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Ryzom - Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

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shadowweb February 9th, 2006 07:30 PM

Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
You know, all those small things that could make your life easier with a bit of fine-tuning. Like being able to put more landmarks on the map, for example. We are trying to get an exhaustive list of these /small/ improvements, to pick up a few of them to include in our development schedule. This thread has thus been opened to let you post your own items. Two important warnings though!

<Lawyer Mode ON>

1) Only a few, if any, of the suggested items will be developed - we make no promise of any kind to integrate your suggestions!

2) We only seek *small* modifications, like being able to use more caracters and spaces for the landmarks, having emotes corresponding to the character's gender, the fact that when we cast a spell the camera doesn't automatically center behind the character anymore..,... Things that already exist in game and that wouldn't ask a tremendous time to be improved. So, please understand we are not talking about skills rebalancing, new features or rites here.

</Lawyer Mode OFF>

Now let's start sharing here our little frustrations on the daily Atysian life. ;)

katriell February 9th, 2006 07:37 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
The target reticle should go away when SHIFT+F5 is pressed.

Long menus, such as the emote menus and the landmarks menu on the compass, should be limited in height and scrollable. So you don't end up with a menu so long it goes off screen, leaving part of it inaccessible.

The ability to rearrange contact list manually. So for example, you could arrange people you want to quickly see the status of at the top, members of a certain guild together, etc.

The Matis 1h sword currently has no light trail. Makes hitting with one...unrewarding. XD

Thanks for this opportunity. :) Small annoyances and disfuctions, especially relating to the user interface, can sometimes be the worst.

turjake February 9th, 2006 07:38 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
I would like to see the following:

1) gender specific emotes
2) able to invert filters in shopping/inventory windows using alt/ctrl/shift as modifier
3) the use of "&"-character in the chat
4) some kind of alert when specific player comes online

At least these should be small things to fix ;)

sprite February 9th, 2006 07:44 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by turjake
1) gender specific emotes
3) the use of "&"-character in the chat


Originally Posted by katriell
Long menus, such as the emote menus and the landmarks menu on the compass, should be limited in height and scrollable. So you don't end up with a menu so long it goes off screen, leaving part of it inaccessible

Seconded, but I'd ask that *all* windows be resizeable as well :D

richky February 9th, 2006 07:45 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by katriell
The target reticle should go away when SHIFT+F5 is pressed.

Yes please!!!!

Originally Posted by katriell
The ability to rearrange contact list manually. So for example, you could arrange people you want to quickly see the status of at the top, members of a certain guild together, etc.

And add the ability to put offline players on your Friends list.

iphdrunk February 9th, 2006 07:47 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
My thoughts, in no particular order

* limited number of landmarks, and limited edit capabilities. Lack of colors for better visibility.

* risk of data loss wrt local files.

* not being able to activate an action with the craft window open (e.g. self focus) due to the modal dialog.

* unsorted inventories at login

* tell windows taking the focus away. You are typing in around, and suddenly all your interface is messed up because you got a tell.

* limited number of hand bars.

* timer for auras/power ups a bit too high.

* faction channel bug (can't type in it)

* faction channel not appearing in user tab.

* offline players can't be added from freinds list. Remove works but you still get a message.

* special mention to some bugs :)
- wrong info message, kick of team
- speed on daggers

calel February 9th, 2006 07:51 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
1) Shield' s constitution or level requirment: the shieldcraft trade has become absolete due to the lack of it (unless you' re a master only, and even then ...)
2) Statistics and modifiers on 1 handed weapons, including daggers
3) Speed on daggers
4) Gender specific emotes

katriell February 9th, 2006 07:52 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

* tell windows taking the focus away. You are typing in around, and suddenly all your interface is messed up because you got a tell.
And randomly losing focus. Yesterday I had a lot of trouble with that - I would be typing in any chat window/tell, nothing unusual happening, and suddenly the chat window would lose focus and I'd be messing up my interface.

riveit February 9th, 2006 07:53 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)
-A couple of swim dock entrances on the west side of Fairhaven.

-A second gate in Yrkanis farther south.

turjake February 9th, 2006 07:55 PM

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Originally Posted by richky
And add the ability to put offline players on your Friends list.

Ohno, don't remove the almost foolproof alt-detector (tm) ;)

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