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Old March 17th, 2010, 04:16 AM   #1
gcaldani's Avatar
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A small critic and a suggestion on how to make it better.


well, here it is: have you tried to make some useful stickies in you ingame guild forum?
Have you tried to write a good biography that have some meaningfull story into?

I tried.

I understand the use of a limitations in the amount of text a player can write, but:

1. in the forum, the limit is useless, because if I need to make stickied posts with useful information to the new players, or in general, there will be no saved space at all. I just will be annoyed to split the post in several posts.
That's it and that's what I did. You (the devs) will not save anything, really.

2. in the profile, the limit is more useful, that's right. But the number of allowed characters is really too low to be able to write something complete.
If you really want some good RP text, you (the devs) should think different.

So, here is my suggestion:

Instead of putting a limit on the text (useful only in the profile and totally useless in the forum, much more used) just use quotas.

1. Setup a total quota per guild, usable in the guild forum.
2. Setup a total quota per account (not characters) to use in the profiles, so people can choose to write a serious bio for their main and less or nothing for alternate chars.

In example:
setup 10 MB of space per guild. Once the quota is reached, the guild have just to remove outdated posts to be able to write more. When posting stickies or other info in their forum they will never feel frustrated because they have to split the posts.

setup 50 KB per account, so people will be able to write good profile biographies.

Numbers are only examples. The devs could find the values that most fit for their needs.


People will not feel to have some feature broken or just annoying.

Guilds will be encouraged to maintain their forums clean and with no useless old posts.

Setting up a quota will give you (the devs) a more precise method to know (and to plan in advance) the total storage space needed.


Nothing serious that I could think of, except, maybe, some more coffee for the devs to be able to write all the necessary code.

I hope I didn't annoyed you too much with this small criticism.
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Old March 17th, 2010, 09:37 AM   #2
hellmantwo's Avatar
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Re: A small critic and a suggestion on how to make it better.

I am not sure, if i understand you right.

Do you mean the writing InGame or via a Webbrowser?

Because writing InGame into the forum is limited (why ever?) to a special amount of characters per post. The bio i haven't tried yet.

If you use a web browser to access the Webapplications, these limits dont exists and then there is no need to split a post in several posts.
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Old March 17th, 2010, 11:08 AM   #3
acridiel's Avatar
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Re: A small critic and a suggestion on how to make it better.

Jup, via Browser there is no limit.
I don´t have a clue why there is one InGame though.
And it´s been complained about a bunch of times already

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Old March 17th, 2010, 02:11 PM   #4
gcaldani's Avatar
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Re: A small critic and a suggestion on how to make it better.

Ah, well. Thank you very much for the answers.

I never use the web browser, because of the insecure access, so I didn't know that.

So, that seems related to the old behaviour of the client, that also limited the use of newlines in the old mail system.

Well, let's hope they fix this soon then
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