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Ryzom - Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

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acridiel August 23rd, 2006 02:20 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by toblakai
2. Mobs: While I appreciate developing a good ecosystem full of unique animals and plants, but no matter how well designed will various predators be, fighting a pack of Gingos will never be so exiting that lets say, a fierce fight with a group of Raiders in your typical fantasy MMORPG. And Kitins should be an unstoppable swarm, and in game they feel like a randomly placed groups of mobs without any purpose whatsoever. This game could really use some more interesting enemies.

*coughcough* The Battle for Pyr
The Tryker Invasion

Kintin can be a real Thread... Only atm they seem to be quiet...


forever August 23rd, 2006 09:12 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
It is nice what the R² and the Ryzom webs sites are better linked together.
The bad thing is now R² part now shares the lag that the Ryzom site has. :(

kay22626 August 29th, 2006 05:44 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Just 2 very small things bug me: 1. The horrible and very strong noise made by the enchanted weapons and 2. The action icon changes depending on how you edit the action, should be able to chose the icon.
Thank you for this great game

ydyp1978 August 29th, 2006 09:10 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
The system with actions and building them how you like is pretty need, but then comes the dumber to it. You can't create an own icon, not even select one. I would like it that it changed to like that of the macros. But there should be more options for symbols then.

So the building of an icon for an action would be like:
  1. choose an icon: only icons of the stanzas you have added to the action
  2. choose a background: just like the macro system.
This would make it unneeded to bind an action you made to a macro to at least make different icons for your actions. My full bar for harvesting is flooded with those yellow suns :eek:

iphdrunk September 6th, 2006 10:27 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

What bugs you the most?

It's not really bugging me "most", but the fact that thread started in February 2006, it has 30+ pages of interesting suggestions - some of them being redundandant - and yet personally I can't help thinking that it feels like talking to a wall, being reluctant to keep on posting, without mentioning that new posters may not considering re-reading a 6 months old with 300+ posts before posting.

As much as I am aware of the upcoming ring release and the stakes around it, it hardly justifies not taking a few minutes to communicate on "filtered" feedback this thread has generated, rejected / accepted / for further study/... suggestions and updated "in development" sections with retained improvements, even with a bulleted list saying "* inventory is sorted automatically" or "* identical items are now stacked".... I cannot but grin when this thread gets another *valid* post re-stating things like "allow cut & paste from different hands" or "allow selecting an icon for extraction stanzas" or "fix the seed icon to be the same", etc. which have been suggested, reported and ticketed systematically for the past 18 months.

So here I am, raising the same concern again: Nevrax / official communication. Given the nature of the community, it is unfortunate that this aspect has worsened: we've gone from developer chats, direct feedback, planned features, executive letters, Q&A, forum "watch" to the almost complete "silence radio" -- even the forums seem to only get CoC enforments posts by higher powers- with the notable exceptions of the highlighting of press releases concerning the Ring -- which, for those who have an idea of it, they hardly give anything new -- and when the forum / player noise is over a certain threshold we get a "bone to chew" in the form of a difuse, generic, almost vaporware announcement. I am not (at least this time) complaining about lack of features, which can be understood, but lack of communication, which cannot be justified by the old "focus on one task, release when quality is satisfactory, best use of internal limited resources" arguments.

rushin September 6th, 2006 11:33 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by iphdrunk
It's not really bugging me "most", but the fact that thread started in February 2006, it has 30+ pages of interesting suggestions - some of them being redundandant - and yet personally I can't help thinking that it feels like talking to a wall, being reluctant to keep on posting, without mentioning that new posters may not considering re-reading a 6 months old with 300+ posts before posting.

As much as I am aware of the upcoming ring release and the stakes around it, it hardly justifies not taking a few minutes to communicate on "filtered" feedback this thread has generated, rejected / accepted / for further study/... suggestions and updated "in development" sections with retained improvements, even with a bulleted list saying "* inventory is sorted automatically" or "* identical items are now stacked".... I cannot but grin when this thread gets another *valid* post re-stating things like "allow cut & paste from different hands" or "allow selecting an icon for extraction stanzas" or "fix the seed icon to be the same", etc. which have been suggested, reported and ticketed systematically for the past 18 months.

So here I am, raising the same concern again: Nevrax / official communication. Given the nature of the community, it is unfortunate that this aspect has worsened: we've gone from developer chats, direct feedback, planned features, executive letters, Q&A, forum "watch" to the almost complete "silence radio" -- even the forums seem to only get CoC enforments posts by higher powers- with the notable exceptions of the highlighting of press releases concerning the Ring -- which, for those who have an idea of it, they hardly give anything new -- and when the forum / player noise is over a certain threshold we get a "bone to chew" in the form of a difuse, generic, almost vaporware announcement. I am not (at least this time) complaining about lack of features, which can be understood, but lack of communication, which cannot be justified by the old "focus on one task, release when quality is satisfactory, best use of internal limited resources" arguments.

*looks all innocent*

werent we complaining about the lack of communication a month or two ago? :p

(and only making a joke of it because it's too early in the morning for me to be ranting. All said posts that were made a month or two ago were met with... silence)

iphdrunk September 11th, 2006 04:38 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
* enable "mouse over" tooltips to check the stats of items (useful in jewels, LA)

* add small icons according to the boost types

* allow more background colors to "tag" items according to crafter / player wishes

and other similar improvements

meloner September 11th, 2006 06:30 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by iphdrunk
even the forums seem to only get CoC enforments posts by higher powers-

maybe if u edited ur post and added : WtH Nevrax ur a bunch of lazy @$*ù£µù$& !!!! and are worth nthg but $^£**ù^^@#~@ !!!! I hope you all ¤¤%*µ@#~é&§§|[]=@ !!! :mad:

PS : just joking here :D...but she has a point, even a simple : "that looks like a good idea" or "we'll think about it" would be nice. It's almost like posting a letter in the wastebasket really.

jamela September 12th, 2006 10:34 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
*hovers mouse over the report icon on Anissa's post thinking "this might make someone take notice", but chickens out* :p

mjoll September 13th, 2006 09:25 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
1. Stop mobs from dealing a l;ast blow after they reach 0 hp.

2. A way to sort landmarks.
Either landmark categories/folders or landmarks sorted alphabetically.

3. Scroll left and right option for the text box.
This bothered me from day one, if you type 30 words and you want to modify the first one you can't do it, the left arrow button will rotate the camera instead of scrolling left in the text box.

4. One more zoom in degree for the map.
Sometimes sources for different mats are so close one to another that their correspondent flags stack making it hard to select one.

5. One more flag color.
A forager could use color A for source flags and color B for everything else (points of interest, npcs, specific mobs spots, "i saw some dude foraging here, to check later" spots, etc).

6. Post-it notes for the friend list.
For example having "tryker style crafter", "cper", "healer lvl 90", "kara scourge" etc. notes next to each name from the friend list.

7. A delay macro command.
Priceless, it will allow for a wider range of macros.

8. Unlocking all 1-50 skills on the starting island.

Don't hate me if some of these have already been mentioned.

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