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Ryzom - Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

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xolghost September 14th, 2006 09:29 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Agreed as well...
Suggestion: make superior nodes change daytime and weather behavior randomly every few ingame seasons.
Maybe even make them wander a few 100m's - but then, no node has ever moved a single inch since the last beta...

jamela September 14th, 2006 09:35 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Yeager78, I think that's an excellent idea to reduce crafter's frustration. Andarr, I don't think you read his post, did you? I'd like to see aging/decomposition of items, increased wear and tear, and the type of change to craft degrades suggested by Yeager.

rushin September 14th, 2006 09:35 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
yeah the supreme popping (mat and boss) has to be sorted out, put in more randomisation of the time till next pop and much more importantly save the bloody timer's when you reboot servers!!

i think you could add a lot more with no more effort than someone playing with a spreadsheet and random number generator :) season changes are an evil thing when all mats for that season are available from the start (weather dependent of course).

iphdrunk September 14th, 2006 09:42 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by rushin
(weather dependent of course).

Yes the weather system needs improving, too. Not only there are few hints (although some), and we would be glad to have more details about time and weather, -- in beta we had debug commands that were more concrete, rumors say they are still in game?-- but it also seems that actually (almost, winks at Jamela :) ) no one cares, at least when digging the SNs. It's common practice to stay there till it pops, then out. Whatever the weather is, it will pop within a couple of hours max, usually.

jamela September 14th, 2006 09:48 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Hey I care, it's my favourite puzzle :)

rothimar September 14th, 2006 10:02 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by jamela
Andarr, I don't think you read his post, did you? I'd like to see aging/decomposition of items, increased wear and tear, and the type of change to craft degrades suggested by Yeager.

I read it... but it being the day it is here at work... I misread it. ;)

I was reading it as item wear... not degradation during crafting.

blaah September 14th, 2006 10:36 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by rushin
yeah the supreme popping (mat and boss) has to be sorted out, put in more randomisation of the time till next pop and much more importantly save the bloody timer's when you reboot servers!!

how about...

you cant directly pop excellent/supreme in pr, but rather if you use that stanza you pop choice (weather/season dependent like now) and you have 0.1% chance to get excellent/supreme mat (then you have 2 mats in forage window, which q/amount will increase independently).

... or ...

instead of digging real mat, you get mission item (cant trade with players, can store in packers) that you change for real mat in NPC and amount you can change is limited per season (ingame month/week also possible)
.. for supernodes, differnet mission mat that gives more than 1 craftable mat ??
edit: tag mission items for season, so if you digging sup in summer, you cant change it in autumn... or make them timed (1 ingame month timer and then they go bad/becomes useless)

... or ...

combine both of them

both will remove that season camping that happens in every season/reset.

i have thinked about sending ingame suggestion, but devs probably have me on ignore already.

kurita September 16th, 2006 01:57 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by kiexa

Originally Posted by calel

Originally Posted by Marjo at Wednesday,13 September , 2006 at 00:12 UTC

About rewards: indeed Katriell, and that's not our intention. With the Lair we want to provide renewed challenge to explorers, foragers, achievers, hunters. Missions will allow us to bring some items with new look into the game, but you can "enjoy" the lair without taking any mission (none of the mission rewards are made final yet regarding stats; we don't want them to be an unfair competition to the crafters yet we want them to be interesting enough).
Hence my fears.

agree there, new challenge for "explorers, foragers, achievers, hunters" not crafters :(

hmmm, maybe if the rewards would be something for crafters?

maybe new crafting plans for Kitinhunters:
  1. a "Kitinhunter" Armorset with higher Resistance to Damadgetype X
  2. a "Kitinhunter" Weapon be it Spear/Sword/Mace/whateva
  3. a "Kitinhunter" Jewelset
but i admit that new Armor or Weaponplan would be a bit... well, harder work for our devs then a new set of Jewels, the thing I would like to see is something else...

a new crafting CREDIT or STANZA

as it bugs me the most that we crafters, be it as low as i am or high Lvl ones, canŽt NEVER craft even close to something that is given away as a Missionreward...

the Credit can be ether a fix amount, eg. +10-50 Credit or a percentage to Credits, eg. +10% or +20%, giving us the possibility to add a bit more Statbonus then the Level of the Item would allow.

