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Join Date: Sep 2004
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Uni / Silan FAQ
- For the last years and specially after latest re-relaunch, the same questions are asked, so here's a basic FAQ. Short questions, short answers. See other resources for more elaborated answers. - please post errors, omissions, suggestions. - I will update it regularly, as long as I have edit powah! [ACTIONS] * What are Stanzas? Check this video http://www.nws-productions.de/index....tid=25&i d=80 (Xvid codec required). (Sasi answer): Creating an action (whether it's a spell, a melee attack, a crafting action, or a harvesting action) consists of three essential steps. 1. Choose the type of action. You will be able to learn more of these from trainers as you progress. 2. Select the options for that action. For example, the type of elemental spell, like acid, or other options like additional damage, or AOE, etc. Again, as you progress you will learn many different option stanzas. 3. Select credits to pay for the options in step 2. Each option has a cost, which must be paid by something. Credits can be range, time, HP, sap, stamina, etc. depending on the type of action. Again, you will acquire more stanzas here over time. The beauty of this is that you can fine tune your actions for the situation. For example, if I am using elemental spells in a hunting team and someone will be healing me, I can apply lots of damage options and pay for it with HP and sap which my healer will be replenishing. Then later when I am hunting solo I can change the options so that I do not run out of HP so quickly and end up dead. Learning to tweak your actions takes time and experience and experimentation. Just try it and see what works for you. Also, when you buy new stanzas from a trainer, you can better understand what will help you the most, and so you will not waste skill points on things you don't need immediately. * Can I gimp my toon / build? Without restricted classes or skills, it is very hard to gimp your toon beyond repair. Most mistakes will only slow you down or require a bit more time to recover the lost sp. However, there are a few hints you should know and avoid common pitfalls: craft sp are very scarce at the beginning, it is better to focus on HP and focus boosts, customers will often ask for full sets, focus on a few branches first, learn fight to get your HP upgrades, etc. Ask in Uni * Can I jump? No. (hey I said short answers) * Should I use cold or acid? A simple guideline is acid on herbs and carnivores, cold on kitin and rot on plants. Things are a bit more complex though. * Can I target myself? Press f10. It is only useful for a few things and for emotes. See next question. * Can I heal myself? Not by targetting self and using heal gift spell. You can heal yourself using self heal actions, or resting (sitting down regens faster) * How can I auto-repeat a custom attack? it goes back to the default one Double click on the custom attack you created. This will be your repeatedly used action. * Can I dual wield? Can I dual wield pistols? You can't dual wield pistols, left hand is for ammo. For melee, you can dual wield 2 daggers or 1hsword+dagger. Left hand uses dagger and is not affected by stanzas such as "increased damage". XP is split proportional to the damage inflicted to the mob into 1h slash and dagger (although depending on your level all xp goes to "melee" or split between "1h melee" and "close combat" etc. [SKILLS] * Can I respec? Can I unlearn? No. No. See the question about "gimp a toon". Ryzom is class-less. * Should I focus on being a mage / fighter / digger? No limit. Levelling multiple skills is a matter of time. Most players end up doing a bit of everything. Yours trully, for example. * What level should I be to go to the mainland There is no lower bound and currently there is no level cap on Silan. Before Silan, it was not uncommon for players to go to mainland at levels 1/1/1/1. Some cities may be hard for low level players, but it is perfectly possible to survive and progress. With Silan as starter land, take your time, enjoy the missions, learn the basics. It is quite variable, but lvl 20-30 in fight or elemental is a good guideline.. Some players have left silan after lvl 60 in some branches. [MISSIONS] * Why doesn't my mission info update when I killed a weaned rendor? The count is bugged, it does not display. You can go on with the mission, though. You will be notified when it is done. * Where are the Javings Located? Near ruins of Silan / shattered ruins * How many javings do I have to kill? it does not say so... 10 * How do I go to the mainland? Talk to Chiang the Strong and select the mission. * Can I abandon a mission? Not on Silan. * Can I reread the mission text? No. * Where are the Ragus? Hunting grounds north east corner of Silan. * I can't find a team for the Silan mission! For Birth of a Magician #2, it is not strictly needed to have a team, although advised. Note that the kills in a team are per person. [MISC] * How can I talk to a guide? Type /who GM and check sys info for a list. If none appears, submit a ticket with your problem. * Where can I get ranged weapons? There are no ranged weapons on Silan. You may get them on the mainland. * How do I know what level I am? There are no character levels, just skill levels. Press B. Skills branch at some point. * Where can I find the "item enchantment trigger" action? You cannot create it as other actions, open your skill tree with 'b' and drag the icon into the bar. The icon is a green "lighting" one found at fight skill level 0-4 * How can I move a stack at a time? You can dettach a packer / guild / room tab using right click button. You can