Tower Building - With over a week "into it", I have to congratulate the devs for the current event. It seems to be a nice morale / community builder and a chance to affect the "look" of player's homelands. The idea was well thought out and structured allowing all levels of layers to contribute.
As a welcome change from last event of this type, we didn't have to whomp anyone on the head to reap equal rewards. It even had a built in 'adjustment" mechanism to adjust the progress of the event to an appropriate time frame. Perhaps no one will notice on Arispotle that 1 crate delivered by a player = 10 crates in tower inventory

The only thing I can't figure out is where i find the Fyros barrister / attorney. That dang Abytheus Abygrian promised me a nice
pike and all she will give me is these damaged (burnt)
picks. I want my day in court ! 10 million in mek food and all I get is a steenkin pick !
Grade A-
New Missions - As for the new missions, I have only done one (Secret Society).....
1. Way too long.
2. Provides no value to anyone above the level its intended for; should give indication of nature of reward before one invests a half day. We have two + 50 focus boosts, a + 50 sap boost ... and 50 HP boost wuda fit in niceley here.
3. If ya gonna send someone to gather 12 mats, make it mat that drops from a more commoin creature. There's 3 mocking igaras in the indiated spawn. Kill them and ya gotta kill a dozen others to get all to repop. I averages 1 of the required mats per spawn....but of course when I had 11, in bag my last kill gave me 3.
Grade C-