You know, all those small things that could make your life easier with a bit of fine-tuning. Like being able to put more landmarks on the map, for example. We are trying to get an exhaustive list of these /small/ improvements, to pick up a few of them to include in our development schedule. This thread has thus been opened to let you post your own items. Two important warnings though!
<Lawyer Mode ON>
1) Only a few, if any, of the suggested items will be developed - we make no promise of any kind to integrate your suggestions!
2) We only seek *small* modifications, like being able to use more caracters and spaces for the landmarks, having emotes corresponding to the character's gender, the fact that when we cast a spell the camera doesn't automatically center behind the character anymore..,... Things that already exist in game and that wouldn't ask a tremendous time to be improved. So, please understand we are not talking about skills rebalancing, new features or rites here.
</Lawyer Mode OFF>
Now let's start sharing here our little frustrations on the daily Atysian life.