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Old January 11th, 2007, 05:28 AM   #7
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 967
Re: Why I chose Neutral

People talk about Guilds and players who "say" they are neutral, but follow a faction for the TPs.
I am the opposite. I support the Karavan, oppose the Kami, fight at OP battles - but not general PvP.... and am factioned Neutral and intend to stay that way.

Right from the beginning I distrusted the Kami.. nasty little shapeshifters, out to trick the gullible and weak of mind (explains why the Fyros follow them ). Even so, the only significance they have is in how they impact on Homins, and the same for the Karavan. Denying our own peoples needs because they arent as mighty as the Powers just doesnt make sense.
However when Factions were brought into play, the heavy-handed and coercive way they went about it offended me. If you sign up with side K, you get these toys - but if you dont, then we will hurt you... I react negatively to that kind of bahaviour. Also, there is a cultural background, that fanaticism of any type, is just wrong.
As an IC rationale, my character was always a diplomat, and you cant be a diplomat if you cant talk to both sides. I beleive Homins need to look after their own interests, because the big K's arent going to, and Homins should not be killing each other at the beck and call of any other species... they should be killing each other for purely internal reasons

So I put up with not having TP access to the regions I need to level in, and yes, it does make me feel "morally superior" (which is perfectly in-character for a Matis ). Refusing to abandon your principles in the face of bribes and threats is grounds for some element of superiority
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