or a new Stanza to add to a plan, including this, but not limited to:
  1. a Flag/Banner added to the back of the Armor brandishing the Guiildsymbol (like the medival Samurai)
  2. the Symbol of the Faction of the Wearer on the Armor or as Flag/Banner (to show your Allegiance even if not PvP-tagged)
  3. a Glow around the Item (a sort of erie Aura)
  4. a Stanza like Concentrate that gives you a +25 on your Craftinglevel=less chance to fail
  5. a Stanza that allows to add more Mats then needed to influence the color of the trimmings on Armors
  6. and... and... and i think i could make this list a mile long ;)

well iŽll stop rambling now, work has to be done ;)

iphdrunk September 17th, 2006 09:13 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Please, make the networking and syncing code a bit more relaxed, so in case the player lags (ISP stalls, link-downs, cable or xDSL glitches) and the dreaded "Please Wait" window, we can resync without being forced to relog. This works to some extent, but if the stall goes over a few seconds it becomes harder and harder and resyncing is almost impossible -- even trying small workarounds like changing window setting or far clips)

In a related note, also change the way we can relog. Now, when you try to relog, you need to "player is already online, please relog", and the player does not know whether to shutdown the game, wait a few seconds, try to re-click on connect, etc. Can't it be possible to give priority to the second log and kick the first out?


nadus September 22nd, 2006 04:14 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
*whew* I finally got to the end, it seems... Well Let me introduce myself, I'm Trycker currently at free newb island.. I were thinking about upgrade to full account. I'm allso fairly new to game and it's little perks and quirks... So forgive me if i get some wrong based on what I've seen on RoS...

Few things that annoys me:

-This post has grown into incomprehensible bable..

It's probably been a great idea.. until it grew into 20 pages long monster :) I mean We reside in forums, use that. Make own area where people can put their ideas, discuss them. And then then matter has been handled put some marking on it (first page). This has become a place to handle new ideas too. Not just little thing, like i believe it was meant to.

- Markers on map in folders.

Allowing us to make a neat little folder for these flags (colorize folder -> flags get neatly colored too :). Okay this is not such an easy job, considering you need to make some fundamental changes to database (I presume you do have some sort ;) (I think someone said this, but since this was my reason to read all those 42 pages... I said it anyway :)

- Containers something to use to manipulate your inventory

They could be bags, just something to put stuff in.. to "hide" them away... Or as I figured, they could be used more flexibly. Like bag, when containin *only* clothes (max 1 piece per slot) it would convert into umm.. Suit-bag, that you can wear (swap each pieace automatically, put existing pieces into same bag you took your new one. Time to wear these bags would still be what it would if one put those clothers on individually.
Also bags could be set to collect stuff automatically (you put them in by instinct) like TP tickets (don't know if they are still an issue). Or collecting "craft items" into one place.. Or armor you craft.. or mission items (make a new bag from mission, it collects the stuff acting like NPC you are going to return them. Thus avoiding annoying "oh yeah.. i crafted those" effect when you go return quest's :) (Yet again not a easy task. unfortunatelly...)

- IRCify the conversation system.

Everybody is crying about this tell system.. As I have yet to get many friend's I've noted anything wrong, I just picked the problem and worked on it a little.
AFAIC this current system is based on TelNet, with some tweaks (well friend told it's like IRC, but my problems with problems Klients showed it's closer to Telnet... Anyway...

On IRC you are allowed to make your own "rooms" and moderate them on your own.. like have a chatroom for friends. Or those Outpost battles I hear about.
Put all tells to one window by default (or allow us to make it so) with tabs. AND ad some note if there's some action in channel (highlights, speak etc... like in IRC :) bad thing is: this would be a pain to moderate... I've yet to find solution to that.. Ofcourse all the channels could be listed by GMs and such.. and they could observe them without joining.. (Some curseword highlight :) (as I'm writing this, I'm starting to realize why there is no player made channels :) Teamchats can be missused too though, can GMs moderate them too?

Anyway... These are not huge things (yet)

*casts Ward From Angry Foragers *
*hunches Colombo style* One more thing... (two actually, but im not *that* good in math...)

-Lengthen Seasons, and time alltogether

This seasonal thing is great. It's just too fast paced.. I mean I've played week or two and I've lived almost full year in Ryzom... *If* a season were like a week (or month =:o ) It would allow people to come up with regular events.. like new year. Start Of Summer Celebration etc.. It would make seasons look like bigger thing.. Now all it seems to do is move those foragers about a bit.. Make it an occasion for all. (and day's could be a bit longer too ;) Even if I'm not that big RP'er I can see how it would allow a little more RP events to occur (who'd hate to miss a New Year Hulabaloo, if it comes again next week? :)

-Allow us to use two part names

And names. I have an impression this is Ropeplaying game, so it seems odd there is no way to have a surname.. Or other..
Okay, making this by giving people " " to use in naming would do just fine, but by making a new slot "surname" that player could hide.. or make three fields ("FirstName", "SurName", and optional "CallSign") and give people ability choose how to show name...
(full name, callsign, last/first name only etc...)

Okay these two last name ideas could be pretty hard to work with, at least at this point :) (unless you allow people to rename themself for a little while after change :)

Hmmh my posts allways grow larger than I intend them to... Sorry about that.

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