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Ryzom - Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora

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noceros May 17th, 2006 10:12 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
I know my mom told me that if I don't have anything nice to say I shouldn't way anything at all, but I find these last two comics (#21 and #22) to be rather offensive both IC and OOC. Both of the comics are offensive to women, and the last one manages to insult followers of both the Karavan and the Kami, as well as directly insulting at least 3 out of 4 races in the game (I can't tell if that one guy is supposed to be Matis or Tryker). What disturbs me most is that this is now what people see when they first arrive at the ryzom website.

Ryzom is a great game. I've played for a long time, and I plan to continue doing so, but if those comics were my first impression of this game, I think I might not even make a trial account.

katriell May 17th, 2006 10:29 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
I'm female and I find #21 and #22 funny. :)

I do agree somewhat, however, that it may not be best to have stuff like that on the front page.

jamela May 17th, 2006 10:35 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Offensive to fictional races and religions? You have to be kidding! :D (recalls innumerable terrible elf / dwarf / halfling etc. jokes) Offensive to women, maybe so, I imagine many might tut disapprovingly, but as regards Ryzom's frontpage did you not notice Nevrax's own Jena?

Edit: Come to think of it, haven't noticed Jena in a while. Is she still en route or just lost?

grimjim May 17th, 2006 11:10 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
sex sells, despite the best efforts in the world to be nice and PC that remains a fact.

Plus I think the last two have been the best :)

noceros May 17th, 2006 11:10 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora

Originally Posted by jamela
Offensive to fictional races and religions?

Yes, from a roleplay point of view. Particulary for Trykers... always being dismissed as halfwit halflings. It gets old.

akm72 May 17th, 2006 11:17 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora

Originally Posted by noceros
...Particulary for Trykers... always being dismissed as halfwit halflings.

They only get dismissed like that after the Trykette wins the argument ;-)

grimjim May 17th, 2006 11:20 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora

Originally Posted by noceros
Yes, from a roleplay point of view. Particulary for Trykers... always being dismissed as halfwit halflings. It gets old.

They ARE playful and saucy, even the evil arrogant ones.

katriell May 17th, 2006 11:24 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora

Originally Posted by noceros
Yes, from a roleplay point of view. Particulary for Trykers... always being dismissed as halfwit halflings. It gets old.

Will a character ever see these comics? Are these comics also published IC in Atys?

If not, then roleplay point of view is irrelevant.

meloner May 18th, 2006 01:14 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora

Originally Posted by noceros
I know my mom told me that if I don't have anything nice to say I shouldn't way anything at all, but I find these last two comics (#21 and #22) to be rather offensive both IC and OOC. Both of the comics are offensive to women, and the last one manages to insult followers of both the Karavan and the Kami, as well as directly insulting at least 3 out of 4 races in the game (I can't tell if that one guy is supposed to be Matis or Tryker). What disturbs me most is that this is now what people see when they first arrive at the ryzom website.

Nope Im a fyros ! And please dont confuse insulting with teasing thx ! May i add that untill now ALL races have been 'insulted' as u say in ALL the strips ! it's just comic teasing that's suppost to make us all laugh. Oh and if it can make u feel better i wrote in the email that the photos of Jena were not necessarily to be naked pics, but bikini and such :) If i manage to write a comic strip that doesnt make fun of any races ill open a bottle of champagne for achieving the 'almost impossible unless not related to game'

akicks May 18th, 2006 03:37 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
I find that the latest two comics are out of place.

Remember this game is rated as a 12, you need to make sure that the content on the front page is inline with that age restriction.

Don't get me wrong, they are funny and I enjoyed them - but they shouldn't be on the front page of this site.

kyesmith May 18th, 2006 07:39 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora

Originally Posted by akicks
I find that the latest two comics are out of place.

Remember this game is rated as a 12, you need to make sure that the content on the front page is inline with that age restriction.

Don't get me wrong, they are funny and I enjoyed them - but they shouldn't be on the front page of this site.

kinda agree, was suprised, i think their funny but nudity isnt needed to get the point i feel
aw well :)
btw cute tryker chick :P

shadowweb May 18th, 2006 08:45 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Story: Comic Strip - 23: Intelligence (by Alix)

Thanks again to Stachel from Leanon for this idea!

