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Old September 12th, 2008, 03:29 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2008
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NPC health and exchanging knowledge?

Two quick questions for my fellow homins here:

I plan on making a scenario that involves the player with freeing Trykers from Matis control and I want to have the player actually fight with the NPC Matis Guards/Civilians.
I hope to look at this more tonight but has anyone run into issues with this? I see that I can change the level from Low to high on these NPCs but I wanted to create a solo dungeon run for some of the newcomers (or returnees like me).

Also, my old main character has some insane knowledge of Atys and has about 20 maps available for each zone to create a ring in while my freebie has 4 basic maps. No way to share this information between characters, right?

Excuse the basic questions but I'm bored at work today and want to talk about Ryzom until I can get home to play again.
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Old September 12th, 2008, 03:40 PM   #2
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Re: NPC health and exchanging knowledge?

There is no share of knowledge, not even among the chars from same account. So every character who wants to run / access those maps has to collect the spawns. Sorry
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Old September 12th, 2008, 03:47 PM   #3
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Re: NPC health and exchanging knowledge?

Originally Posted by nuitwaters
Excuse the basic questions but I'm bored at work today and want to talk about Ryzom until I can get home to play again.

I share the wish indeed (and guess we are not the only ones)

but got no knowledge bout ring

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Old September 12th, 2008, 03:53 PM   #4
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Re: NPC health and exchanging knowledge?

Originally Posted by chibiarc
So every character who wants to run / access those maps has to collect the spawns. Sorry

Oh no! So if I go and create a ring scenario with my older toon who has been around the world and back and include items or maps that a player who is fairly new might not have the knowledge about, they would not even be able to access the scenario?

Wow, thats a fundamental thing I missed.

I have invasion mobs on the list I can include in the maps. If I added these, would this limit the encounter to only those player who have seen an invasion?

When I think of the ring scenarios, I think of sort of like the penseive(sp) in Harry Potter: Go back and relive events that are not actually happening right now. I know there is no real lore behind the Ring, but that is my interpretation.
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Old September 12th, 2008, 04:45 PM   #5
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Re: NPC health and exchanging knowledge?

Originally Posted by nuitwaters
I have invasion mobs on the list I can include in the maps. If I added these, would this limit the encounter to only those player who have seen an invasion?
Nope. That kind of thing is not tracked, only which spawn points have been visited.
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Old September 12th, 2008, 06:00 PM   #6
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Re: NPC health and exchanging knowledge?

Great! Thanks for the information. Im curious how this "access" works now. Will have to try to get a test up of these older zones and see if my newbie connects to it. I'm curious how the game responds.
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Old September 13th, 2008, 08:22 PM   #7
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Re: NPC health and exchanging knowledge?

Originally Posted by nuitwaters
Oh no! So if I go and create a ring scenario with my older toon who has been around the world and back and include items or maps that a player who is fairly new might not have the knowledge about, they would not even be able to access the scenario?
As far as I know everyone can play the scenario, even if you put in 'advanced' stuff that they don't have the knowledge about. The new player won't be able to edit or host the scenario until they have the required knowledge though.

Originally Posted by nuitwaters
When I think of the ring scenarios, I think of sort of like the penseive(sp) in Harry Potter: Go back and relive events that are not actually happening right now. I know there is no real lore behind the Ring, but that is my interpretation.
There IS real lore behind the Ring; it's interpreted as a teleporter device that homins can use to travel into certain areas of the Old Lands.

Originally Posted by nuitwaters
I plan on making a scenario that involves the player with freeing Trykers from Matis control and I want to have the player actually fight with the NPC Matis Guards/Civilians.
I hope to look at this more tonight but has anyone run into issues with this? I see that I can change the level from Low to high on these NPCs but I wanted to create a solo dungeon run for some of the newcomers (or returnees like me).
Why would this not work?
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Old September 13th, 2008, 10:54 PM   #8
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Re: NPC health and exchanging knowledge?

Originally Posted by sidusar
There IS real lore behind the Ring
Sorry, I should have worded that as "I'm not sure if there is real lore behind the Ring". Thanks for the heads up though!

Why would this not work?
Well these guards certainly are strong, I will say that. I did about 600 damage to one low level guard deposited into a 1-50 scenario and it didnt even make a dent.

I plan on doing it still but just using bandits instead.
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Old September 14th, 2008, 02:02 AM   #9
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Re: NPC health and exchanging knowledge?

Oooh! Yeah, those guards are like town guards, so they're supposed to be far too powerful. Bandits are generally used when homin adversaries are needed.

The only downside of this is, you can't make two bandit groups fight eachother. So if that's what you need, one side has to be guards.
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Old September 15th, 2008, 03:00 PM   #10
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Re: NPC health and exchanging knowledge?

Originally Posted by sidusar
The only downside of this is, you can't make two bandit groups fight eachother. So if that's what you need, one side has to be guards.

Yeah, I'm running into this exact problem now. Best I could do to overcome the balance issue between the two sides is use heavily armed, 5 star cutthroats on one side and low level guards on the other side ungrouped. I then have to script the death of the guards based on the deaths of the cutthroat groups so as to make the battle seem less heroic or one sided.

I want to give the battle a feel like it is large scale with homin versus homin but also give the player a chance to participate without it feeling too scripted. Chance and dice rolls leaves a little bit of variety in the battles so far but in the end it still is scripted.

One of the things I think is really fun to work with is the "attack NPC/PC" switch. I'm really having a fun time with this function.

Does anyone know if that when you switch acts, can you despawn in-scene elements to add to your count? (IE, get rid of those 20 barricades so you can use that number some where else?)
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