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Old August 8th, 2009, 07:40 PM   #6
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Re: Playing an evil char: how well would that be received form the community ?

Bah, Nysha pretty much beat me to saying what I was going to say. All the responses here have equated evil to being an A-hole, which is silly. You really have to define what you think evil is. A truly evil person is a person that is solely and poignantly selfish, with a severe loss of ethical boundaries and a twisted sense of desire.

However, the story in that type of character is the discovery, hunting down and bringing to justice of that person. But that doesn't really work so well in an MMO setting (with any MMO I know of so far) with a character you want to play.

So, what would work here? Likely a character that played on the goals of everyone else to elevate their own sense of power. So someone who incites battles between kami and kara, selling equipment and weapons to both sides. Someone who convinces a player that his enemy should be hunted down and killed and convinces them that it would be worth a heafty price, then undertakes that task on their own to meet the evil characters bloodlust and monetary gain, all to the blame of the first player. Someone who strategically spreads rumors to keep communities paranoid while increasing their own status in some way.

I think such a character would work wonderfully in the game that Ryzom proposes to be, a very RP centric one with ongoing storylines. It would work even better if there was an site that storied out the characters exploits and thoughts or something to that effect.

Is this an easy task? Not really. Is it fun? Sometimes more than others. Is it worth it? I would say that it would be a great experiment and I'm betting it would be worth it in the end. Is it what your definition of evil is? I'd say probably not for most folks who think of evil in an MMO.

Anyway, just some thoughts to throw around.

- Sui
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