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#1 |
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Federalsburg M.D.
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Is this the end ?
After the battle Redslayer heads home with his future wife "Jazirel"...He then heads back out to help his Guild kill a bandit leader in the desert.After the victory is done..The bandit leader defeated,Redslayer heads towards his home in thesos..
Then suddenly and without warning an attack !!! A group of cuttler far off there normal route attack Red,He fights with everything he has but after the 4th cuttler falls he has no more in him as the battles before have warn him out ..From the shadows comes a blast of ele and and two Trykers come out to help..One "Drakfot" long time friend of Red's and the other "Banestar" Red's mother !! As they kill off the cuttlers they then try to rez Red,But to no avail...As they examine the wounds they realize that they cannot heal him with magic and that his life is in real danger...They then take him to his home in Thesos...As Jaz sees Red she begins to cry..knowing by the look on Bane's face that Red may not make it ...They take him inside ..Where Jaz has vowed to stay by his side till he recovers..Drakfot and Bane both agree to keep her suplied with food and drink so she will not have to leave Red's side... Last edited by raven41 : May 17th, 2006 at 05:57 AM. |
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#2 |
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 461
Re: Is this the end ?
As I had met Redslayer a few days earlier I decided to see him again to continue our conversation. As I entered the Thesos area I met Banestar whom also seemed to be on a mission. We talked a moment as I had seen her pass by now and then, but time had always hindered us from talking, so we now took the moment. We spoke about many things but suddenly we were abruptedly stopped by the screams of a voice we both knew.
As fast as we could we rushed in the direction from where the voice came and soon we found its source. In the middle of what seemed to be a herd of Cuttlers stood Redslayer figthing not just for himself , but also to defend Jazirel whom was not far away. He did everything he could not to let the Cuttlers catch her scent as he slayed them one after one. Me and Banestart immidetly took up arms to help in defending them both and soon , after a short intense battle we stood there looking at the bodies for all Cuttlers but one. It had snuck around us and was not headed toward Jazirel with prey in its eyes. As the beast jumped to reach her Redslayer appeard in front of it and took the blast while ramming his sword deep into its chest. He fell on his back but was not safe despite his counterattack. The beast bellowed a roar then to claw its teeths deep into Redslayers neck, as we reached them and managed to slay it we heard a sound. Something brake, we did not know what, only that the sound came from Redslayer's neck. We tried all knowledges we had in the art of healing, yet we could not get more then a mere breath from him. We did not know what else to do. Jazirel told us that he wanted to rest in his house and so we carried him there carefully. She was greatly taken and could almost not stop crying, and me and Banestar could barely not hold our tears back. Jazirel did not want to leave his side, she wished to be with him in every breath he takes and we promised her that we will bring food and what supplies she needs. It is with a sad heart I tell this but I have not given up. He be still breathing but we cannot find any way to make it more then that, yet we try. I have heard something about a seed that might be damaged, yet even though my knowledge in heal does not tell me what to do in such time as this. But I am to travel to Zoraï to speak with the elder healers and hopefully find a way for Redslayer to return to us. He is not lost, he be flaoting out there and I shall do whatever I can to bring him back. My hopes and wishes goes out to Redslayer and his beloved Jazirel. // Drakfot
Drakfot Guild Muse of Evolution, Light Armourer and giver of smiles. A family, Ryzom Ambiente, Ryzom by night, Ryzom 5 year anniversary! Last edited by rabcaz : April 18th, 2006 at 08:32 AM. |
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#3 |
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: On the Sacred Winds
Posts: 277
Re: Is this the end ?
Red no! Red if you die on us I will never forgive you! I dont care if you are part of the Kami allince we're friend and I will find the best healer I can! Drakfot please find a Zorai healer if anyone the Zorai should know how to heal Red. I'll see if Aqua and I can find some herbs to help.
For now I'm not sure if this will help but keep stablies Red's neck he shouldn't move it, if he does the injury may become worse. Pull through Red you're one of the best warrior I know. //Windra |
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#4 |
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Federalsburg M.D.
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Re: Is this the end ?
Jaz tells Drakfot that Reds condition does not seem to be improving at all,if anything maybe worse..She asks Drakfot if she has found out anything..but it seems not yet ..Hearing of Windra's offer to help aswell lightens the mood in the room...
As Jaz and Drakfot talk,They both agree that Red will surly be greatfull for Windra's help if he makes it and still will even if he does not.Jaz worn out from all that has happened suddenly collaps's..Drakfot carries her to Her(Jaz's)bed and lays her down to rest..... |
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#5 |
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 461
Re: Is this the end ?
As I place Jazirel in her bed she makes another effort opening her eyes and silently whispering Redslayer's name. But I chose to tell her to be silent as she have gone through so much just now. She had ignored both food and rest while sitting at Redslayer's side and even if I had told her my worries for her she did not bend an inch from him. Yet now her body has had its limit and need some rest.
