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Old November 13th, 2009, 12:44 AM   #1
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In-game content, versus behind-the-scene tools ?

Hi Ryzom Dev guys

I know we are supposed to put ideas for new development on that other site thingie, but this is not a specific idea, it’s thoughts about priority and direction.

IMO you need put priority on tangible content in the game instead of spending all this time on behind-the-scene tools. APIs are great but not as important as in game content. Halloween event and event team tools are great but what if you spent the same time on permanent in game content instead of something that lasted for the duration of a 2 day event?

I love that you guys are actually doing new things for the game. Just wondering if time is being spent where you will get the best bang for the buck?
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Old November 13th, 2009, 01:21 AM   #2
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Re: In-game content, versus behind-the-scene tools ?

You have a point Sweets.

Am just glad they are trying to come out with new things
to keep the community interested.

Am looking forward for the Xmas event (just dont make me
go look for 1000+ Christmas trees instead of pumpkins or ill go
postal on your a$$)

Would i love more in game content? ...... hell yea
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Old November 13th, 2009, 02:03 AM   #3
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Re: In-game content, versus behind-the-scene tools ?

Originally Posted by vonzuben
event team tools
...Were presumably not developed just for the Halloween event, but in order to make all future live events (which are a type of "content") easier to implement and potentially richer.
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Old November 13th, 2009, 07:57 AM   #4
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Re: In-game content, versus behind-the-scene tools ?

Would love to see new content, the growing/evolving world idea of the original Ryzom designers turned into reality.
And not just new content for end-game players either, make it so there's new content at all levels.
New areas to explore, maybe new mats and new mobs in them as well.

Would be hard maybe, but I'm pretty sure a system can be devised to at least in part make such growth/evolution autonomous, requiring no or little human intervention outside of setting a few rules.
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Old November 13th, 2009, 08:55 AM   #5
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Re: In-game content, versus behind-the-scene tools ?

I think we need both, content and players. Helping real new players and explaining things is content too. I'm always bothered by the fact nobody is playing the free trial. How often do we see new faces in uni? Maybe once a Week and in 50% it's an alt anyway.

While new content is good and valid, I really wonder if it's gonna help now. We have live events back, yet less and less people join them. I can imagine new content will be similar. For example a new skill tree. People will start to grind it and maybe realize at some point it's just the same old grinding with a new <insert name> which doesn't make them happy.
So what does a player expect from an interesting mmo?

I can only speak for myself now, but what I'd expect from a MMO is the exciting exploration charm with hundreds of other strangers I get to know during the process. Now that we sort of reached the end of the chain in Ryzom, the problem is where to go now?

I think Ryzom lost it's fresh and exciting character during the time with GF. Rebuilding this best FRENCH MMO out there looks almost impossible as it is now.

But as closing words, I have to agree on the above.
What's a nice API good for, if no players are left to use it?
While most of the game and events are run by volunteers, how long do you think will it take to demotivate them if less and less players are around?
How often do people quit, just because so little people play? Repeat.

And while we on it, is it really so hard to do at least some marketing? When have you seen an ad for ryzom? When have you seen an interview with a dev? Exactly.

Sorry for some of the words, but just woke up

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Old November 13th, 2009, 09:04 AM   #6
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Re: In-game content, versus behind-the-scene tools ?

For me, exploring new places it's what keeps it interesting, thus wanting new content
I'm pretty much used to being a loner, here as well as anywhere (having played games for 20 years before there was an internet and growing up without friends or neighbours as a kid does that to people) so I don't mind that much that it's not a crowded world (apart from fearing that the number of users might not be enough to keep things profitable).
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Old November 13th, 2009, 02:09 PM   #7
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Re: In-game content, versus behind-the-scene tools ?

Money talks, and Ryzom hasn't got any. Sadly I fear that's why it'll never be heard. You need some to spend before you can make any...

Lack of funds and MMO management experience has always been Ryzom's problem imo. This apparently hasn't changed under Winch Gate. There really hasn't been anything *NEW* in-game since they took the game over, how long ago now? It's all just old technology with a new face on it. No actual new content, and I don't think I've seen new 3D graphics since the wheel. Which I hated too.

It's a real shame to be honest, Ryzom has the potential to be something really great, but so many seem to be happy for it to be nothing more than mediocre. Have fun playing by yourself says I.
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Old November 13th, 2009, 02:41 PM   #8
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Re: In-game content, versus behind-the-scene tools ?

I could say the same for all the other MMOs out there. Who doesn't want more or new content in any game?

I find it refreshing that Ryzom has the behind-the-sceen tools and offers us a different chance to interact with our world instead of some static program that will be followed no matter which path the group might want to go.

I don't have a clue about the API things, but what has been implemented so far at this early stage in it's development is amazing to me and has added an interactive depth to Ryzom I don't get in other MMOs.

I look over the evolution of the past year since the Ryzom servers have been rebooted and I think the progress has been great. More patches in the last year than I recall in any year previous in Ryzom. Considering they bascially had to look at everything from scratch adds time into determining what needs to be fixed, implemented, deleted and where the new path will lead. They have addressed a bit of ALL these issues throughout the last year and it appears they do not plan to stop.

As far as the marketing side, I personally think that they are smart to wait until they feel they have a product that will appeal to and retain the new people coming in. If they do not believe the product is at that point, then they should wait. Just marketing the game will not make people stay, it will only bring them here, the product needs to hold retention value. If what has been said in this post is true (more content), then what will retain the new players? That should be addressed before mass marketing ensues, imo.

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Old November 13th, 2009, 02:50 PM   #9
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Re: In-game content, versus behind-the-scene tools ?

Originally Posted by inifuss
Just marketing the game will not make people stay, it will only bring them here, the product needs to hold retention value.
This is defiantly something I agree with. There are of course reasons why Ryzom has failed twice before in the past. Those reasons should be addressed before money is wasted on marketing or we will just lose potential customers and do even more damage to the game's reputation.

I still don't believe what they are doing will help though. And while the patches are coming thick and fast by Ryzom's standards, they really aren't all that.
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Old November 13th, 2009, 04:10 PM   #10
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Re: In-game content, versus behind-the-scene tools ?

Originally Posted by ajsuk
This is defiantly something I agree with. There are of course reasons why Ryzom has failed twice before in the past. Those reasons should be addressed before money is wasted on marketing or we will just lose potential customers and do even more damage to the game's reputation.

The main reason Ryzom has failed in the past is that it's so different from other MMOs.
And that's precisely why it appeals to so many of us who love it.

Change that, make it into just another WoW clone with the crowd of pk'ers and harassers that goes with it, and I among a lot of others will leave.
I may not have been here long, but I've wanted to give it a try for years (just never got around to it) and I love it. I don't want that destroyed by changing the focus of the game from a friendly community of people to a highly competitive pvp focussed environment where everything is centered around getting the best pvp gear and kills for yourself while at the same time harassing others in order to prevent them from getting it.

And that's what would need to happen to make this game appealing to the larger MMO crowd, who generally are extremely singleminded towards pk'ing and otherwise harassing other players.
It's why most of those games don't last long. Such a community is ultimately self-destructive as everyone tries to exploit everyone else in order to become king of the hill, leading to a very small group of extremely powerful players who are utterly bored because everything is too easy for them, combined with a very much larger group of low level players who quickly leave because the game is essentially pointless for them as there's no chance they'll ever be competitive.

I'd rather have our current (mostly) friendly and rp heavy environment where just about everyone helps everyone else and can have fun without preventing others from doing the same.
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