When you have ideas for future strips, feel free to send us an email to

kibsword May 18th, 2006 08:54 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Hehe now that one is funny *huggles shads* thanks for it :D

ajsuk May 18th, 2006 09:17 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora

Originally Posted by shadowweb
Story: Comic Strip - 23: Intelligence (by Alix)

Thanks again to Stachel from Leanon for this idea!

When you have ideas for future strips, feel free to send us an email to

yay! One I like! :D

noceros May 18th, 2006 09:29 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Heehee! Now that's much better! ;)

jamela May 18th, 2006 09:47 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
ROFL. I love it :D

alibasil May 18th, 2006 11:02 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
yeah that almost made me full on laugh! very funny :)

soulsnatcher May 19th, 2006 07:59 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today
Story: Comic Strip - 24: Factions War (by Alix)

Thanks again to Meloner from Arispotle for this story!

If you have ideas for future strips, feel free to send us an email at

kaetemi May 19th, 2006 10:39 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
mmm blood :D

shadowweb May 23rd, 2006 07:00 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Story: Comic Strip - 25: Goodbye (by Alix)

As explained previously here, Alix joined us to run a comic strip series, originally for two weeks. This period had been extended already as he enjoyed drawing these strips along with you; but after more than a month, the series is finally coming to an end, as he is going to leave us this week. Today's strip is thus closing the comic strip series. Alix is now using his last days to rework the few black & white strips to colour them.

Before he leaves, here's a message from Alix:

"Hello everyone, :)

My internship is ending soon and I thank you for your support regarding my comic strips. I'm starting to better understand your impatience about the Ring, and I must say Ryzom is really a great MMO.
Maybe one day we will meet again and I hope you will have many new ideas... ;)"

Many thanks to Alix for his great work, and to all of you for these funny stories. :)

And, thank you Meloner for today's story!

kibsword May 23rd, 2006 07:04 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
May I be the first to say thanks for all the comic Alix *huggles*

Good luck in whatever you do next!

rushin May 23rd, 2006 11:04 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
good luck and thanks for all the comics. last one was great btw :)

ichigono May 23rd, 2006 11:18 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
I rather enjoyed the comic strips Alix produced, and I'm sorry to see him go. I do hope he can return to us soon :D

Take care, Alix, and God bless you in all you do :)

ajsuk May 23rd, 2006 11:27 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Take care, Alix. Was really pleased with my comic btw, really good job on it. :D

jamela May 23rd, 2006 11:31 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Aye, I enjoyed the comics a lot too and will miss you Alix. Meloner, please start drawing as well as writing :)

meloner May 24th, 2006 02:23 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora

Originally Posted by jamela
Aye, I enjoyed the comics a lot too and will miss you Alix. Meloner, please start drawing as well as writing :)

If only I knew how to draw :)

unless you don't mind this :

andreaw May 24th, 2006 09:06 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Lol, the last one by Meloner still has me laughing! Thanks so much, these have been great fun :p

soulsnatcher May 29th, 2006 07:04 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Story: Comic Strip - 1: Ora - Second Edition (by Alix)

Here's the colourised version of the first comic strip drawed by Alix, published in April. As I told you last week, he's not here anymore to make new ones and used his last week to colourise the few black & white strips. We'll publish the others later on. :)

soulsnatcher May 30th, 2006 06:05 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Story: Comic Strip - 2: Flowers - Second Edition (by Alix)

First published in April, here's the colourised version of Alix' second strip.

yoshi21 June 17th, 2006 06:42 AM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
did this end?

acridiel June 17th, 2006 10:26 AM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Jup, it did :)
Sadly though... *sigh* Alix was pretty cool with the Pen ;)


stijn January 18th, 2010 03:22 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Speaking of old topics...

Does someone still have these comics around somewhere? Would love to see them again :D

ajsuk January 18th, 2010 04:38 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora

stijn January 18th, 2010 04:52 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Allright, thx Jayce :D

kalindra January 18th, 2010 06:12 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Awesome ! There were some I had never seen before.

deadelf February 3rd, 2010 07:06 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
The old treasures related to Ryzom shouldnt be so easily almost lost... i remember those comics still being briefly available on main site when i joined.

The wiki has archived the comics as well, here.
If anyone finds/has something that isnt available on the web anymore, feel free to ask the wiki to have it on there :)

acridiel February 16th, 2010 04:34 PM

Re: Story: Comic Strips Starting Today - 01: Ora
Ehm, *coughcougcough*

Those have been there for years.


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