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Ryzom - Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

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fuzzles November 9th, 2006 07:43 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
I would be hugely disappointed if they added jumping. I've never ever seen an rpg that had a jump that looked good. I remember when I first played oblivion, the graphics were just so immersive, the grass waved, the wildlife was all around me, then I pressed jump and couldn't help but think "boing boing! boing!"

azevedo November 10th, 2006 03:52 AM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
This is more of a mechanical issue than any other. What bugs me is that most of the aruas in the game share the same reuse timer. It doesn't make sense that the healing aruas share the same timer as say, a fighting enhancement aura such as War Cry. Is it that hard to code in seperate timers for these? It is more realistic for these timers to be seperate in my opinion. Is this an issue the Devs could look at serisously and consider changing? If there is a more appropriate area to post this please advise.

grimjim November 10th, 2006 04:21 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by azevedo
This is more of a mechanical issue than any other. What bugs me is that most of the aruas in the game share the same reuse timer. It doesn't make sense that the healing aruas share the same timer as say, a fighting enhancement aura such as War Cry. Is it that hard to code in seperate timers for these? It is more realistic for these timers to be seperate in my opinion. Is this an issue the Devs could look at serisously and consider changing? If there is a more appropriate area to post this please advise.

I concur and I would add that I think this is one of the major contributions to meleers still being singnificantly behind magi.

iphdrunk November 10th, 2006 04:36 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by grimjim
I concur and I would add that I think this is one of the major contributions to meleers still being singnificantly behind magi.

While I admit this being offtopic, (deserves another thread), as someone used to say "I can't leave things like that go uncontested" or "all it takes for evil to win is good men to do nothing" ;), I don't agree at all that melees are significantly behind magic (although you may have reasons to think so). With the HP upgrades in armors and the spell resistance jewels that's, imho, simply not true.

In what context you consider "being behind"? of course, not PvP duels, I had no chance to win against Kye/Yaffle or Fasinus in a one on one duel... Maybe if we get the equivalent of jewel resistances or a +4 dodge per piece light armors, then maybe...

The only aspect I see is an elementalist being able to switch "roles" and heal with no penalty... I guess that's part of the "magi" tho. Finally, considering afflictions, with the lost cast time, high rate of resistance and inability to act but within a short time window when the link breaks, I do not consider them a significant advantage unless you have mastered them.


fuzzles November 10th, 2006 04:47 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
I was against having separate cooldowns initially, but now that I got invulnerability and warcry, I must say I'm starting to change my mind.

War cry just isn't really an "incredibly powerful, but short lasting skill" like invulnerability. I took it because I figured "hey, I can just spam it. +30% damage occasionally is still better than nothing". But the fact that it disables my vastly superior emergency skill, means I have never used warcry more than once. And that was when I got it from the trainer just to see what it looked like.

grimjim November 10th, 2006 06:13 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by iphdrunk
The only aspect I see is an elementalist being able to switch "roles" and heal with no penalty... I guess that's part of the "magi" tho. Finally, considering afflictions, with the lost cast time, high rate of resistance and inability to act but within a short time window when the link breaks, I do not consider them a significant advantage unless you have mastered them.

In anything other than a close-order duel the warrior is, despite these very helpful compensatory measures - still borked. There is a gaping gulf between the ability of the mage to dole out damage and that of the warrior.

In single combat IF the warrior reaches you you're only maybe dead, depending on interrupts.

In long range combat the warrior is dead unless they get very jammy on resists.

In large scale PvP the warriors are largely irrelevent unless they get very lucky and get in amongst the healers. Usually you spend most of your time flat on your face.

In PvE either the nuker kills the beast before you get to it or your contribution to damage is rendered largely irrelevent by the elementalist. You are really just the meat shield.

If the special abilities were on seperate timers then things like berserk, rapid healing, warcry etc would see a lot more use and would help compensate for the remaining imbalance. I'd also like to see crits happen a little more often on basic melee attacks for the same reason.

ajsuk November 10th, 2006 08:06 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Well perhaps not surprisingly I'd agree with Ani that the extra default boosts on armor on top of the rest AND jewels boost AND resiststances AND absorb even if the later isn't anything special is still plenty. Melee pretty much always beats Magic these days (1on1) even if the melee weapon is a "slow" one (say 2hders) its still fast enough to keep smacking the mage down and stop them from casting... They can't even dodge while casting so all you have to do is get close to them and shows over. If casters didn't have the range they'd be useless.

Again, prolly worthy of a seperate thread. :)

iphdrunk November 10th, 2006 08:14 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by grimjim
(...)ability of the mage to dole out damage (...) range combat the warrior is dead unless they get very jammy on resists (...) nuker kills the beast (...) meat shield.

If fighters could do the same damage as mages, attack at mages range, use mage credits, heal as mages, they would be... mages.

In PvE a fighter damage is not negligeable (over 1k at highest levels), mages drain fast so they are down as well unless they happen to be amongst the healers.

In op fights they have their role. Again, you see more mages due to they ability to heal with no penalty.


compensate for the remaining imbalance.

There is no such imbalance, just different roles.

grimjim November 10th, 2006 09:09 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by iphdrunk
There is no such imbalance, just different roles.

The comparitive numbers speak for themselves. I don't think any other argument is needed.

iphdrunk November 10th, 2006 10:41 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by grimjim
The comparitive numbers speak for themselves. I don't think any other argument is needed.

Sorry, you did not show those numbers. I don't know what numbers you are referring to. HP/Sap&stam pool drains? damage taken? 1vs1 duels? damage dealt? or simply the number of players playing each role at OP battles? (taking into accoun the heal aspect, directly stating that there is an overall imbalance between fighters and mages because elementalists can heal with no penalty thus favouring group fight is a bit pushy). If you refer to 1v1 duels, then glad that, in that point, we agree. The numbers clearly state theat mages are underpowered with regard to melee fighters. No other argument is needed, indeed. Or is this just yet another way to dismiss comments and state "my opinion is the obvious"?, but please, do not let me refrain you from having the last word, feel free to post

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