hold shift and drag to transfer a stack. You can hold control and drag to move only one from the stack. You cannot multi-select different stacks. * Are there racial differences? The looks, racial animations, and default resists. Typically race may also suggest initial fame/harvest/craft plans (not required tho) [RANGED FIGHT] * I'm confuzzled: level, weapon, quality, ammo, damage?? euh? Remember 2 things and you'll be ok: a) Get a good range weapon of at least your level, with good speed and range, tune your accurate attack to your level + 10 and use good ammo with high damage of at least the weapon quality. b) The ammo will tell you the theorical max damage you may inflict per shot, provided a), i.e., the damage may be capped by your level and weapon quality. [HARVESTING] * Why can't I find the XXX ? Harvesting in ryzom is subtle. It takes practice and skill (both IG and as a player). To illustrate the basics, imagine a map divided into square areas. Each area can be considered a "deposit". A tracking action will tell you how to reach a deposit, typically to the edge. The actual mats are dispersed. Deposits hold mats in groups of 4, grouped by material, type and grade (e.g. resin, seed, amber, node). Node density and grade may vary within a deposit. Try with different combinations of range and angles, move around a bit. Weather and Season have an impact. Learn which deposits are more "stable and plentiful". A full guide to harvesting (e.g. DT's guide) would take dozens of pages. * Where can I find fine zun amber? South east of camp, right on the edge. Under the 'E' of Karavan Embassy in the map. *Where is the Caprice Seed? Behind Chiang the Strong on his hill * Why am I able to see some nodes without prospecting? Some nodes pop naturally in low level zones, to help players (which may not have prospecting actions). The xp you get is lower and you will not get the focus used during the extraction back. (focus used for the prospection only regens at the default rate). * How can I define the default extraction action for a node? The system will use the first available extraction action that you created and put in the active toolbar when clicking on a node. * What are the harvesting modes? Random modes that define how a source life and risk bars react to your extraction actions, and the damage that explosions and gas cause. There are 2 typical modes: initial mode and mode when source raches optimum quality / extraction quality. Knowing them allows you to plan your extraction (e.g. not care for low damage modes) *Sys info says I popped X nodes, I cannot see them? The client may not "graphically pop" the node until you move your toon a bit (e.g. turn around). Or your range may be too high so you don't see them in the compass. Finally, other entities (orange mobs) may hide the source. And sometimes I have no idea where the source went... [FAME] * How can I improve my fame with KOS tribes? Look for tribe members that are not inside the camp, such as hunters. It is hard, though. [CRAFT] * Can I craft without generic raw materials? Where can I get raw materials? Yes, in fact generic raw mats (brown potatos) are there to teach you the basics. Real mats have specific use (fiber or skins, used as clothes or grips) and are either dug or looted. It is impractical to be a crafter without harvesting. "All crafters are diggers" [ITEMS] * Where can I get magic amps? From the 2h weapon melee merchant. You can get some decent ones doing the right mission. It says my amp is no good anymore ! To be able to amplify a spell, a pair of amps need to be of equal or higher quality than the level of the casted spell. To know what level is the spell you are casting, right-click info on it. Thus, a lvl 40 spell casted with Icy Touch (the last magic mission chain reward) will be more powerful than a lvl 50 spell casted with those same amps because of that very same reason. * How much DP I get? How I remove DP faster? You get DP based on your highest level, up to around 460k for a 250 level character. DP stacks up to 10 deaths. You remove DP by performing actions, removing DP at a rate of (skill used level / 10) * xp gained. The highest skill does not necessarily remove DP faster. Digging removes DP and gets you materials. DP slowly wears off with time (although very slowly) and it's possible to buy at altars special gifts from Ma-Duk and Jena to speed up the process. Useful to buy if you are logging out and still full of DP to recover. [TIPS and HINTS] Keep your bag bulk down. Some quest rewards (specifically the one for magic amps from Nomis Merclao) will not be recieved if your bag is full. Too dark to see? Press "L" for light Crafting Some players craft naked, since crafting wears off gear. Crafting in medium or heavy armor reduces the quality of your crafted gear. Craft without bonus to grind (bonuses consume focus at each craft) XP depends on your level and the quality of the resulting item. Overcraft as much as possible. XP does not depend on the grade of the item (basic, excelent). Default NPC price does. The targetted quality is the minimum of your craft action quality and the quality of all involved mats. Map * Want to keep track of where something is? When you are near something (Say, you found the zun amber) open your map, right click on it and choose "Create Marker at Position" and name the marker "Fine Zun Amber" etc. NOTE:: ALWAYS have your compass pointing "north" (right click compass -> north) or risk crashing! (known bug) * You can double-click on a town flag to get a detailed map of the town. Thanks to: Ali, NB, Fasi, Blahh, Sidusar, Marelli, Katriell, Sasi... Last edited by iphdrunk : August 29th, 2008 at 04:02 PM. |
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