I told her that I will watch over him while she rests, he shall not be alone. I place a cold cloth on Jazirel's forehead in hope that it will calm her mind and give her a zip of water from the magical lake in Fount and soon she is lying in her bed sleeping peacefully. I sit down next to Redslayer while watching his chest slowly go up and down as he makes brave efforts to breathe as well as he possibly can. I can see that he is now sweating more then before so I dry his face with a cloth. I heed the advice of Windra and places some more stern clothing around Redslayer's neck so that it will get more support and losen the strain. Hopefully some herbs can , if not heal, at leas lower the pains that he must be in. As I look at him Banestar enters the room, but she suddenly stops as she realizes that Jazirel was resting too. She looks at me and lowers her head in a sad move. This tells me that the Yubo with a message I sent to Zoraï have not yet returned from there. Together we sit there watching over both Redslayer and Jazirel.
Drakfot Guild Muse of Evolution, Light Armourer and giver of smiles. A family, Ryzom Ambiente, Ryzom by night, Ryzom 5 year anniversary! |
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#6 |
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: On the Sacred Winds
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Re: Is this the end ?
We walked through Winds of Muse traveling towards the Silt Camp to see the sage and healer. We are very good friends and we owe we each other favors, big ones. When we arrived we were greeted with open arms and LakeLand tea, while telling each other about what has been going Aqua finaly says that Redslayer is has damaged his neck and is in trouble.
The cheif lays his cup down and says the sage and master healer are away collecting material. With a sigh we asked when they would be back, but the cheif shook his head sadly but then remember something so about Atys spirits. We were firm understanders of the mystic ways and arts but we weren't sure what spirits he was talking about. He told us about mystical beings one of which was a siren and the other a long haird mage who could be called apon by playing a flute. Then we jumped to our feet we knew those beings well, they were the guardains in beasts the good ones that is not the bad ones. The cheif said wait a few days then when the moon is high play your flutes, but be sure you're in a calm area far from a town. He then oftered us a room for the night for it was getting late. Hold one Red just a bit more the guardian beast are grand in the ways of the mystic arts. We were mir childern last time we called out our inner beast so this wont be easy. //Windra |
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#7 |
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 135
Re: Is this the end ?
Arcana was walking around and felt strange ....
Something was wrong and she couldn't tell what .Slowly she sat down and took her grandmothers flute. For some reason the magical flute always played the mood she was in .:And today it was a very sad one ,yet filled with hope . Staring at the sunset ,she realised a yubo came sitting next to her ,carrying a small note ...A note that shocked her deeply ,a note saying one of her friends was dying ,poisened by cuttler's breath,someone who she had always carried in her heart from his arrival in the big world. In her early years she found a lost woman with a boy ,just arrived and hurt ,totally messed up.So she gave them both a bit of tryker hospitality . Never exactly knew why .Maybe because of the woman ,who made the memories alive Arcana had hidden for years . From the moment on she arrived here and got 'adopted'by a mysterious stranger teaching her how to survive,Or was it because she carried along this little boy whose eyes where filled with childish innocence yet also with a great hidden power ,The will to survive ,the will to achieve and the will to realize ...Qualities that were hard to find in kids nowaddays... She rushed to her mount and started the travel ,from the Eternal waters to the dephts of Prime Roots,passing the Tree of death and the Tree of life,to the immense desserts...Arived at her destination she walked into a small house. She noticed a lot of friends around the bed and she couldn't believe her eyes. There he was:His eyes closed ,his body heavily scarred,and the marks of the firy poison running through his veins. Slowly she took his hand and felt the heat of his fever,Silently putting a bright white flower in his hand,but she could not hold back her tears... 'This is for u my little Red,even if u won't be around ...U will never die ,cuz u will live forever in our hearts,your loyalty and heroism ,your life honest and straight will be an example to the ignorant.Forgive me for not being there to protect u ...But we both know ,nothing is what it seems.' She turned around and went sitting next to the friends encircling his bed,took the flute and started to play ... Last edited by archaeos : April 20th, 2006 at 07:47 PM. |
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#8 |
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Re: Is this the end ?
The moon was high as we walked the cool sands of Liberty Lake to a small island far from any town. With a sigh we pulled out our flutes and began to play a song that our mother taught us when she first gave us our flutes.
