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Old March 2nd, 2010, 03:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2009
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The major problem with the way /who works

I have no problems with the game itself, but the way /who works is bad for the game.

When you use the /who command it lists the names of the people by the oldest account first. Now this is seen probably by older members as a good thing because they can judge if their character is the oldest in a region.

The problem is though /who is being used also to discriminate against some people. It's used to assess if someone with a new character is an alt spy (faction wise) for instance, and if you are not forth-coming with your previous characters and history you are treated with suspicion.

If you make a new character on an old account you get the same problems, continually probed for for who your old character was. Even questions asked such as 'Are you a new player?' when they already know the answer because they've done a /who already.

If people make a new character they have usually a good reason to. So to have a tool that can be used and is being used to discriminate is a really bad thing. And you can't say it does not happen because I've seen it happen over the years time and time again.

Answer appears to be simple, just have a randomly generated /who list. Don't know how easy that is in practice.

So as the system stands at the moment if old players return to the game and you want to start a new character. Then the only way to do it if you don't want to have to keep talking about your old character is to make a new account.

I'm at that stage at the moment, do I make a new account or just give up on the game.

p.s. Just a note for older players thinking about returning to the game. Based on a recent conversation ingame. If you were in a guild that was not popular probably best not to mention it as some players hatreds run deep even after years.
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Old March 2nd, 2010, 04:23 PM   #2
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Re: The major problem with the way /who works

Interesting... I have to admit, I'd never even realised it worked that way! I had assumed the obvious, that it was alphabetically sorted - and never actually checked or indeed suspected it may be otherwise. I'm now quite disappointed in myself I'm usually quite observant as *smack* oooowww where did that Kirosta come from...
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Old March 2nd, 2010, 04:59 PM   #3
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Re: The major problem with the way /who works

Originally Posted by groundhog
So as the system stands at the moment if old players return to the game and you want to start a new character. Then the only way to do it if you don't want to have to keep talking about your old character is to make a new account.
just.... lie ;-)

there is also guild sections, both in here and in-game forum, where you can find out guild leader or just ask there why guild needs such past information. politely of-course.
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Old March 2nd, 2010, 05:15 PM   #4
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Re: The major problem with the way /who works

Originally Posted by blaah
just.... lie ;-)

there is also guild sections, both in here and in-game forum, where you can find out guild leader or just ask there why guild needs such past information. politely of-course.

Not everyone feels comfortable will lies.

Plus you can't lie if the system (/who) is supplying information about your account.

You would still be viewed suspiciously if you have a new character on an old account and you did not want to talk about who the old character/characters where.
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Old March 2nd, 2010, 05:29 PM   #5
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Re: The major problem with the way /who works

Oh, cool.
So you´re actually promoting a system that lets you get ways with lies to your fellow players easier, so alts could easier be used as spies and other shit.
At least that´s what I´m reading from your posts.

Way to go to ease suspicions and make for a better player environment. *shakes head*

Btw. I find stooping so low as to create an alt to actually spy on others quite discomforting and highly anti-social.
And if not being able to spy effectively, because players have do have their suspicions (because other idiots already did actively spy on them) is cause for you to give up the game... well, sorry if I laugh.
Blaming others for having suspicions because they've been given cause to have them is pretty laughable too in my mind.

Just my opinion, so sue me.

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Old March 2nd, 2010, 05:42 PM   #6
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Re: The major problem with the way /who works

Originally Posted by acridiel
Oh, cool.
So you´re actually promoting a system that lets you get ways with lies to your fellow players easier, so alts could easier be used as spies and other shit.
At least that´s what I´m reading from your posts.

Way to go to ease suspicions and make for a better player environment. *shakes head*

Btw. I find stooping so low as to create an alt to actually spy on others quite discomforting and highly anti-social.
And if not being able to spy effectively, because players have do have their suspicions (because other idiots already did actively spy on them) is cause for you to give up the game... well, sorry if I laugh.
Blaming others for having suspicions because they've been given cause to have them is pretty laughable too in my mind.

Just my opinion, so sue me.


That's not what I'm promoting at all.

So you need to use a command (/who) so you know who to trust or not by using actual account information. Now that makes me laugh.

Sounds to me like a bit of paranoia there.

How many other MMOs supply such information ?

The /who command is meant to be used to see who else is in the region. It's not meant to be used for you to base ingame decisions on.

Which is exactly what I'm saying. It is being used as a tool to discriminate with.
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Old March 2nd, 2010, 06:06 PM   #7
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Re: The major problem with the way /who works

Originally Posted by groundhog
Not everyone feels comfortable will lies.
it's just little white lie... call it Rp if you want ;-) (no offence to anyone hehe)

everyone know RPers are crazy ppl who delete their mains for simple reasons ;-)
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Old March 2nd, 2010, 06:52 PM   #8
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Re: The major problem with the way /who works

Well said.
If you're starting a new toon, that should be considered a totally new character.

If you're too afraid of loosing some position of power to some "alt spy", you don't belong in a supposedly friendly community as you're obviously not friendly yourself.
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Old March 2nd, 2010, 07:02 PM   #9
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Re: The major problem with the way /who works

Thanks for reminding me that we have this tool. I never thought of using it to see if a new character is on an old account. Great idea.

In another MMO I played, we could actually ban not just a player from our guild but their entire account. An even more effective tool than this one here.
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Old March 2nd, 2010, 07:20 PM   #10
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Re: The major problem with the way /who works

Originally Posted by vonzuben
Thanks for reminding me that we have this tool. I never thought of using it to see if a new character is on an old account. Great idea.

In another MMO I played, we could actually ban not just a player from our guild but their entire account. An even more effective tool than this one here.

I know you better than that, I never reminded you of anything you already were aware of it. And I'm sure it suits you having this tool (/who) at your disposal.

Don't know which MMO you are refering too. But if you banned an account from being in your guild, I can see you might do that in certain circumstances. But what makes you think they would want to be back in your guild if it never worked out the first time? And what would stop them joining through a new account?
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