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Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Number of magicians Vs number of melees. That was obvious too. |
Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Ok, so given the number of relative fighters and mages on outpost battles mages need to be nerfed or fighters boosted despite clearly mages being disfavoured on 1on1 fights. I would have thought that was a bit more complex than that, or applying that obvious reasoning, there ae several branches that need to be boosted given their relative presence as well? Ok, whatever. Anyway, I'm not playing your game anymore. Despite you having valid points, the way you post clearly turns me off from having a good discussion. Joo win, joo pwend me in this FPvFP, got your ego boost. Thou shalt forever be right. "apologies without willing to change", you bet. |
Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Moving on.. I've been playing with my circular attack the past few days, and the criteria for what it hits seems a bit.. odd.
There might be a reasoning behind the "can only hit stuff that's attacking you", but honestly I don't see it. If my group gets an add, I don't see what would be wrong with me doing circattack without needing to have both (or all) the aggro. It also seems to not work on static mobs like plants. Even if the plants are virtually right on top of eachother and they're both attacking me, my circular attack will only hit my target. And lastly, it seems to me like it has no range criteria. If I run up and smack a clopper, then run over to a kipee and use circattack on it, I will hit both mobs regardless of how far away the clopper is. It all just seems very fuzzy. I would much prefer if it had the traditional "hit everything within X range". Correct me if this would unbalance anything, though. |
Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
What bugs me the most is that when I boot up the game (which I am totally hooked on by the way) about 1 out of every 2 boots, it is validating files and gets to 235/236, checks files inside of excelll.bn or something and finds a bad checksum, does some patch and gives me a button to press to restart the game. Then when it restarts, it lets me go through with the acceptance of the EULA and log in.
But it does this almost every time I start up Ryzom. Either there is a bad file, or the patcher is failing to patch, or the game is corrupting its own files during play. It is low level annoying to have to start up the game twice before I can play. If there is a bad file, the patcher should replace it. If it has to replace it over and over and over, there's a problem. Other than that bug and the lack of a bank, I'm loving Ryzom. |
Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
You said you'd give me the last word, remember? :) One on one still isn't even unless the melee is already at point blank range. And yes, ranged needs a tweak as well (which we're told is ongoing). People follow the path of least resistance. That so many choose magic (specifically elemental) over all else provides a strong indicator that this is a relatively overpowered skill. |
Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
I agree, though it would make extra aggro trickier to avoid :) But yeah, an area attacking using the weapon reach to determine the radius seems like the best solution, doesn't it? Working exactly like a bomb spell. |
Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
if you have a mob targetted you can right click on the mini map and select "Target:(mob name)". This feature is the bomb for a caster that wants to get to max range. The only problem is you have to click it everytime to get the read out. That is unless you click another mob before the other fades. I was wondering would it be possible to get a macro opened up for this? Its all about effencienty.
Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Last time I checked, Circle attack doesn't work in PvP at all :p ... Circle attack could use a bit of help, But the reason it doesn't work on brains is because they are not in melee combat with you ;) ... They are using magic. |
Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
Hmmm....im pretty new so i dont have as much indepth to say as some of the older players i guess. I kinda wish that magic users could wear some sort of "hat" or light helmet without getting a disadvantage. I only started this week and just got my paying acount active so im not sure if there are any later on that i havent seen yet...but i deffinetly hope to be gettin SOME sort of headwear in the future for my char. lol
Also...i havent explored enough to know how many maps are available using Ryzom Ring once you have explored everything. But i think it would be nice to be able to edit maps or import some sort of map from an external program. Skins would also be cool to import in player run scenarios. I know how much of an "iffy" area this is since such scandals as the "hot coffee" gta incident and people would sure try to make many nudie char. mods or whatever...but i think that it would work with the Ryzom community. Most are mature members and report things that arent supposed to be there....so if anyone was to do this i would think that it wouldnt be online for too long. |
Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
I know this has been asked for so so so many times before, but is there any chance we can have a list of some sort put next to Guild members names/friends list names as to see when they were last logged into the game, its rather annoying not knowing when someone was last online, or if they have not been on for some time. also the friends list is still bugged, saying people are on-line when they are not. tell windows freezing your computer is totally annying aswell..
also, how about some new CC weapons.. daggers dont do nothing and are plain boring, how about some gloves of some sort ( other then amps ) with like spikes and stuff??? add some more dmg to then aswell.. kinda pointless hitting 250 in daggers and still taking 30 mins to kill an arana or so.. |
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