As we palyed the wind picked up and a wirlpool began to form in frount of us. When the wind and the water were beginning to form a storm we played part two. I played the song "Sacred Winds" and Aqua played "Spirit of the Sea". With this two beings appeard one in the center of the wirlpool and the other appeared hovering on the water next to the water being. When they appeared fully we stopped playing to talk to them and we were in shock. They looked just like your inner beasts, but how? "Why have you summoned us?" The two boomed. "Why do you look like our inner beasts?" We asked as we packed away from flutes. "We are them, we are elemental spirits as are your inner beast so we look alike, now why have you summoned us?" The spirits boomed growing tired. "We need your help our friend Redslayer has damaged his neck by a cuttler bite and now he can only breath, please help us!" We cried bowing to them. "Did you ever think Redslayer is meant to die?" The Water being asked. "We lost Wyler, we couldn't save him but we wont let him die!" We boomed back at them. The spirits said nothing and this tick us off, if they wouldn't listen to us then they'll listen to our inner beast. Then with a burst of light we let the beast take control of our bodies. We quickly changed from a short hair Windra to a Windra with hair down to his feet and part of it over my right shoulder and Aqua was abit longer but waved as if it was in water. "Hold it tell us how to save Red or else!" I boomed in a firm voice holding my pike right at the Wind spirit. "Well you really want to save him, ok you truely are the guardains, now tell us what type of injury does he have?" The spirits asked now trusting us. "We're not sure he was fighting Cuttler when one surpised him and bit his neck then his friends heard a crack come from his neck, now he barly breathe. "Hmmm it could be many things, but we know one herbal mix that will heal him , but..." The spirits replied but they were worried. "But what?" Aqua replied putting her sword and dagger away. "If the healed one isn't truely wanted back and not loved enough the mix will kill him and anyone who has been in connect with him lately, you are immune on the other hand." The Spirits told us as they handed Aqua a bottle with a blue liquid with in it. "Put it on his next meal or in his water, but dont let him drink it normaly or well you know." The spirits told us as they began to vanish. "Remember only use it at night, it will turn red in the day, when it is blue then you may give it to him, goodbye and good luck" The spirits replied happly as they vanished. "Well Windra we need to take it to him, but I dont have any tickets to get to Redslayer's home, you'll have to do it here." Aqua told me as she handed me the the bottle and as we changed back to normal. "Aye Aqua I'll go to the desert as soon as possible." I told Aqua as we walked home. It's almost done Red just a tiny bit longer. //Windra |
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#9 |
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Federalsburg M.D.
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Re: Is this the end ?
As Jaz wakes back up from her rest,She goes back to Red's side but as she does she notices that he has a flower in his hand.As she reaches for it he suddenly grips the flower,Shocked a bit she leaves it be...As she whispers something in Red's ear Banestar arrives and looks at Jaz and sees the look on her face ,then looks at the flower ....Oh ....Arcana was here ....
Then Drakfot enters the room "I have heard from Windra..he should be here sometime next week" Jaz "REALLY...will he be able to save Red !?!?!" Drakfot"I hope so Jaz" Banestar "he will be ok he has to ...." A few moments in silence follow ...then Drakfot speaks up "it will take a few days I beleave for the Herbal mix to work fully" Jaz "How long shoud it be before Windra arrives ?" Drakfot"I think it will be 5 days from now" Banestar"yes sounds right" Suddenly Red coughs Drakfot "I hope it doesnt take anylonger I don't know how long he will last " Jaz stares at Drakfot for a moment ...Drakfot realizing Jaz's concern says "Oh but im sure he will be fine Jaz do not worry he is strong" Jaz mumbles for a few minutes as she looks at Red...."He will be ok he has to ...I don't know anyone who would want him not to make it,even his so called enemies seem to like him...This just can't be ...." |
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#10 |
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 461
Re: Is this the end ?
Holding the parchment in her hand Drakfot takes a seat next to Banestar.
The little note which was just delivered mentions that Windra have found some sort of potion which he says is able to cure Redslayer. "I have also recieve a reply from Zoraï. It says that he is floating on a bed of uncertainy. It be a condition that some Homins finds themselves in when they are injured in such ways that the common healing knowledge do not do more then keeping them in this realm. What we see is a mere breath, yet within he be fighting a battle grande. The signs that he still is breathing means that he be with us yet, and that he do not wish to leave us." She said while letting her sight wander to each one in the room to finally end up watching Redslayer and Jazirel. "You see, if he did not wish, in his heart, to be with us all he would not be lying here today. He needs us , his friends those that cares for him. He needs his loved one, he needs you Jazirel." While Drakfot was talking Arcana was still playing her flute which seemed to soothen the minds of everyone. Nothing was said but the hope of everyone was felt in the room. The wait was now starting to make itself reminded. "Even though the Zoraï could not at the time bring forth a remedy for this, they were able to give us the answer to why he be in this state." She continued. "And knowing Windra, if he say that he holds a potion that will make Redslayer come back to us, then I believe that he will do just that."
Drakfot Guild Muse of Evolution, Light Armourer and giver of smiles. A family, Ryzom Ambiente, Ryzom by night, Ryzom 5 year anniversary! |
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