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Old December 22nd, 2006, 06:03 PM   #1
nephy13's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 136
List of Ring Scenario developers, AMs and playtesters

OK, I thought it might be worthwhile creating a list of those with an interest in the Ring and what those specific interests are. Hopefully, people will be able to find playtesters from this and make networking with those others that are serious about the Ring easier. I've seperated the developer and writer interests, since some people might be good at one thing and want to collaborate with someone who is good at the other aspect. I expect most people will do both, especially because the editor is still very simple, but I see collaboration creating some much better scenarios in the future. The same with AMs - someone might like running games and improvising dialog, but not so interested in the more involved business of creating whole scenerios, and vica versa. Obviously, only list yourself if you are serious about involving yourself in the process of creating Ring scenarios, rather than just interested in playing in other people's scenarios (though consider volunteering for play-testing). Hopefully, the list will also be of use to the Gameforge Ring developers, since it should show them what we are actually doing with the ring (OK, there is already a "What I like best" poll, but this is, I hope, more detailed).

I did consider just starting a thread, rather than keeping a central list, but since I expect there to be dozens of interested parties, I thought a list would be easier than trawling through a long thread. I may change my mind if only 3 people sign up, of course (or if 3000 people do). Oh, and yes, I am worried I'm trying to include too much information...*sighs* It was only supposed to be a "list of playtesters" when I started writing this post *grr*

List of Ring devotees
The format is "Forum name, including PM link - character name(Shard) - specific interests". Only include names of alts if they are on different servers.
  • kaetemi - Kaetemi(Arispotle)
  • katriell - Jelathnia & KianShi(Arispotle) - Dev, writer(NI/S/RP/PvP)
  • nephy13 - Gwillim(Cho), Gwyneth(Cho-RoS) - Dev, writer(RP/M/NT/S) & tester(1-100)
  • seawe - Seawe (Arispotle) Dev, writer(RP/S/Humour) & tester
  • swater - Zigy(Arispotle), Zigy(Cho) - Tester(1-250)
  • zangan - Zandryok(Cho) - Dev, writer(RP/S/M) & tester(51-100)
Please use the terms below in your list of interests, to help me keep the listing clear and concise:
  • Dev: You develop Ring scenarios (for this, I mean the technical side; everything except dialog/plotting).
  • Writer: You write dialog/plot adventures. You might like to say what types of scenario interest you the most. The standard types, used in-game, are:
    • H&S (hack-and-slash -> Somewhere to hunt, other than on the mainland)
    • GT (guild training -> Initiation or promotion quests? Not sure what else this would include)
    • NT (newbie training -> Tutorials for new players, rather than just low level scenarios)
    • M (mystery -> puzzles)
    • RP (role-playing -> lore/storytelling - I am making an assumption that this is what "they" mean by role-playing category, rather than the Social side)
    • Other. Since "Other" doesn't give any useful information, you can also state:
      • S (social - for player-to-player role-playing, trading or just general banter)
      • I (continuous invasion/battle)
      • NI (non-interactive/movie)
      • PvP (Player-versus-player. Not implemented yet, but I can see a lot of people interested in this).
      • Something else.
    If you like more than one type, then you may put them in order of preference. If you like them all, then just say "all".
  • AM: You like to act as an adventure master, controlling scenarios in real-time. If you are not a dev/writer, then the implication would be that you would be prepared to act as AM in someone else's scenario.
  • Tester: You are offering your services to play-test and comment on other peoples' scenarios. State what range of scenario levels that you would be prepared (or able) to test. If there are any types of scenario you would be prepared/not prepared to test (e.g. "hack-and-slay only" or "not role-playing"), then you can specify those too.
  • Host: You are prepared to host another developer's scenario on your account. This may become more or less important later on, depending on how Gameforge decide to resolve the "hosting issue" (Currently, you can only host a single scenario and only while online and not playing on the mainland).

Last edited by nephy13 : December 27th, 2006 at 09:20 PM. Reason: Added colour coding of interests.
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