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Old April 14th, 2009, 08:20 PM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,331
Re: Let's talk about the ring!

Oh gods, let's not. You'll find naught but sadness there.

Last year I made a scenario for Halloween and then one for Christmas and they were fairly well received, but since that I haven't used the Ring in 3 months now. Partly because I just haven't found the time anymore, but half of the players being unable to use the Ring at all until they get billing set up has not been very encouraging to make time either...

And then I heard from other Ring creators about those new bugs and confirmed them for myself, so yeah...

It saddens me a lot, because I had 3 more projects on the todo-list I would've really liked to finish, and a dozen more vague ideas I'd have liked to work out someday. But there's just no point while only 10-20% of the playerbase is even capable of using the Ring without issues.

And with the new owners seemingly putting emphasis on story and roleplay and giving more power and more active roles to the players, it disappoints me they're completely ignoring the Ring, which if it worked properly and just got a few additions could still be a very powerful tool to support this kind of play.

Fix those bugs, get billing back up or do something else to give every player Ring-access, and let us host the scenarios without having to bloody babysit them, and I'll start happily churning out scenarios again until the end of Ryzom's or my days.
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