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Old February 21st, 2010, 04:43 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 77
Oneofone - Where Am I?

Yes, well, that's what I was thinking last Monday afternoon. Turns out I was lying on my garage floor having a severe heart attack. (We live in the country out of anyones earshot and Carole was in Scotland on business). Fortunately (I suppose) the pain was so bad I couldn't just go to sleep so after a while I managed to get to a phone and call an ambulance.

"How bad's the pain?", one of the paramedics asked. I was toying with "Like I'm being run over by a herd of mektaubs" but thinking it wouldn't be what they wanted to hear, when the other guy got me off the hook by adding "on a scale of 1 to 10". Being British I said 8 while thinking 15.

I thought I'd get my own back a couple of days later by asking if they have a scale they use to measure heart attack severity. It turned out they do, it goes up to 90, and I was on 90 when I got to the hospital. Ah well, I suppose it's best to know these things.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, it was an angioplasty (what an amazing piece of kit that is!!!) followed by a few days in hospital - got home yesterday afternoon.

So why am I posting? Well, mainly for some sympathy (no, not really). I should be back to the game soon but, if I'm honest, I don't want to have to keep explaining and reliving what happened. So, I thought I'd explain once and hope word gets around.

It looks like I'll be playing in shorter sessions in future and then breaking for a while, so it would be pretty obvious something had changed. Of course, playing Ryzom, in itself, isn't a problem. It's that I now have to build daily walks into my routine and other things that still need doing will now take longer and/or have to be split into chunks.

Apparantly, my heart is currently working at 35% so I have to hope that with the regular exercise as much as possible will recover over the next month or two. As Blackadder would say "The Devil farts in my face yet again" but fortunately I'm old enough to know that the universe doesn't contain a fairness clause. If anyone is curious (I suppose I would be), I'm 57, never smoked, don't drink alcohol/tea/coffee, don't have high blood pressure, cholesterol was 5.6 (so the hospital tell me, I've never had it checked), not diabetic/overweight/stressed, don't have a bad diet and no family history of heart disease. And, no, I'm not a paragon of virtue, it's just that apparantly my many vices are not relevant to heart problems.

Ah well, best wrap this up - time for a walk! Look forward to seeing everyone in game soon.


Last edited by gaspode1 : February 21st, 2010 at 06:45 PM.
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