some cases. I would rther suggest new players to play around with skills with a new toon and to ask/read guides than rely on a "I can respec later".

Ani, you're one of my longest in game friends since Melinoe back in beta... I value your opinion as always and your eloquence, but your a bit biased as you play infinitly and can unscrew some things.

I have not been playing as much lately, still enjoy the game and the people... but my gameplay and fun is limited ATM by previously made choices. Oddly prior to reading the direction this thread went, I had already said to friends and guildmates that I would pay dappers for a respec because it is the one thing that would most improve my SoR gaming experience. I am not level 50 like the above poster and I have more levels in more things than I can ever need. EXCEPT in my crafting tree...

My IG goal has always been that I could make myself anything I need, as well as make things for guildies... This is still mostly true (if I don't require Q250 of everything :P), but my gameplay has changed and I do not have the time currently to grind hard anymore. I have thousand's of XP in the other skill trees, but in craft I am always one step behind.

Respec does not improve your skills as you cannot make anything higher than the level you have already achieved no matter the SP you have. It merely allows you to rededicate your efforts more wisely.

This function should not be free, but it definately should be available in SoR like it is in so many other games. Anything that can improve a gamers experience without hurting others should be considered. This would be the #1 improvement to the game for me, surpassing anything seen on the "In Development" page !

iphdrunk August 9th, 2006 04:17 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by vguerin
but your a bit biased as you play infinitly and can unscrew some things.

Thanks for the kind words and the heads up and... yes, you are right, I guess that I somehow forgot to consider that well, for players that cannot afford playing an insane number of hours can see their playing experience reduced due to a wrong choice of skills.


Respec does not improve your skills as you cannot make anything higher than the level you have already achieved no matter the SP you have. It merely allows you to rededicate your efforts more wisely.

True, my concern was more using this feature not to (put it simply) "fix mistakes and optimize the build" which is a perfectly valid reason, but to use it "too smartly" in unpredicted ways.


Anything that can improve a gamers experience without hurting others should be considered.

Fully agree. Maybe, with a well-thought system, it would be possible to get some kind of flexibility skill-wise, with the possiblity of unlearning and learning skills in a controlled manner with little room for subsequent mistakes and exploits.

petej August 10th, 2006 12:12 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Heh id also love a respec (in my dreams) so I could spend as many of those 6405 spare Forage skill points as possible , especialy on things like Focus which early on I bought with apparently "easy" Craft points (Biggest mistake you can make as Craft points are in big demand and hard to get later on)

Ive got to put my personal wishes/needs aside though as I believe like Ani a respec option would be bad for the game over-all , il just have to live with my mistakes

jamela August 10th, 2006 06:13 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
I think all my top 10 bugbears are already listed here somewhere but number 11 has to be the fact that there is no stanza "Prospect for Non-Craftable Materials". Available only to non-Masters since they can pop every source in a region in one go anyway :)

chud1 August 18th, 2006 10:36 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
hi i have been playing for a couple of months or so
i love the system and the game however there are just a few things that are actively putting me off the game!

the scenery is the most annoying thing, why cant i get through that tank sized gap in a picket fence and have to walk all around,

the tryker lands are by far and away the most annoying place to level

they have floating towns but i cant jump off the end of a pier! i have to swim all around farihaven to get out, may not seem much but a few times i have thought to myself i am going back to another game (which is a shame because i like this game)

the scenery really makes the game for me and being badly made really irritates me, the general senery is fantastic to look at and well made but the limitations of it far outweight the aesthetics

for example i come ashore hit a mob then run for the sea only to find that some invisible barrier is stopping me from diving in, i got ashore here! why cant i reenter the water!

i am swimming around and try to come ashore at what looks like a bit off land about 1 inch above the water line? impossible!!

the tryker lands although the water is a safe zone puts leveling at such and annoying disadvantage, i know some might say try a different race (but i have invested so much time into this char) it would kill me to switch i would rather stop.

the fact there is an invisble non passible barrier around the scenery so if you try and get closer than a metre then you cannot pass by

in tryker world i can make a rifle out of crabclaws but i ant make a boat! or an efficient pair of flippers? so much could be done for that map i would rather run through mobs infested jungles than spend ten minutes swimming around

getting to other races cities?!?! impossible for anyone under level 200?
makes leveling boring, makes getting fame very hard, trading impossible, player interaction non play, monotony of single area rammed home, equipment choices limited, i can see why it miht be so hard but it ruins so much good stuff... ok hate to brin it up but it may be the one and only thing WoW did right let players freely acess areas on the map without the certain death aspect of exploring! which unfortunately this really has, if i venture out into bounty beaches after trying 5 or 6 times is is impossible for me to get through without getting munched even with the teleport to get through most of it, teleports should be available to buy from any teleporter to capitals to get around.

your fame shoudl dictate what tickets you can buy fair enough but if i go to a teleporter i should be able to buy tickets for other places fame opening up new tickets bit like the equip does atm with stats and skills.

as a new player these limitations are dragging me down and sorry to say i cant see myself lasting or going much further.

the game has infinite potential and the community is fabulous but it has some serious game play flaws which make it pretty unpleasant and scenery bugs

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