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Ryzom - Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

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calel September 13th, 2006 09:51 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by Marjo at Wednesday,13 September , 2006 at 00:12 UTC

About rewards: indeed Katriell, and that's not our intention. With the Lair we want to provide renewed challenge to explorers, foragers, achievers, hunters. Missions will allow us to bring some items with new look into the game, but you can "enjoy" the lair without taking any mission (none of the mission rewards are made final yet regarding stats; we don't want them to be an unfair competition to the crafters yet we want them to be interesting enough).

Hence my fears.

kiexa September 13th, 2006 10:01 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by calel
Hence my fears.

agree there, new challenge for "explorers, foragers, achievers, hunters" not crafters :(

kyesmith September 14th, 2006 12:51 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
I think aen is fine as she is, she provides cheap armor for the masses, only those who spend more time working towards nice crafted heavy armor have the rewards, aen is good but nothing on a Q250 set of well made heavy armor as you well know kyerna, if there was an improvment to aen it would be that she only drops one or two parts of that ugly heavy armor at a time so making it harder to harvest set apon set with ease.

sehracii September 14th, 2006 03:35 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by kyesmith
aen is good but nothing on a Q250 set of well made heavy armor

Six more parry, 24% less action malus, and +150 stam/HP is definitely something. All beyond what is possible for a crafter, let alone what is actually reasonable to expect.

Checking recent bazaar auctions, Aen sold for 75 million and a supreme Q250 went for the equivalent of 52.5 with a (generous 10k / mat conversion)

That is how Aen is undermining crafting.
It should be special for its look, not its stats.

(You can't compare Aen to a +3 Q250 set because there is an immense difference regarding effort/time to obtain- one like whats on auction is comparable but I think still rarer than Aen)

rushin September 14th, 2006 09:32 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
well i bought the aen armor, but to be fair i (and anyone else i can rope into helping) have spent an immense amount of time over the last couple of months gathering mats for a crafted HA set.. i imagine that 400 assorted max parry/pf tyrakoo/vorkoo/womkan/goakan/etc mats would sell for more than 75 million :) Aen is a special occaasion only armor, it in no way replaces anything, but will just get taken out the cupboard on rare occasions.

maybe if they reduced the parry to +3 people would have less concerns?

martl September 14th, 2006 03:30 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by riveit
Aen armor bugs me the most (and factional shields would too if I used/crafted shields). The existence of this regularly looted boss armor that is better than crafted armor acts as a major disincentive to those following the long and difficult path of becoming a Master Heavy Armorer. I strongly suggest that the stats of Aen armor be downgraded - at least to +3 parry/dodge and the hp boost reduced. While I don't think old Aen should be removed at once, I think that old boss armors should decay. For instance, they should lose ~ 50 hp per real-time month. Also, in my opinion, Aen looks rather goofy on males.

correction: it looks rather goofy on males that are not built like fighters :)

yeager78 September 14th, 2006 07:17 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Well, I'm a new player, hit mainland like 2 weeks ago, and loving every bit of the game. While conversing with crafters though, i came across a pretty large scale complant. This complant was that people spent well over a week, moreso a month or two to get these very rare materials for crafting swords/ armor/ or anything for that matter :) The issue was having items degrade. It seemed that most crafters held degraded items as practically junk, or better still, useless. So, I've come here to kind of state the problem, and a possible solution :D ... First and foremost, I am not a big time crafter, I don't really understand what all happens when an items is degraded after crafting, but I do know that items last as long as their durability. (Making crafted items in constant demand). The solution I had come up with seemed decent, it is to say that instead of completely ruining the item, or decreasing its statistcs so much as to it being of no usefullness, that instead, degraded items should just have about half to a third of their normal durability, and perhaps, a 2-5% reduction in the rest of the stats. (An example would be a high end sword, its normal durability is 450.. but degraded it would range from 75-135, making it usefull, but not long lasting. Also if this sword did lets say 600 total damage, instead as degraded it would posses a damage of 535-550, making it in all respects still a decent sword, but not up to par with the best possible)

Thats my thoughts, and would greatly appreciate any sort of comments whatsoever. Thank you for your time everyone, and hope you did not fall asleep out of boredom of reading this :)

rothimar September 14th, 2006 07:22 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by yeager78
Thats my thoughts, and would greatly appreciate any sort of comments whatsoever.

Personally, I would much rather the items remain the way they are. One of the things I love about Ryzom, is that the crafters *have* clients out of necessity. It keeps the economy going. Games where the items don't permanantly degrade have economies which never seem to stabalize, and it becomes pointless to craft except for your own use, and perhaps for that of your guild. It removes an aspect of social behavior.

Heck, even the tools used to craft can wear out. :D

rushin September 14th, 2006 09:01 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by yeager78
Thats my thoughts, and would greatly appreciate any sort of comments whatsoever.

i think things degrade too slowly ;) you can make a very good sword/armor with virtually no effort, but Ryzom is full of perfectionists (myself included) that will spend months gathering mats for that perfect item.

iphdrunk September 14th, 2006 09:14 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by rushin
i think things degrade too slowly ;) you can make a very good sword/armor with virtually no effort, but Ryzom is full of perfectionists (myself included) that will spend months gathering mats for that perfect item.

Agreed. (I am a crafter but) I still think that jewels and armors wear off too slowly while digging and crafting. I've used the same set for months.

For "über"-items, it is hard to tell. I am in a particular case, being in a solo guild and not bothering to rush on season changes, but it is becoming harder and harder to gather mats for those perfect items. I guess nothing is wrong with that (although personally frustrating. I have the skills but I can rarely use them and be proud of creations), it's a MMRPG and favoring team work is a "good thing" (tm), but it can take weeks to just gather enough mats for a weapon. Wanting your "dream" PvP jewel set or +3 Heavy Armor can be a matter of months of gathering, without being a "casual" player, so it would be a nightmare if those decay too fast.

My complain, is that regarless of weather and other effects as random pops, getting supreme materials has become a matter of camping boss mobs, rushing after reboots and patches and hurrying after season changes. I think it's a pity that the system is (although not completely) too deterministic. I used to like to wonder around and "by chance" manage to find a node with supreme materials. While it is still perfectly possible for some mats, it's virtually impossible with supenodes, zun and so on.

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