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Old December 13th, 2009, 02:25 AM   #1
ajsuk's Avatar
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Don't bother exploring the game, just head on over to Pyr!

I guess it's just me, Mr Positive, but really, wtf is the idea with the spoiler marathon we've been on recently?

First you go and remove all mobs and mats for the retarded Halloween event allowing everyone to go everywhere and see almost everything with no effort or sense of satisfaction what-so-ever...

Now you've turned Pyr in to a big boss petting zoo?

Way to render what little content we have inferior.

Jayce - Right-click is your friend in this world.
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Old December 13th, 2009, 05:46 AM   #2
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Re: Don't bother exploring the game, just head on over to Pyr!

Originally Posted by ajsuk
I guess it's just me, Mr Positive, but really, wtf is the idea with the spoiler marathon we've been on recently?

First you go and remove all mobs and mats for the retarded Halloween event allowing everyone to go everywhere and see almost everything with no effort or sense of satisfaction what-so-ever...

Now you've turned Pyr in to a big boss petting zoo?

Way to render what little content we have inferior.


Jayce The retard is the one who paints a wall after his second beer at a real life ryzom event.

Oh that is you.
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Old December 13th, 2009, 07:16 AM   #3
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Re: Don't bother exploring the game, just head on over to Pyr!

What does ones alcohol tolerance have to do with anything?

I missed the Halloween Free for All and apparently didn't get my engraved invite to the Petting Zoo, but I can say that since I am currently paying and I assume Jay is to that we have every right to an opinion about how spoilers and spoon feeding suck >.>

I remember how hard it was my first few weeks on ML trying to get to my Fyros friend from the Lakes before you could choose where to start. I remember how many times I died trying to get my first 250 and PR TPs. And the complete awe at seeing Bosses and Named the first few time. The were soooo shiny and HURT sooooo bad!

Honestly I'm not so sure I would love Atys as much as I do if it wasn't for those super tough times.

Taking that stuff out for an event or making it non-aggro for a bit of time really detracts from the full experience of this beautiful but deadly living planet we all call home.
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Old December 13th, 2009, 08:04 AM   #4
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Re: Don't bother exploring the game, just head on over to Pyr!

Originally Posted by ajsuk
Now you've turned Pyr in to a big boss petting zoo?
most (or so) players never seen a boss and probably would of never have if not the zoo in Pyr.

also seems that most (or so) players are not interested in exploring but old fashioned grind, so getting some bosses out for them is nice to show what more there is in the game.
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Old December 13th, 2009, 12:53 PM   #5
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Re: Don't bother exploring the game, just head on over to Pyr!

I guess there really is no way to please people any more.
I think the Pyr zoo was a awesome idea. I probably never will get to see any of those bosses. It doesn't spoil anything. It gives you the chance to see what is out there. Makes you kind of want to go out and find it. How does it spoil anything??

As for the Halloween event, I think that was great. So for one day you got to go see parts not all of Atys. It gives you a taste of what is out there and you want to see more now.

You know *looking at Jayce*, I often admire the CSR's, the Event Team, and the devs, it must be really hard to day after day try to please people, and then get shot down. I would probably say "WTH, **** **".

Before you say anything yes People have the right to give their opinions, hence I am giving mine.

Kudos to everyone that works on Ryzom. I for one appreciate all they do.

Ok, time for me to go back to Pyr and look at the bosses. It is just awesome wonder if I will ever get smacked by them. At least I will know what they look like.
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Old December 13th, 2009, 02:11 PM   #6
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Re: Don't bother exploring the game, just head on over to Pyr!

Very fitting new Avatar there Jayce.
So, why don´t you just stay locked in your cozy garbage can and let everyone decide over their own fun?
And, btw. there´s no call for calling anyone a retard.
This is just extremely childish.
But then, what´s to be expected from a Muppet.
*shakes head*


All you others, that can appreciate the idea of a one time fun event:

Keep on rocking!

Last edited by acridiel : December 13th, 2009 at 02:48 PM.
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Old December 13th, 2009, 03:04 PM   #7
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Re: Don't bother exploring the game, just head on over to Pyr!

i'd like to see something similar on leanon. imo great idea
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Old December 13th, 2009, 06:40 PM   #8
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Re: Don't bother exploring the game, just head on over to Pyr!

Not all the bosses/nameds in pyr are normal ig ones, eg Rakya, you would probly have only seen him ages ago when he was still implemented (if implemented at all) and/or in the ring. You could just go into the ring and look at all those bosses/nameds yourself, the only thing the events team did for us is do it for us

On another note, the little information given in the zoo gives lore junkies and rpers something to play with and chew on for a while.
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Old December 13th, 2009, 11:26 PM   #9
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Re: Don't bother exploring the game, just head on over to Pyr!

Originally Posted by acridiel
Very fitting new Avatar there Jayce.

LOL at Jayce's picture! I wonder who came up with that idea?

Don't get upset at Jayce, it's just his nature, and it's become a bit of a humorous tradition.

I haven't made it to the event yet, but it sounds fun.
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Old December 14th, 2009, 12:02 AM   #10
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Re: Don't bother exploring the game, just head on over to Pyr!

Well, I just find it funny. I remember a time when if ever the community got even a whiff of an idea or planned change that might in some way dilute, degrade, dumb-down, (etc) the game, making it more _insert_lame_game_here_(WoW?)-like, it would be immediately trounced and rejected as a ridiculous idea. (Usually rightly so)

Now we have a situation where this is happening on a regular basis and there's hardly any complaint. Why? I don't know. Maybe this isn't the game I once thought it was? Maybe everyone who used to give a toss left? Maybe most are just happy with anything, because hey, it's better than nothing, right?

Well, I beg to differ on the latter. So far it's just been a few small mechanical tweaks and recycling of already available content which when you really take the time to think about it and it's effects, don't add anything to the game, infact they just take away from it.

Also, as you know Memiki, I'm acutely aware and appreciative of (most) efforts (most) CSR and Events personnel make but that doesn't mean everything they do is good, or right, or sacrosanct. Same as w/ me or anyone else. And anyway, as I have also mentioned before, I believe the main failings are at management level.

PS: Glad you can appreciate the humor Sasi, I do too when I sit back and chill out a bit. And ya, thx for the avatar inspiration.

Shit, I need to stop w/ the winks. They're retarded.
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Last edited by ajsuk : December 14th, 2009 at 12:17 AM.
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